Week 5

peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
Just started my "recovery" week... I really liked having a new work out to do! It wasn't quite as insane as usual, but I was still sweating a lot more than I expected! Anyone else in week 5 right now?


  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Week 3 over here, but I've done that video in the past - the sumo squat position with the arm movements at the end is a killer (in a good way!) :)
  • Kristihub
    Kristihub Posts: 46
    I start week 5 on Thursday. How long was the workout? I'm looking forward to it too. Today was my last Pure Cardio. It has been one of my favorites, and last time, it was my best workout yet....but today, I had no strength or energy. Not enough protein yesterday, I think. Plyo tomorrow (least favorite), then rest day before week 5.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    It was 40 minutes long. A different warm-up than we're used to, and Shaun keeps reiterating throughout the video not to over-exert yourself since it is a "rest" week... and I was totally fine with that, haha. Funny you like Pure Cardio best and Plyo the least... just the opposite for me!
  • delyn356
    delyn356 Posts: 145 Member
    I just started recovery week yesterday (: While it wasn't as hard as the other ones, it definitely was a lot harder than I expected--I still burned a lot of cals (according to my HRM). I think the shoulder burners should be called thigh burners...my quads were burning a lot more than my shoulders! I'm getting nervous for month 2 though...lol
  • rildev03
    rildev03 Posts: 61 Member
    Week 4 done and on to recovery week. Just finished cardio circuit-don't know if I will ever be able to finish level one drills without breaks! Starting to see good results and really looking forward to month 2 for even better results!
  • Kristihub
    Kristihub Posts: 46
    Level 1 drills are in recovery week too. Just last night I was thinking, "my goal in recovery week is to complete level 1 drills!" my muscles are sore and I'm tired. I think today will be an evening workout ...just not feeling it yet.
    I'm starting to get down about lack of scale movement... But I know everywhere is less jiggly. I think I'll either do my fit test on the last day of recovery or on rest day....I don't think I want to start month 2 with a fit test AND killer workout!
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I feel like he talks through the level 1 drills more slowly during recovery week. In the other video I always had to take a break with those. But I have been getting through the whole video without having to stop at all, except putting my legs down to rest a couple times during the balance part.

    I'm doing my fit test tomorrow. That is enough of a workout itself. Then I'll be starting month 2 on Monday :)
  • rildev03
    rildev03 Posts: 61 Member
    Man, u guys just burst my bubble! 6 days of Level 1 drills-ugghhh! Lol

    Anybody else having problems with loose, jiggling skin? I am tightening up but thinking I am getting to old to have good elasticity anymore.