Important stuff will go here one day.
M&s fuller for longer
Anyone enjoying the marks and Spencer's fuller for longer range?
Day 2 here, just ordered Zumba DVD's
Anybody going Zumba here? How is it going?
Joined today(Saturday)
Well, I just finished shopping, bought all kinds of "good" foods like veggies, etc. I was making this a "New Years Resolution" and thought to myself "no, that is a bad way to start so I decided to start after I could go shopping and get "good" stuff in the house. I need to do something for myself :happy:
Cinema -what to nibble?
Argh. Going to the cinema, but what low calorie nibbles can I take?
4th day
It's day 4th for me it hasn't been ez but i'm not giving up. I want to be able to reach my goal,im not looking to getting thin but to be able to be health and feel confortable with myslef.I know that by joining this group i'll find encouragment and support. New year ,new life ,new goal and always staying positive .good…
Still going strong - day 5
This has been hard!!! I said I wasn't going to get on the scale for 1 week.. I weighed myself this morning. It was good 3 pounds, I just needed to know all this was doing something. Everytime I even think of candy or sweet, I tell myself I am worth this, I only have one life and I want to feel good about the way I look…
Just Joined
Hi, I just joined. I have 56 lbs. to lose, 55 yrs. old, so it's not as easy as it used to be. But I like a challenge. I walked 2 miles today, and did aerobics at home, so I feel really good about getting started. Yeah, 2013 !!
Pan-fried bacon with poached egg and balsamic tomatoes
It's Sunday morning, could be lie-in day, except dogs and kids jumping in bed day. The BBC have been showing the Hairy bikers series this week. I like the look of Pan-fried bacon with poached egg and balsamic tomatoes. I've brought the ingredients and ready to go... Further details follow this link:…
Day 5 and its the weekend
Happy weekend, Do you eat more or less at the weekend? I like to bake and weekends are the time when I can. I'm Not going to bake this weekend, but going to cook some skinny dinners instead. Also what about drinking at weekends... I want a glass of wine, but felt guilty. Hold on I don't want a diet with guilt. Xxx