Love in the MMO world



  • Sparklie23
    Met my husband in Wow. I was an ally and he was a horde, and some random guy invited both of us to his ventrilo. He came to Canada to see me (I'm not a Canadian), and here we are now years after, in the US married with a 6 months baby girl :)
  • TimWilkinson101
    TimWilkinson101 Posts: 163 Member
    Not met any people I ended up with in games, but the last 4 people I met were all met in various online places. Currently engaged to the most recent.

    Playing female characters in game probably reduces my chances of meeting a woman there :)
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Not met any people I ended up with in games, but the last 4 people I met were all met in various online places. Currently engaged to the most recent.

    Playing female characters in game probably reduces my chances of meeting a woman there :)

    Actually Tim when I met my hubby online he plays female toons also, I thought he was a girl til my friend that introduced us PM'd me and said "hes really a guy" so I had some luck with that, don't be shy to tell females your actually a guy its more common then you think =)
  • TimWilkinson101
    TimWilkinson101 Posts: 163 Member
    Not met any people I ended up with in games, but the last 4 people I met were all met in various online places. Currently engaged to the most recent.

    Playing female characters in game probably reduces my chances of meeting a woman there :)

    Actually Tim when I met my hubby online he plays female toons also, I thought he was a girl til my friend that introduced us PM'd me and said "hes really a guy" so I had some luck with that, don't be shy to tell females your actually a guy its more common then you think =)

    Oh I dont hide it these days. Only time i really did was in Dark Age of Camelot when I noticed that guys were always giving "women" loads of gold for no apparent reason. So I made a hot looking character called Domintrix, dressed her in black and red and just waited for the loot and adoration to pour in. Sad suckers totally fell for it. Had to get rid of a couple though. These days even if you wanted to , you cant really pretend as its all voice chat... and thankfully I dont sound like a girl! :)

    Actually that reminds me. In LOTRO last year a very popular woman died in an RL car crash. She'd been in a big kinship for sometime and it upset a lot of people (myself included). A little later a male friend of hers turned up and said she was thinkign of quitting the game and that she had said before she died that she wanted him to take her characters. (or words to that affect). People got suspicious and checked the news and there was no record of a car crash in the area it was supposed to happen and there was no record of any deaths. Also his and her typing style was pretty similar... turned out she and he were one and the same person, but He knew that his lie about being female would be found out if he ever wanted to do raids etc as they need voice, so he came out with a fictitious death to try and hide it.

    Needless to say, "he" doesnt play in lotro anymore and has lost a lot of friends.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    my brother in law played a chick for gain in SWG ages ago, I laughed at him many times for doing so
    him and his brother do it even now in other games they play

    I remember the time I was running around on a few of my characters in diff MMOs and someone would run by and go your character is hot and drop influence / gold / etc on my toon

    I was like um sure ok thanks lol

    they said your really a chick? im like uh yeah why?

    there like I thought so you can tell when I guy makes a chick and I can tell your not a guy cause your character is properly portioned lol
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    Slightly off-topic: I never understand why guys were shocked to find out I was female and played an MMO. I always got the "OMG you really are a girl!" comment in ventrilo. No, brainiac, I'm using a voice modulator and I'm really great uncle George. *roll eyes* yes I'm female. And then the inevitable question "Do you have a boyfriend/husband?" How does the answer to that question quantify my capacity to heal a raid? In my sassier moods I'd tell them no, but I had a girlfriend. It usually shut up enough of the little boys so I could go on and do my job in the raid.

    As for Love in MMOs: No happily ever after stories from me, unfortunately, but I've had 3 relationships all stemming from playing WoW.

    My first boyfriend I had for nearly 3.5 years. I broke up with him because he changed from being a fun gaming partner into a verbally and financially abusive jerk after he quit playing wow. I moved across the country for him, accepted an extremely low paying job and worked terrible hours and he complained about me constantly behind my back to everyone he saw. He didn't deserve me.

    I then had the bitterly disappointing luck of meeting and falling for two married men. Never in a million years would I have let myself develop feelings for either of them if I had really realized the impact they would have left on me. Imagine my shock and dismay when I found out the first guy I'd been 'chatting' with and sharing mutual feelings with for nearly a year was married with three kids, one of whom was eleven years old at the time. I broke that off immediately (no way in you know where am I breaking up a marriage and family, I'm not a moron) but it was pretty disappointing, I still love the guy and if he hadn't been married, I'm confident we would be.

    A year or so later, another married guy started being really friendly... too friendly. I brushed him off as 'just a really sweet guy' for years before getting really blatantly obvious and telling him I couldn't talk that way with him because he was married. When he didn't quit, I sent his wife (who also played the game but significantly more casually) an email telling her to get some marriage counseling with her husband. And he online logged back online only once more after that to say goodbye to everyone.

    Needless to say, I'm not rather gun-shy of meeting guys online. It just hasn't gone well for me.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    So I've kinda fallen for a guy, but I just don't know (check the Minecraft thread for more info on him). I'm moving, and he's young, but he's awesome and sweet, and ... blah. Sometimes I hate being girly :blushing:

    Then, to the current topic at hand, there's the married guy that's been overly nice to me lately. He doesn't hit on me or anything, but we have a lot of nice conversations (lately it's been mainly about travel, since he traveled a lot in the Navy and I'm a travel addict).

    Oh, and I have a stalker. Yay!
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    I played WoW with people I knew in real life, including old friends from hs. We ended up hanging out in person, again, and I ended up getting with my best friend from hs. It's going to be 7 years this summer.

    I miss DAOC. Lots.
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Met my hubby back in 08 through a mutual friend, through letters. They were in the military together. He ended up back home in Cali and since we both played WoW I transfered to his server and we spent hours and hours chatting and grouping up and such. Starting dating Dec 20 08, met eachother face to face for the first time in Feb 09 by a freak coincidence.

    Some crazy stuff happened (long story) and he eventually came to live with me in Iowa. I got pregnant in Sept 09, gave birth to our first May 10. We got married Dec 20 10 and got pregnant with our second that night, LOL.

    Gave birth to her Sept 1 2011. So we've been married 1 1/2 years, and together for 3 1/2 years.

    We still play WoW together to this day. =D
  • sqwerly
    sqwerly Posts: 31
    I met my husband in Everquest. We were in the same guild, played together everyday. We became real life friends after we found out we only lived a few hours apart. However, I was in a relationship and so was he so nothing ever happened.

    12 years later and we are both single, no longer gaming together only Facebook friends, he calls and asks me out on a date. 6 months later we were married!