Welcome and Introductions

AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
Welcome to the C25K! This is my first time going through it and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Feel free to post an introduction here - I'll get us started.

I'm Heather, age 28. I'm aiming to run my first 5k on 9/23 at the Brookfield Zoo in their Zoorunrun. I never thought running was for me, but my husband challenged me to run a half marathon with him. I thought a 5K was a good place to start - so here I am!


  • sabrina32576
    sabrina32576 Posts: 253 Member
    Hi heather!

    I'm sabrina and I'm 36. I completed my first 5k back in May and I finished in 47 minutes mostly walking. I want to complete this program so I can. Run my next one which will probably be in may for the same charity.

    I downloaded the free app to my phone and I'm excited to get started. :happy:
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Welcome Sabrina! I didn't expect anyone to find the group so soon, I was still posting the schedule! :) I'm glad to have you here, I am looking forward to doing this!

    Edit: And I'm jealous you have the app, my iPhone is so old the apps don't work with its OS. Boo!
  • sabrina32576
    sabrina32576 Posts: 253 Member
    I just happened to pull up the groups and this was the first one I saw. It was meant to be.
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    My name is Marissa and I'm 25 years old! I've always wanted to be a runner, but when I start running I tend to push myself too hard and end up too achy. So I'm going to try this to pace myself. I can't wait to meet everyone else! :flowerforyou:
  • eli_802
    eli_802 Posts: 60
    hey ladies!

    my name is elissa and i'm 21.. looking to lose about 30 pounds. i "run" every day, but its mostly a jog/walk/jog/walk thing that i'm not that into lol. i ran my first 5k in the fall last year, when i was about 15 pounds lighter and in much better shape. i didn't train at all - just signed up for it with a few friends and then did it. and wanted to die.

    i'm hoping to do the same 5k this year (in about a month and a half!), and want to beat my time too! so i'm starting at the beginning and trying to build up my speed AND distance this time.

    can't WAIT to start. i have a ridiculous work schedule but its only three times a week so hopefully i'll be able to stick with it..
  • Hello Ladies,
    My name is Lisa and I am 43 (turning 44 in a month) and am looking to lose another 15 lbs and get back into shape. I excerise a lot but mainly yoga and walking. So I need cardiovascular. Looking for a 5 K to run this fall in the DC area...
  • kehuizenga
    kehuizenga Posts: 151

    My name is Kristen and I am 24. I have always worked out off and on (I swam competitively from ages 9-18), but have never been a runner. I live close to a beautiful, scenic running trail and would love to actually be able to use it successfully (and hopefully lose some weight in the process). Now that I have heard about this program, I want to sign up for the Pumpkins in the Park 5k in October (Heather, do you live in Chicago too?). I am excited to have some accountability partners!
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    Hey guys! I'm Michelle and I'm 24. I used to be a runner, doing 5-10k runs but since gaining weight, started smoking again (which I'm going to try and quit again) and slacking in the exercise department, I'm ready to get back to running :) I've got another 30-35 lbs. to go
  • artsykris
    artsykris Posts: 26
    Hi - My name is Kris and I'm 51. I did my first 5K a couple of weeks ago, walking most of it. I have another one coming up in 3 weeks and I want to improve my time and my running distance. In November, I want to do the "Girls on the Run" 5K and run most if not all of it. So it seems like this is a good place to start.
  • arenkel
    arenkel Posts: 77
    Hi, I'm Kelsey, and I'm 20 years old. I've never been athletic, but I'm trying to become an athlete. I don't have access to a gym right now (will in Sept), so running outside seemed like the perfect solution! Problem is, I don't know how to pace myself-- I start off too fast, and then burn out and end up walking back to my apartment feeling like a failure. I've been meaning to try C25K, and this group presented the perfect opportunity!

    I look forward to going on this journey with you! :)
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Welcome everyone - glad to have you all here!


    My name is Kristen and I am 24. I have always worked out off and on (I swam competitively from ages 9-18), but have never been a runner. I live close to a beautiful, scenic running trail and would love to actually be able to use it successfully (and hopefully lose some weight in the process). Now that I have heard about this program, I want to sign up for the Pumpkins in the Park 5k in October (Heather, do you live in Chicago too?). I am excited to have some accountability partners!

    Chicago area, yes! -runs off to look up the Pumpkins in the Park-
  • Amyding115
    Amyding115 Posts: 120
    Hi everyone! My name is Amy and I want to become a runner. I don't have a 5K planned at all but I want to get on a plan where I'm running (almost) everyday. So when I do see a 5K Iwouldn't give it a second thought before signing up. I am 5 years from having my last baby and about 40 pounds still over weight. I have gotten on and off the diet train, but I'm ready to do it and get it done. Looking forward to start training next week!
  • eprice85
    eprice85 Posts: 1
    Hi all! I'm 27 and just started running about a month ago. I'm in Week 5 of C25K and I'm really liking the program. I'm hoping to run (no stopping) a 5K at the end of August, hopefully in 35 minutes. I've never run before but have been working out pretty consistently for the past few months and figured it was time to up the ante. I've lost 20 pounds this year (last year was rough, apparently) and am hoping to lose about 15 more. After running for 5 weeks, I've already lost 5 lbs!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • metter2011
    metter2011 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! My name is Camette and I am 40 years old. I have tried running before but didn't do so well. I started out too fast and injured myself. I have about 40 pounds to lose so I am hoping to do this properly this time. Looking forward to it! Good luck everyone!
  • nobmom
    nobmom Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Abby. I'm a happy mother of two, C. who is 18 months and L. who is 4 month. With the kids being so close my body didnt have much time to recoup and regain muscle. I'm only 11 lbs away from my pre baby weight but i'd like to get fit and healthy. My prime was at about 140 lbs 10 years ago. so 31 lbs and i'll b there! i have a great workout buddy who has also been goal oriented to C25K. Will b doing this and keep you all updated!!! Good luck to everyone and God Bless!!!!
  • amybmcd
    amybmcd Posts: 4
    Hello all. My name is Amy and I started C25K at the beginning of July. I just found My Fitness Pal today and thought the two would make a great plan. I am 34 and have been overweight all of my life. I am not here to get skinny- I gave up on the illusion a long time ago, but I do want to feel better and look better. I am a mother, wife, and a teacher of students with disabilities. My daughter is my running buddy providing motivation and inspiration. I also gain inspiration when I see how hard my students work to do the things I take for granted so I figure I can work hard at something too. I would love to be able to run a 5K someday. I have had to repeat week one of C25K twice and I am now looking forward to week 2. It's nice to meet all of you through your posts. :smile:
  • KrisP4
    KrisP4 Posts: 4
    Hey everyone! My name is Kristina and I'm 31 years old. I've been an on again off again MFP user for a few years now. I never really understood the need to track your food, until I didn't track it anymore and gained back all the weight back (although it wasn't much). So now, I've downloaded the C25K app, and for the last 3 weeks my husband and I have been eating healthier on our own. Now I'm back using MFP and I want to start running. I don't exercise at all as it is (I have a desk job) so this will be my way of easing into it. I haven't run since track in high school and I don't have a 5K planned, but I'm hoping this will jump start an interest in one. I can't wait for this!
  • triskele
    triskele Posts: 26 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm 38 and need to lose 25 - 30 lbs, but am really trying to focus on better food choices and building strength (rather than the evil number the scale projects :noway: ). I am aware that I am fixated on the scale and am trying to shift focus on the positive changes of a healthier lifestyle instead. I started C25K this week (only on day 2 today) and really like the format. It's attainable. I struggle when I think my goal is to run a mile (really I'm not running, more like "wogging" - walk/jogging), but when the goal is 60 seconds there's a total mental shift. I mean hey, I can do anything for 60 seconds!

    I want to be successful and know that there's strength in numbers. I'm hoping to give and receive support in this group. We can do it!!!
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    My name is Mimi and I am turning 39 next month. I have two children ages 9 and 18. I have never been good at running even though I lead quite an active life. I want to work on my endurance, lose weight (about 40 lbs. until goal), and prove to myself that I can do this. I have started this program once before and quit due to a knee injury. I may have to take some weeks over again just to try to prevent injury. When I started the C25K before it was with my daughter because she kept saying that she could never be a runner (never even ran a mile) and I wanted to show her that anyone can be a runner with some hard work. Well, she did great and I am proud to say she is running her first half marathon this Sunday. It is nice to meet you all. Feel free to friend me.. I am on MFP almost every day. :flowerforyou:

    Ohhh... I almost forgot to tell you that I am not going to do a 5K this year (probably) but next year I really want to do a color run. In that 5K you run while people throw dry paint powder on you. The powder sticks to your sweat so by the end of the run you are colored like crazy! Sounds like a fun way to celebrate running!!
  • MudDancer
    MudDancer Posts: 151 Member
    Hi, my name is Kirsty and I'm 35. I have done a few 5ks over the past year but I have always completed them walking or some sort of walk jog combination. My next 5k is September 30th, I hope to be through the program in time to finally jog the entire run.

    I look forward to the support and accountability of this group. I'll be running Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings.