Protein Requirements for Building Muscle??

I just want your guys' opinion on the amount of protein needed to build muscle. I have heard someone in a youtube bodybuilding vlog say 0.5 of your weight in protein is needed for maintaining muscle mass, and I have heard 0.8 to 1.0 per pound of bodyweight is needed to build muscle.

Personally, I find it challenging to get 148 to 185 grams of protein in my diet because it would require forcing myself to eat two additional meals,and I am trying to get leaner and stronger without going over my calories. Up until today, I have made slowly made strength gains without keeping track of my protein, and I am probably get no more than 4 servings of meat per day.

I just want to know if anyone actually keeps track of their protein intake, and how are your strength gains in the gym.


  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    I routinely hit 190 to 240 grams a protein a day. It works. I have gained about 8 pounds of muscle in the past year while on a caloric deficit and lost about 50 lbs of total body weight.

    It takes a plan. I use whey to supplement my regular food intake to get my protein up. I also eat 30+ grams of protein at each regular meal.

    Like I said, it isn't hard. But it does take a plan. My diary is public, though you won't see much from this past weekend when I had family visiting from out of town. Otherwise it is pretty comprehensive.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Beyond the Zone: Protein Needs of Active Individuals.

    Dietary protein for athletes: From requirements to optimum adaptation
  • ebandit63
    ebandit63 Posts: 8
    @trelm249 - thank you for sharing your experience. It is very encouraging to know you lost all that weight and gained muscle while on a high protein diet. I'm probably going to progressively increase my protein and monitor my gains over time. I'm just want to monitor my weight loss before I up my protein.

    @Acg67 - thank you so much for the valuable information. My biggest fear was that I would be unable to gain strength once I start dieting down from Aug to Jan. I guess I don't need to eat 1 gram per pound to get stronger, but I'll maximize my gaining potential if I ate more protein. I also did not know there were plateaus for gaining.
  • usc2626
    usc2626 Posts: 186
    The key to retaining muscle while on a defict is to have a small deficit (like .5 lb per week) and try to get 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass or more. To much off a deficit and it's near impossible to retain all muscle and make any strength gains. I've been on my deficit a little over 150 days, lost about 25 lbs and have made decent strength gains in the process. The strength gains are slowing down cause my BF % is getting lower, porbably around 12 to 15%. So for me to make anymore gains in strength and muscle I'll probably have to go on a bulk diet at some point.
  • for me it protein isnt as essential as carb intake... if i go over 1g protein per body weight i get fat. but surprisingly when i maintain adequate carbohydrate level, i see gains in the mirror and on the scale... it really depends on you though. one man's formula isnt necessarily going to work for another one... so you should measure everything and see how food affects you.

    "if you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it." -- Lord Kelvin
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    if i go over 1g protein per body weight i get fat. but surprisingly when i maintain adequate carbohydrate level, i see gains in the mirror and on the scale...

    That doesn't make sense. You need to consume more calories than TDEE to gain any fat. If you are at 1000 cal deficit and you consume 2g/lb of carbs then you will not put on weight. It's called water weight fluctuations.

    ACG: top post!
  • i see what your saying...

    i am in a calorie surplus as i'm trying to bulk.. i was trying to say that for ME, personally if i eat more than a gram of protein per bpody weight.. i see more fat on my body. than actual muscle gain. my body seems to handle carbs better.

    my other point is that there isnt an exact formula that every person can follow to see the type of results you do. its a matter of what works for that particular person in their set of circumstances

    ok thanks
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Aah didn't realise you were bulking :)

    An excess of calories above maintenance will mean an increase in weight. If strength training (you would hope so in the bb section :P) & adequate protein is consumed then a portion of this weight gain should be muscle. The amount of fat gained predominantly on the amount of cals above maintenance and the individuals training experience. Basically, if you had P&F at a set rate and you were gaining at an adequate rate and then you added additional carbs (cals) then in all likely hood the extra weight gained is fat.

    This is why moderate surpluses are used of 10-15% for bulking.
  • daharja
    daharja Posts: 15 Member
    I don't buy the whole "need heaps of protein" thing. Maybe it's different for women, but I'm building insane amounts of muscle (for a female) and not paying any special attention to protein.

    I'll be interested to see whether refusing to buy supplements, powders etc. limits me later on. But right now, I'm keep to bodybuild without anything behind me but a really healthy, normal diet.

    As far as the not losing muscle while reducing thing, I'm just getting around this by taking weight loss intentionally really s l o w...

    P S - Any other female bodybuilders out ther, or am I the only one?
  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    You need at least 1g of Protein per Body weight you want to weigh. So if you weight 180lbs but want to be 200. Take in at least 200g a day. I normally go over that. I take in 1.5g per body weight and watch my Carbs. I see you normally take in twice as many Carbs as you do Protein. Protein is the building blocks, but Carbs are important as well. But Carb timing is more important.

    You need to clean up your Diet a lot.. Take a look at mine for some idea's. I see you normally go way over on your Calories as well.

    In the last week. You have Logged McDonals, Little Ceasers, Taco Bell and Many Cokes.

    Shoot me a PM with your Stats. Height, Weight, Goal Weight, Goals etc... Anything you think of....

    I can help you get started on the right track. Don't listen to anyone who thinks protein isn't imporant.

    Also anyone gaining Fat from 1g of Protein per body weight isn't eating clean enough. You can easly get 200g of Protein in 1500 Calorie diet. Just yesterdat I did 230 with 1800 Caloies. Thats with eating two bowls of Malt-o-Meal, Sugar Cookie and a Peanut Butter Sandwich. Start eating more Chicken Breast, Tuna, Eggs, Lean Steaks and so on. If you stay at your Calorie goal you will not Gain Fat at 1g per Body Weight.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    i eat close to 1 gram per pound of bodyweight.

    people stress out too much about eating super high protein. you can get big without going overboard
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    You need at least 1g of Protein per Body weight you want to weigh. So if you weight 180lbs but want to be 200. Take in at least 200g a day. I normally go over that. I take in 1.5g per body weight and watch my Carbs. I see you normally take in twice as many Carbs as you do Protein. Protein is the building blocks, but Carbs are important as well. But Carb timing is more important.

    I can help you get started on the right track. Don't listen to anyone who thinks protein isn't imporant.

    Also anyone gaining Fat from 1g of Protein per body weight isn't eating clean enough. You can easly get 200g of Protein in 1500 Calorie diet. Just yesterdat I did 230 with 1800 Caloies. Thats with eating two bowls of Malt-o-Meal, Sugar Cookie and a Peanut Butter Sandwich. Start eating more Chicken Breast, Tuna, Eggs, Lean Steaks and so on. If you stay at your Calorie goal you will not Gain Fat at 1g per Body Weight.

    Finally somebody who knows what's going on. THANK YOU
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    You need at least 1g of Protein per Body weight you want to weigh. So if you weight 180lbs but want to be 200. Take in at least 200g a day. I normally go over that. I take in 1.5g per body weight and watch my Carbs. I see you normally take in twice as many Carbs as you do Protein. Protein is the building blocks, but Carbs are important as well. But Carb timing is more important.

    You need to clean up your Diet a lot.. Take a look at mine for some idea's. I see you normally go way over on your Calories as well.

    In the last week. You have Logged McDonals, Little Ceasers, Taco Bell and Many Cokes.

    Shoot me a PM with your Stats. Height, Weight, Goal Weight, Goals etc... Anything you think of....

    I can help you get started on the right track. Don't listen to anyone who thinks protein isn't imporant.

    Also anyone gaining Fat from 1g of Protein per body weight isn't eating clean enough. You can easly get 200g of Protein in 1500 Calorie diet. Just yesterdat I did 230 with 1800 Caloies. Thats with eating two bowls of Malt-o-Meal, Sugar Cookie and a Peanut Butter Sandwich. Start eating more Chicken Breast, Tuna, Eggs, Lean Steaks and so on. If you stay at your Calorie goal you will not Gain Fat at 1g per Body Weight.

    A lot of broscience in here.

    Total macronutrient intake is FAR more important than nutrient timing.

    You're body sees macronutrients and micronutrients not "clean" or "dirty" foods. (what does that even mean anyway?)

    Anyone gaining fat from eating 1g/lb of bw protein is eating too many calories in total going over their TDEE ie. you can put on fat eating just chicken/brown rice/broccoli.
  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    A lot of broscience in here.

    Total macronutrient intake is FAR more important than nutrient timing.

    You're body sees macronutrients and micronutrients not "clean" or "dirty" foods. (what does that even mean anyway?)

    Anyone gaining fat from eating 1g/lb of bw protein is eating too many calories in total going over their TDEE ie. you can put on fat eating just chicken/brown rice/broccoli.

    No broscience here. It's all been proven by Body Builders and Athletes for the past 30yrs.As for saying Clean... I just mean good wholesome foods. Don't eat any unnecessary Foods with high Calories, Sugar as Carbs and low Protein. When watching you Calories in any diet. You have to watch what you eat. Pick foods that fit your Goals. If you look around. You can find foods that have lower Calories with much more Protein and better Carbs. All your Sugar Carbs should come from Fruits. Just don't over do it. One to two pieces a day is plenty.

    Your First link was some good pointers, but I don't agree with some of them. A lot of those are broscience for sure..

    As for the wannabebig link..

    "Moderation is the key. Gorging on fast foods is most certainly not the way…"

    This is what I was getting at the whole time......
    McDonalds, Pizza, Taco Bell and Cokes every day isn't a Diet for someone trying to get in shape.

    What I posted had Zero Bro-Science at all. It's was just the Basic's. Yes Macro's are important. I never said they were not.

    Your last part about Gaining weight on 1g per body weight or Protein. That's exactly what I was getting at.

    What does Eating Clean to me mean:

    Eating your Daily Calories Goal. That being a slight Deficit or maintenance. While Meeting your other macro's in the process.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I wouldn't follow any pro bodybuilder diet because of their "supplements". There is definitely more than one way to skin a cat.

    Agreed that the majority of you're food should be whole unprocessed foods. You can still fit "junk" foods into you're diet as long as they fit into cal/macro goals without negative consequences in regards to body composition.

    The first link has another article with all the research behind those points but it would take a few days to read! No broscience there. He's a nutritional myth buster.
    (part 1 of 11)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I don't buy the whole "need heaps of protein" thing. Maybe it's different for women, but I'm building insane amounts of muscle (for a female) and not paying any special attention to protein.

    I'll be interested to see whether refusing to buy supplements, powders etc. limits me later on. But right now, I'm keep to bodybuild without anything behind me but a really healthy, normal diet.

    As far as the not losing muscle while reducing thing, I'm just getting around this by taking weight loss intentionally really s l o w...

    P S - Any other female bodybuilders out ther, or am I the only one?

    <- Female. I guess I'm a "body builder".

    I try for at least 1 gram per pound of lean body mass. So around 125. I weight 160, and am somewhere around 20% body fat.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,089 Member
    I'm cutting now and I aim for 2g per desired weight in kilograms (120g), when I'll switch to bulking it will be 2g/kg still, but as I will aim for 66kg, the amoutn will be 132grams
    that is quite close to the graph posted by Acg (1.8g/kg) 2g/kg leaves some room for errors in calculation, anything higher than that and I would be miserable (love carbs too much)
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    I just want your guys' opinion on the amount of protein needed to build muscle. I have heard someone in a youtube bodybuilding vlog say 0.5 of your weight in protein is needed for maintaining muscle mass, and I have heard 0.8 to 1.0 per pound of bodyweight is needed to build muscle.

    Personally, I find it challenging to get 148 to 185 grams of protein in my diet because it would require forcing myself to eat two additional meals,and I am trying to get leaner and stronger without going over my calories. Up until today, I have made slowly made strength gains without keeping track of my protein, and I am probably get no more than 4 servings of meat per day.

    I just want to know if anyone actually keeps track of their protein intake, and how are your strength gains in the gym.

    Carbohydrate Timing is equally as important as the Protein amounts you take. Keeping Protein at a minimum of 1 gram per lean muscle pound is usually preferred by most people as a general rule. Check out this video for me when you get a chance.;feature=plcp
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I just want your guys' opinion on the amount of protein needed to build muscle. I have heard someone in a youtube bodybuilding vlog say 0.5 of your weight in protein is needed for maintaining muscle mass, and I have heard 0.8 to 1.0 per pound of bodyweight is needed to build muscle.

    Personally, I find it challenging to get 148 to 185 grams of protein in my diet because it would require forcing myself to eat two additional meals,and I am trying to get leaner and stronger without going over my calories. Up until today, I have made slowly made strength gains without keeping track of my protein, and I am probably get no more than 4 servings of meat per day.

    I just want to know if anyone actually keeps track of their protein intake, and how are your strength gains in the gym.

    Carbohydrate Timing is equally as important as the Protein amounts you take. Keeping Protein at a minimum of 1 gram per lean muscle pound is usually preferred by most people as a general rule. Check out this video for me when you get a chance.;feature=plcp

    ^ This video has a lot of misinformation in it, in my opinion.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Sigh. Reading is hard.