Weekend Warrior Fitness

Anyone else have trouble fitting in fitness? Working full-time, have a family to take care of not leaving enough time to take care of you? The only time it seems like you can fit in fitness is on the weekends? Welcome to weekend warriors fitness. Although my children are grown, I have taken in 4 rescue dogs. I tried getting up earlier but between their morning routine and mine I barely get to work on time as it is.
I have lost 30 lbs in the last 6 months through dieting, but have always struggled with exercise. I really want to change my evening routine from going into the yard with the dogs and sitting on the deck while they play to doing 30 mins of exercise at night but I am not there yet. For now, I am what I like to call a weekend fitness warrior.
At this time of year I think it's especially difficult with the shorter days to feel motivated, let alone develop a new fitness plan. However, with the cold weather my dogs won't be as anxious to spend time outdoors so will dust off the treadmill and work toward an evening workout routine. I don't anticipate this happening before it gets cold for these reasons. I just don't want this to be a repeat of last winter when my treadmill went un-touched and I put alot of weight back on.
So I am looking for others who struggle with exercise and may already have a morning and evening routine that isn't easy to break. I also feel as though as the seasons change, so do our routines. We may change from doing more things outside to being forced inside. This doesn't have to mean let's see what's on TV and have a bowl of popcorn. My goal is to get this season off to a healthy start and get fit by spring. Good luck to all and I look forward to any feedback.
Owner: talleeLeaders: talleeCreated on November 7, 20153 membersPrivacy: Public



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