Partner Accountability Group

Here is where we will organize our group and find a partner! I will invite everyone from the thread who was interested. Let's find a partner who maybe has the same interests, schedule, etc. or maybe even someone totally opposite who will push you out of your comfort zone! I'll post a template bio for us to fill out and post about ourselves, so we can go through and find the right partner.

So basically, with your partner, you'll communicate whichever way is easiest: text, email, facebook, instagram, whatever... but you'll be communicating and recording each other's meals and workouts, making sure they stick to their plan. If your partner misses a healthy meal or workout, then YOU get to skip a healthy meal or workout. That's how this is going to work, because we don't want to let someone down who is depending on us!!

If y'all want to start after the holiday weekend, I think that's a good idea. That way we don't start out on a bad week.

On top of having our personal accountability partners, we can post tips, motivation, daily routines, daily challenges, etc. in this group! Let me know if y'all have any questions or concerns!
Owner: daniellerusbultLeaders: daniellerusbultCreated on June 26, 201742 membersPrivacy: Public



Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
