Arms / clothing question

JESSJESJ Posts: 121 Member
I started NR about 10 days ago, have been doing cardio & Lifting & have lost about 4 lbs in the past month, but I'm having problems
With my suit jackets fitting in thr arms and across the back(pants and skirts fit better, though)

has anyone else had this problem & at what point do you start getting smaller? Should I not increase upper body weight too much until I start losing more? Just keep at it?


  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Yes, I experienced the same thing. Some of my tops are now too small to wear due to the increase in chest, back, and arm muscles. I didn't have a lot of fat in these areas to begin with so I'm pretty sure it's mostly muscle gain and I don't expect to become smaller in these areas. I've completed all 7 stages of the program. If you have a lot of fat in these areas, your results will be different. I would keep at it. Stick to the program. And, after only 10 days of lifting you're probably experiencing temporary water retention and not increases in muscle mass (size).

    I would rather have strong muscles & bones and just buy larger tops & jackets. The health benefits are worth it to me. Plus, I often get compliments on how great my back looks. Bonus!
    JESSJESJ Posts: 121 Member
    thanks, i kinda figured that, but still annoying to wear jackets that do not fit well. hopefully it will get better.

    yeah, i do have a lot fo weight to lose, and I am refusing to purchase larger clothes. I wont do it. so I need to get smaller.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Weight loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise. Lifting weights helps to minimize muscle loss while operating at a calorie deficit. You want most of your weight loss to be fat, not muscle. Good luck and stick with it!
  • TeslaJoule
    TeslaJoule Posts: 62 Member
    I've only been at it for 3 weeks (lifting 3 days a week), but I definitely got bigger everywhere and gained a few pounds to start. Now my body just hit the spot where I just lost those 3 pounds out of NOWHERE and my measurements are going back down (except my chest. Hello boobies!). I expect it to only get better from here. Again, I'm only in week 3 (which is easy to say now, as 4 days ago, I was felling how you are, but I'm certainly glad I stuck with it!). It takes a while for your body to adjust to new things. It might take you 6 weeks, but it might be tomorrow. It's all about YOUR body! HANG IN THERE! It will happen for you!

    Happy lifting!