bulletproof coffee

caribougal Posts: 865 Member
I know lots of Paleo peeps drink this for breakfast, and I'm curious about your amounts of coffee / butter / coconut oil. Or whatever else you put in. Seems like I'll be going through 1-2 sticks of butter a week if I make this a habit.

I made my first cup this morning. I had to sneak the butter and coconut oil into my coffee because I know my hubby would think I'd gone off the deep end (butter in coffee???!!!).

I made a normal 10 oz mug, about 1.5 TB grass-fed butter, and a big glob of coconut oil, probably about 1 TB. Then I drank about half of it, switched about 5 oz (I'm guessing) to a 16 oz travel mug, topped it off with more coffee, another TB of butter and glob of coconut oil. Obviously, not very exact in my measurements. Oh, and added some cinnamon.

I'm shocked at how smooth and creamy it tastes... I'm still adjusting to coffee with no sweetener, but this really doesn't need any. Bonus: My lips are nice and moisturized too from all that butter and oil.

I'm still hungry for breakfast. I'm not used to skipping it, but I'm going to try to make this my only breakfast for the week and see how it goes. I'm hoping my brain registers all that butter fat and decides I'm really not hungry.

Any advice on making bulletproof coffee? How do you do it?


  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    16-18 oz of coffee brewed in a french press then pour the coffee into a blender with 1 TBP of Unsalt butter, 1 TSP of coconut oil, and a pinch of cinnamon spice. Perfect for me!
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    What is the texture/mouthfeel like? Does it feel slimy or oily in your mouth?
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    Not slimy if you properly blend it. Super creamy. I find two cups with 2 tablespoons each (and some mct oil) is perfect for me.
  • I just started making this over the weekend. I use about 8-9 oz of coffee, a tablespoon of coconut oil and a tablespoon of kerry gold butter. I even bought and immersion blender but it made a bit of a mess this morning - I'll have to mix it in something bigger than my mug!

    I'm hungry this morning too - I guess it takes some time for your body to adjust to the fat for nourishment. I'd like to hear how it goes for others.
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    I brew it as 2 full cups of Americano (Espresso brewed in my drip coffee pot), 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil, and 2 Tbsp Unsalted Butter. I'm thinking about getting some pure MCT oil instead of the Coconut oil, as the Bulletproof Exec says that it takes 6 Tbsps of coconut oil to equal one Tbsp of MCT oil. Coconut oil is an MCT, and readily available so that's what the majority of people use. But the MCT oil, I've found, is not at GNC, or Sunflower, but maybe at Trader Joe's. I haven't looked there yet because we only have two in town, neither of which is in my quadrant of the city.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    My daily starter:

    2 cups (coincidentally, of Dave's Upgraded coffee...not necessarily because I'm completely sold on his mycotoxin argument, but because I like the taste...which reminds me, it's almost time to order another 5 lb bag.)
    3T kerrygold butter (unsalted)
    ~15-28g MCT oil (I pour some into the vitamix pitcher while on the digital scale. If it's less than 15g, I pour in some more.) I think the brand is Now Sports. Was fairly cheap on amazon.com. I like that it's in a brown glass bottle.

    Blend. Drink. (And on early morning training days, I drink this *during* the workout; non-training days, during my commute to work.)

    I would expect this alone to be rather satiating...not sure though, because for all except maybe three days so far this calendar year, I've eaten breakfast during/shortly after the coffee. (And that breakfast is usually 6-8 eggs cooked in bacon grease and/or CO.)
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i just do coconut oil as i cant stand the taste of butter.

    i don't blend it, but i mix it before i drink it.
    if i forget, yes it is a mouthful of oil, pretty gross.
  • mantisladyx
    mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
    Why do you put butter and or coconut oil in coffee, is it because you don't like it black?
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    I use 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 tasblespoon of coconut oil to a 10oz cup of black coffee, belnd and good to go! Love it,
    I like the Kerrygold unsalted butter.
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    Why do you put butter and or coconut oil in coffee, is it because you don't like it black?

    No, it's not about the taste, it's about the body's reaction to it. Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) are excellent sources of fat and optimal for their thermogenic effect, increasing metabolism when it comes to burning fat. The thermogenic effect of the MCT plus the butter (pure fat) assists with weight loss, ensuring the body it's not fat-starved, and gets a Paleo/Primal person closer to their overall macronutrient ratio for fat for the day.
  • mantisladyx
    mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
    In that case I will add butter and coconut oil starting tomorrow morning...I don't eat in the morning and if I don't get hunger pangs which at the moment I don't have and would like to keep it that way.
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I'm gonna have to try this again. The one time I drank it I felt sick. Could have been something to do with the carb flu or the fact that I ate breakfast along with it. I didn't realize this was basically a substitution! Haha. I also don't plan on blending it this time...way too much work for my morning coffee! I'll either do my immersion blender or just give it a good go with my spoon:)
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    This is my take on Day 1 of bulletproof coffee. It tasted yummy, it didn't relieve my morning hunger pangs, but I was really hungry before I drank it, and it just didn't change that.

    But... I ate a pretty light lunch. A few deli slices of lunch meat, some raw veggies, cherries, and about 1 oz of cheese. Normally, I would have been hungry an hour after that lunch. But I felt stuffed all afternoon long. So maybe it took a while for the coffee to kick in, and if so, it totally kept me from any desire to snack in the afternoon.
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    Hehe I like that i'm not the only one hiding the fact I'm putting butter in my coffee from my husband :laugh:

    This morning I made it in my coffee pot to "4" cups, which is really only like 20oz. I scoop my coconut oil (dont have MCT yet) oit of the container in a 1/4c measuring cup and it was a little more than half full but definitely not 1/4cup, and 2tbsp unsalted butter and about 2tbsp coconut milk just for taste and it was soooo creamy. I don't know if I had ratios right or anything but it was tasty and kept me full till lunch (drank the coffee at 7, lunch is at 1p). It was the first time I didn't want to eat my bacon lol
  • mantisladyx
    mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
    This morning I had my first cup of coffee with both butter and coconut oil and it was good but I had to keep stirring otherwise everything was on top of the cup. The second cup I put into my vitamix and blended everything on high...and it was very delicious so I will now keep my vitamix on the counter. I was worried what it might do to me on the way to work, but everything at the moment is fine. I am not hungry so that is very good.
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Great info here. I, too, have been reading about bulletproof and wondering about the variations etc. I am going to try this, I have been primal for about 10 days now and am feeling great. Lost a little but don't have a lot to lose anyhow (you know those last 15 lbs that keep coming and going) lol.

    I was basically primal before but would let my carb addiction get the best of me and have 2 slices of bread and pasta and boom, destroy all the good that I had done!

    This time, I have been reading and reading and understand the lifestyle so much better. Educated quit as I would call it! Onward to a better lifestyle.
  • Meadows18
    Meadows18 Posts: 206 Member
    I tried bullet proof coffee for the first time this past weekend. Used 1T of Virgin Coconut Oil, 1T of Plugar unsalted butter (grain free) and 1 tsp cinnamon. It was pretty good, but strong (used to drinking my coffee with fat free half & half). It was suggested to me to blend the mixture and not just stir it. I was wondering if putting in all into a shaker cup and shaking it would do the same, but will the coffee get cold? I'll have to try this tomorrow morning.
  • greenlj77
    greenlj77 Posts: 23
    Haven't tried the bulletproof coffee, bu I've been using this for a while now:


    I use the high speed blender to make it and it's delicious. I can't have my morning coffee any other way now.
  • mantisladyx
    mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
    just talking about bullet proof coffee again.........been using Salted Butter and CCO and I love it that way, but a couple of times I used ghee with CCO and I don't like it as much, anyone else thinks this or is it just me........and next question, where do you buy Kerri Gold Butter, been reading a lot of post's that it's being used.
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    You could find Kerrygold unsalted butter in safeway, or some big food store in your area. I don't think a small food store could have those because it's expensive.