The "Accountability crew" - December challenge!

The idea of this challenge is to break down our new lifestyle change into manageable chunks. A lifetime seems to be a very long time (hopefully!) whereas a Month doesn't seem so bad.
So, set yourself a personal challenge for the month of December. it can be absolutely anything you want, from fitting into a favourite item of clothing, losing weight, gaining muscle or just smiling more. Whatever you want!
There will be weekly check-ins, but if you have daily goals, then just check-in whenever you like.
And, at the end of it, we'll have achieved something positive for the Month (there are no failures here, just varying degrees of success)
So, step 1 is to post your goal(s) for the Month, and then check-in weekly, or whenever you like, lets make a change!
Owner: CM_73Leaders: CM_73Created on September 1, 20155 membersPrivacy: Public


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