Important stuff will go here one day.
Anyone here?
I noticed that most of the comments are from years ago. Is anyone still utilizing this app and finding it helpful when navigating dietary restrictions with pancreatitis? So far, I have found it extremely helpful to follow the macros and prevent me from splurging too much in any one area that needs monitored.
new to group
Hello, I am looking to lose weight and have a partner with pancreatitis. Niteflier~
Pancreatitis and depression
With autoimmune pancreatitis, I am very limited in my food choices. Very little fat is allowed and no alcohol is allowed. I find myself eating the same things over and over. I'm really trying to gain some weight but it's hard when I can't eat my favorite foods. I'd also like to take part in a social hour so I can be with…
Introduce yourself
I'm Zac and I have been dealing with multiple bouts of severe acute pancreatitis. I lost over 30 pounds while hospitalized due to complications of infection after getting my gall bladder removed and developing an ilius. I recently had ERCP to clean out my pancreatic duct.
Helpful Foods
I love curry, but I used to east it Thai style. We've eastern a lot more Indian style curry because it uses turmeric which is a natural anti-inflammatory. See: I have read that grapefruit juice is also very good for this, but I haven't found multiple sources to verify and I can't…