Important stuff will go here one day.
Jenny Craig Scale
Got my scale yesterday and it is wonderful! Bluetooth helps you connect to app automatically logging in your weight. Now the center sees what I see every morning. Does anyone know if we have to get on the scale at the center now since we have a scale at home that logs in your weight automatically to the app?
Back on the Jenny Craig wagon
I've had good success with Jenny Craig program. Joined in April of 2016, and had lost about 68 lbs. as of March of 2017 (and all my HDL/LDL etc. levels were all very good at my last physical, thank you Jenny). Consistency of diet and daily journaling were definitely the keys to my success. Then in March of 2017, I had…
August 8th Update first "up" week since starting back on Jenny....half a pound in the past week - wasn't the gym (4x this week) or the steps but definitely the summertime beverages! Recommitting this week with my next weigh in set for Saturday...need a lbs+ in these 5 days....
August 1st Update
18 lbs down and starting to head into territory I haven't seen in a long time - under 218 lbs. Actually happy that I haven't gained over a very busy July - August is starting out well with a loss today. Goal is to be at 200 lbs by the end of September and get into maintainence mode at JC. Half way there!
Week #11
Week eleven is down and I'm plateauing at 17 lbs down. Last 3 weeks has been pretty much even although some yo-yoing for sure. Summer is tough with patios open and Stampede in full flight. Needs to be a big down week this week!
Joining jenny again
Well let's see WW twice,ilovethis diet,paleo fet low carb Now back to jenny 50 miles away but my grandsons wedding sept 8 So every wekk have to cut some food low budget more exercise and really want to do clothes do not fit
Week #8 on Jenny
I missed last week - down another 3.4 lbs in the last two weeks. Travel has been tough but making better choices on the road. Goal for this week is 2lbs. Managed to sneak a martini in last night which didn't hurt the weigh in. Drinking water has been tough - my other goal for the week.
Week #6 of JC done
Another 1.7lbs lost this week and over 15 pounds down since the start. Managed to get to the gym 4x this week which helped offset an office outing and a glass of wine (or two). Good progress so far - hoping for a big loss week of 2 lbs and get under 220
Day 29 of JC
Another 1.7lbs this week and over twelve pounds lost since Day one on Jenny. Have been able to juggle a fairly demanding travel schedule in May that will hopefully lighten up in the summer. So far, so good
Week three of jenny craig
Hi I'm Erin, I started doing jenny Craig the end of April, this is my second time doing it because I failed to do the maintenance part of the program and gained all the weight back. But this is my fresh start and I'm going to do exactly what the program tells me to do. Let's be friends, and help me build a support system :)