5'2" ladies, What is your calorie goal?



  • BlondieBride
    BlondieBride Posts: 63 Member
    I am 5'3, 23 and 130lbs. I am aiming for 1750-1850 calories a day.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I'm forever playing around with my calorie goal and goal weight too for that matter. Up until my son's high school graduation over Memorial Day weekend I was at 119 lbs. Then I gave myself permission to eat whatever I wanted that weekend and soon went up to 125. I went back to MFP's way of setting a calorie goal and fluctuate between 121-125 ever since. So I am going back to EM2LW's way. So my TDEE is 1955 and a 15% cut is 1670. So now 1670 is my new goal.
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    CW: 143
    GW: 125-130

    current intake: 1850 (approx TDEE 2150-15%)
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" (that half inch is VERY important...LOL!!). I'm currently 188, goal weight is 145.

    I have a BMF so I go by that for my TDEE minus cut. My average TDEE is 2600-2700 so with cut I usually eat between 2000-2100. I'm aiming for a consistent weight loss of .5 to 1 pound a week.

    Ooops, forgot to add my age....43!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    I am 5'2" and fluctuate between 111-119 more on the up side recently while doing NROL4W. My goal is 110 as weight but mainly less in body fat instead of the scale. My cal goal is 1645 which is a 15% cut of my TDEE. IF I calculated my activity right.

    I'm similar to this. I'm 5'2 and have quite a heavy workout routine. I'm doing my own P90X/Insanity doubles hybrid. Right now, I'm aiming for about 1600/day. I know I need to up it, but I'm still getting comfortable with this and taking it a little bit at a time. I'm trying to lose, though I would like to gain muscle. I've lost a half inch around my waist and hips though!

    Oh, and I'm 31.
  • CleanandLean33
    Oh wow now Im freaked out!! I'm 5.2.5 and 33 and im just upped my cut to 2150! Which I think is bigger than all your TDEE's. I'm sure this is my average kcal burnon fit bit -250 kcal perday as cut....
    Oh I'm 124 but have gone up to 126 today... Fingers crossed it water
  • Callalili
    Callalili Posts: 119 Member
    I'm 5'2", 38 and about 151 lbs. I'm eating around 1650 right now which about TDEE-15% for light activity (it's actually 1657 but not having and even number bugged me lol). This is my first full week with EMTWL so I'll see how this goes and see if I should up calories more. I'm doing my second round of Supreme 90 which is a combo of cardio/weights that averages 30 min a day 6 days a week.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I am 4'10.5" and just went up to 2000. I have been plateaued for months. I spent a couple weeks at 1200 per day back in Feb, then found out my BMR was 1260 and went to that plus exercise cals, then went to 1600 without exercise cals as long as I netted BMR, then 1800 without exercise cals and netting at least BMR, and now try 2000. I don't know how accurate my burn counts are but most of my burn comes from running which I randomly take my heart rate then calculate using a calculator that takes into account age and weight and heart rate then I subtract my resting heart rate. I feel this part of my burn must be reasonably accurate. I shoot for burning 3500 cals per week and usually make it or at least get very close.

    Recently I tried to figure out how much I was eating when I was maintaining this weight. From what I could figure I was ranging between a low of 1800 and a high of 3000. I maintained this weight for about 15 years. I actually think the 5 lbs I gained then lost was more due to swelling from surgery in December. Over the last few years I really didn't exercise much so that was just from a few hours of walking per week and daily stuff.

    I am 46 yo and currently weight 125 with goal being somewhere around 115 or 120. I'm pretty muscular and less than that I look a little sickly. I'm more interested in building muscle and losing the little bit of belly roll I have left. I don't expect to lose much per week but wish I'd lose something. I haven't even managed a pound a month since about March.
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 132. I eat around 2100 for TDEE and my cut is around 1850 with moderate to high amounts of exercise. Have been cutting since doing a reset about a month ago but just started lifting heavy. RAVENOUS since starting the lifting, despite intaking huge amounts of protein so instead of dealing with the hunger, have decided to do a week of maintenance. Figure it will probably move more inches anyway when I cut again.

    My goal is not the scale at all, it's the measurements. I don't think the scale has moved much at all since upping cals, but I can definitely see fat loss when I look in the mirror and in my clothes. I'm hoping to actually put on a bit more "weight", as such, but get smaller. If I put on a bit more muscle, I can eat more! Haha

    Ultimate goal is to look lean and muscular and look like I'm around the 125 mark, but realistically will probably weigh more than that. Never in my life would I have ever thought I would want to put on "weight".

    I love EM2WL!!!
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    I am 5' 1", 26 years old, CW: 135, GW: 125. According to my BMF my TDEE is about 2700 cals/day so I eat no less than 2000 cals/day!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I have just once again changed my goal, it is now at 1765, not going to count exercise calories and see how this goes. It really makes me feel nutty and confused. Am I the only one who gets obsessed like this??
  • coopersmom2006
    I'm 5ft 2in and am at my happy weight of 110.4 (fluctuating between this and 113 depending on the way the wind blows). I'm eating 1927 a day and doing just fine. :)
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I'm 5ft 2in and am at my happy weight of 110.4 (fluctuating between this and 113 depending on the way the wind blows). I'm eating 1927 a day and doing just fine. :)

    Wow...what I'd give to be that small again!! Kudos to you!! How often do you exercise? Do you still eat at 1927 when you don't exercise?
  • Mandys_Getting_Fit
    Mandys_Getting_Fit Posts: 70 Member
    Between 1700 & 1800 calories daily.

    I'm 5'3" 30 years old and approximately 130 pounds. I was around 127 pounds, but I haven't weighed myself in well over a month and a half. I'm assuming that I gained a few pounds though because during that time I was doing the complete metabolic reset and also had family visiting from out of state (so I know I was eating TDEE or above).

    According to the scooby calorie calculator, here are my numbers:

    At 130 pounds:
    BMR = 1281.
    TDEE for light activity is 1762.
    TDEE for moderate activity is 1986.

    A 10% cut from 1986 is 1788. So I figure that I'd try to eat between 1700 & 1800 (the cut from TDEE for moderate activity). I strength train 3x a week and do light cardio 2x weekly; each for approximately 30 minutes. I'm also getting ready for my daughters school year to start back up and I walk her to & from school 5 days per week. That totals about 30 minutes daily. It all equals about 5 hours per week.

    I do NOT want to under eat ever again!

    Also, fat2fit calculates these numbers to maintain my GOAL weight of 120 lbs:
    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) = 1598
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) = 1832
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) = 2065
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) = 2298
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) = 2531

    It also states that ... "As you get closer to your goal weight, your weight loss will start to slow down. It is OK to eat a few hundred calories less per day (200-300) to speed up your weight loss at this point".

    200 - 300 calories below the moderately active calorie goal is in the 1700 - 1800 calorie range.

    Whew ... that was long-winded. :laugh:

    * edited to add* If I'm still hungry at 1800, I'll gradually up my calories all the way to TDEE for my goal weight. YAY for feeding the muscle and letting it beat out the fat!*
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    I'm 5'2", 39 yrs old, currently weigh 131lbs. I don't care what the scale ends up at, as long as I can get rid of my love handles and see the muscle buried by my recent 6-wk reset. I'm in week 3 of my cut.

    TDEE: 2300-2400 (I use a BMF for this)
    TDEE - 15%: 2000-ish

    And I'm discovering that having a 500 cal deficit from my TDEE is not doing me any favors: my body is holding onto its weight! The ideal deficit seems to be approx. 200-300 cals. Slow going, but I'll take it as long as things are trending downward!