How many carbs do you shoot for?



  • brendaschmitt1
    80g-100g carbs 100-125g protein.
  • Linda860
    Linda860 Posts: 29 Member
    Interesting thread. I've never followed a specific diet, but have focused on grams of carbs per meal and per day. My endo said no more than 45 grams per meal, and I keep to that, but I also try to aim for around 60 grams per day (net, minus the fiber). I'm maintaining now, and have found that if I go too low (below 50 per day), I will keep losing. Over 70 and I might gain. Different for everyone. If you're trying to lose, the lower the carb level the better, I would say.
    TRANGEL79 Posts: 3
    This is my first week on my diet and I need to get into ketosis so i'm only getting 5g or less of carbs. Its been hard but I
    know I can do it. Next week will be better I can start eating 20g of carbs. I have tried this diet before through the Mediweightloss plan and lost over 65 pounds. The only difference this time is that i'm going to do it by myself with no dietary stimulants and its
    going to be free.:smile:
  • vintagebrighton
    I allow myself up to 50g carbs a day but am usually between 18-30. I don't eat any pasta, rice, flour, wheat etc at all if I can avoid it and I feel fantastic. I've been trying to control my weight for 35 years with calorie counting (a calorie's a calorie - yeah right) low fat, high carb and at 50 weighed more than ever with insulin resistance, high blood pressure, lifelong migraines, the usual. Oh, and constant cravings and hunger. Now? I eat well, haven't had a migraine since beginning of April, and all the niggly health issues are clear. I'm never going back :)
  • byrdamy
    byrdamy Posts: 40
    I agree with Susan above, the whole idea of low carbs is to force the body to burn fat, it will choose carbs first for fuel because it prefers it, with little carbs it will switch to buring fat. The whole point is for body to burn fat and carbs NOT muscle.

    I carb cycle two days of 75 low carb days and then one 100 high carb day (but I rarely get this high). It keeps the body guessing, which is effective if you are trying to lean out while gaining muscle.

    225g of protein is my goal because I am trying to put on bulk muscle. I eat aroun 1500 calories and I do not eat my workout calories back.
  • possibri
    possibri Posts: 158 Member
    Been trying to keep it low, but honestly it's still been as high as 160g (sometimes higher =\) over the past month that I've been on MFP. I found some awesome bread that only has 1 net carb per slice, and I'm switching up my diet a bit as well, so hopefully I'll be keeping my carbs under 80g/day as soon as today.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    lower carbs means fewer post-meal energy spike and massive dips. it all means improved overall blood sugar levels - which with that whole insulin means less fat storage. Even if you're not doing low-carb to force your body into burning fats, it can still have massive weight-loss AND overall health and energy benefits.

    That's pretty much my take on it too.

    Ketosis sounds like a wonder state to be in but there is the consideration that the liver has to work to produce the ketones and maybe it's worth giving it a rest once in a while.

    Hence the theory of the optimum state being on the fringes of Ketosis, having enough carbohydrate to take the burden off the liver but not enough to spike the insulin.

    Or, as another poster has said, to keep the body guessing and keep it 'agile'.

    There is obviously a world of difference between keeping the body guessing and regularly pigging out though :)
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    I have started back on low carb today after returning to my bad eating ways, and yes I did gain weight. The upside of it was energy levels during exercise were better, and my breath didn't stink anymore but my sugar cravings havegotten out of control! Thats where the weight has come from, full on sugar binges. Other than that my diet is perfectly clean. And I need to fix this. I am not going as low this time maybe around 50g net (- fibre). I will still eat fruit but cut way, way down. And maybe before a workout. Not sure if I want to do the ketosis thing, my main goal is to eliminate mad cravings which turn into gorges! besides, without refined sugar I had no acne anymore. I always thought it was fat!
    I gave up on low carb last time because everytime I went out for a meal there would be hidden sugars in dressings ect, and I felt so sick. The thought of eating out was awful, which made me not much fun! I figure by staying out of keto but still very low carb (50-70) it will suit ME better. 20g net was just too low for too long :( but everyone is different!
  • pfeiferfit
    pfeiferfit Posts: 138 Member
    I am just getting back on the wagon, but feel better under 50. I find a cheat day a week really helped me in the past, to keep the scale moving. My bariatric dr suggested the diet because of my PCOS.

    I am a bread and sugar addict so I need this.
  • LitlBunny4
    I too have just been diagnosed with PCOS. I am trying to figure all this out as well. For NET CARBS you take the carbs minus the fiber. My carb goal is 30, as that is the Stage 1 Atkins goal, but I have not been able to achieve it yet. The Dr. has said I must stay away from bad carbs and all grains and starches. Imagine the horror - telling an Irish girl she can't have her potatoes :( MFP has said my calories should be 1200. I haven't been able to hit that either - seem to be coming in about 1400. I have been logging every day and have been eating SO much better, it's amazing. Have not managed to lose any weight the first week, but am not giving up.
  • jsabet
    jsabet Posts: 51 Member
    10 - 20 carbs a day! 2 years strong. (aside from choc chip pancake cheats)

    Lots of water. Sometimes a coke zero. And I get all my carbs from spinach and veggies. No dairy. Protein 90g per day + lean. I keep my caloric intake to 1200-1500 per day, Im usually low on calories by EOD so I supplement needed calories with healthy fat foods.