Need to Gain Weight (for those who have a hard time gaining weight)

OK. So I’m gonna try this again. I want to go create a group and everything all in hi-wire. Somehow my finger pressed some stupid button and it ended up going back to where you have all the options one of which is community which is where you go to create groups. In fact, it just happened a 3rd time.

Anyways I am creating this group because I haven’t really seemed to find what I’m looking for. I looked at a lot of the forums and groups and lot of them didn’t seem to be what I was looking for. So I decided to create a group specifically for people who want to gain weight (with no muscle building). After I create this page I will put the first post in it and that will Include me introducing myself and also sharing the reasons why it’s hard for me to gain weight. Feel free to do the same and leave a comment underneath with your story.
Owner: Stephany11202019Leaders: Stephany11202019Created on March 27, 201918 membersPrivacy: Public



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