(5/7) Sodium Shockers, What foods are shocking you!
Your body needs sodium. But most of us get too much. U.S. guidelines call for less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day: about 1 teaspoon of table salt. You may be surprised by some of the foods that are high in sodium. It's not just about the salt shaker on your table.Salty foods can be found in places you hadn't…
What surprises are you discovering ?
Check out your food labels. My yogurt apparently has 4.75 teaspoons. Surprise surprise.
healthy food selfie :)
Take a picture of a healthy meal or snack your eating. Explain why its a healthy option.
I've been seeing monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats on labels, are they good or bad?
This is actually good
I didn't know if I was going to like vegetable pasta, but it actually is pretty good. It's a very easy lunch/dinner especially if you are busy and need a quick meal.
Musical Comedy Murders of the 1940s
So for all of you coming to/doing the show tomorrow (saturday), what should we eat while the show is happening? Candy and soda is obviously out of the question.
Healthy choice
if you're craving sugar try some plain yogurt and fresh fruits. it helps with headaches and if you're moody and also helps with the cravings for desserts.
A good healthy food to try
Oats Kiwi Strawberries Assorted nuts Melon
Lunch Options
What have you guys been eating for lunch?
Good life choices
So I got back from the gym after 5 arm work outs and 20 minutes of cardio and found myself craving sugar out of instinct naturally I started reaching for m&ms but I stopped myself and said no no good life choices and ate a tangerine instead
Who else made bad good choices :D
I was in a rush this morning and didn't have time to eat a healthy breakfast
What are good easy breakfast choices?
for school
All natural fruit