Workout Challenge (100 days)

Hello, I completed this challenge back on Halloween 2017. It felt so great to finish the challenge and had every intention of continuing my weighloss journey until I found out I was pregnant a few days later. I managed to keep my weight gain to 14lbs during pregnancy and lost 13lbs after having my daughter. I am ready to get back on track and want to do this challenge again as it really helped me. The challenge is to work out every day for 100 days. I originally found this challenge posted by someone else but they had deleted the challenge before I finished so started my own. The original poster was motivated by a journey of a woman that went to the gym every day for 100 days. Reading the article and watching the video of her journey made me want to try it and it was motivating. This is the article,
Owner: valangel1902Leaders: valangel1902Created on August 19, 20176 membersPrivacy: Public



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