am i the only one....

pichild Posts: 72 Member
Just wondering does anyone else look at the ticker before adding friends... more or less if thet don't have a lot to loose I feel like they would not understand where I am coming from and would be far to judgmental of my good choices...

the last time I tried to loose a bunch of weight I had skinny women telling me that I didn't walk fast enough to loose I started carrying a picture of me at 395 (I weighed about 290 at the time) and every time I was told that I would pull that picture out and show them that they didn't know what they were talking about, then I would point to a group of women sitting at a picnic table talking with an average weight of 350 and would say i could be doing that instead i'm doing tell me how walking slow is a bad thing at least i am moving.

That would get there attention and in time got the attention of the larger girls who started to look up to me as a role model...they would ask advice on how to started...


  • Totally agree, look at my friend list, they are mostly my size, same as you, I feel I can relate to them, and can help them too if we are all in the same group.
  • Brandification
    Brandification Posts: 109 Member
    Same here. I need people who are on the same journey and can relate to everything that goes along with trying to lose 100+ pounds. It's great that some people on here want to lose 15 or 20 pounds, but I feel like I can't relate to them in the way I can relate to people in this group.
  • healthyMSk
    healthyMSk Posts: 31 Member
    I agree this is going to be a long journey & I want to make connections with people that have a long term goal ahead of them also.
  • KittenKittyKitteh
    KittenKittyKitteh Posts: 52 Member
    It's quite a change from high school days of wanting to be part of the skinny girl cliques. I also look at the tickers. Not to judge, but maybe to avoid being judged? I think it's fantastic to have a community of folks who understand what it's like to be, as my husband calls it "Chubby Extreme".
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    I do the same. And it's absolutely to avoid judgement. I only have one friend who has a significantly smaller amount of weight to lose than me, but she's been great with the support. If she weren't I'd have removed her.
  • angie6171
    angie6171 Posts: 18 Member
    I agree. I would rather have people supporting me than judging me and I feel like the only ones who can truly do that are the ones with more similarities. We know how it feels to be overweight and how hard it is to do this.
  • smalleyez06
    smalleyez06 Posts: 132 Member
    Nope I do the same thing or I also look for ones who have lost a lot of weight. They have been here and have knowledge on how to do it. I also try to find people who have not had surgery. Nothing against people who do cause my mom has but i refuse to and I need people who did not have a "kick start" I guess. I have thought about surgery but I have also watched my mom go through recovery and I could never do that to myself but that is also why I have to be serious and try so hard right now cause I know my mom needed that kick start. She is also gaining weight back now and I feel the surgery was a waist. No she is no where close to her starting weight but she does not work out, she does not make healthy choices and makes herself sick a few times a week eating. That is not something I want!
    Sorry this ended up being more than just "you are not the only one" ;)
  • michelle0suzann
    michelle0suzann Posts: 43 Member
    I do the same thing! I want to surround myself with people that understand the struggles of losing weight but that also understand things like being excited when a airplane lap belt fits!!!
  • I do the same. I just recently started to add friends on here. I completely agree with you if they're not in the same boat as you they have no clue about the day to day struggles of losing that kind of weight or how you feel physically or emotionally. Support and being able to relate to one another is important for success.
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    Yup, I'm a ticker stalker. I get enough questioning about my food choices and high calorie allowance from people my size (I'm allergic to hunger and I don't care what MFP says, I am eating until I get full). A peek at my food diary might send a smaller person into shock! :bigsmile:
  • taziwac
    taziwac Posts: 15 Member
    It's funny. I read this thread not 5 minutes after I'd read the one here:

    I don't have many MP friends, but I didn't pay much attention to their tickers before deciding whether to send/accept a friend request. I guess for me, what's more important is whether someone has a goal and is committed to continuing to work towards it.
  • Mrbusterb
    Mrbusterb Posts: 114
    I agree i do it also
  • amblee125
    amblee125 Posts: 92 Member
    Most of the friends on mine have lost a significant amount or are trying to. I didn't really think to look at tickers though!