Important stuff will go here one day.
A food addict just starting the road to recovery
Hello. My name is Amz and I'm a food addict. It took me a long time to understand this and realize I'm not a person who can eat in moderation without mindful effort. I have been successful in weight loss in the past, but my emotional eating habit has worsened substantially over the last two years. I do not have people in…
What is different this time from all your previous “Diets”?
Differences for me this time around..... 1. Learning to love myself, the process, the food I eat, the thoughts I have, and the actions I take. I am learning to be patient, kind and understanding with myself like I would be with my best friend. 2. Learning to recognizing the difference between my PFC thoughts and my Habit…
Awareness, Affirmations & Assessments!
The AAA - Understanding the importance of these three items will be discussed in more detail as your dreams and goals become more specific!
Step 4
Develop your action plan for tomorrow. Make sure it is 100% realistic and sustainable! Spend 15 minutes the first time, and 2 minutes everyday thereafter. It’s ok to change your plan tomorrow, but make sure if you put it on your plan, you are willing to try it at least once! Now be 100% committed to accomplish your plan…
Step 2
Answer the following questions... Take at least 15 minutes to do this... What does the life of your dreams look like? What is different now that your living the life of your dreams? (use your imagination and visualization) What is the same?
Step 3
Ask yourself these questions and brainstorm ideas.... Spend at least 30 minutes. Not having the answer is ok. But asking the questions gets you thinking about them an makes you open to the opportunity to answer them when the right ideas arrive or unfold themselves. What massive actions did you take to achieve the life of…
Step 1
Learn to love yourself and treat yourself with patience, kindness and understanding! You are perfect in each and every way, here, now and forever!
Introduce Yourself!
Hi, my name is Brent, and I currently weigh 426 pounds, and constantly struggle with an addiction to highly processed “products” especially sugary, salty, fatty “products” such as Snickers Bars, M&M’s, Pepperoni Pizza, Ice Cream, Yogurt, Cheetos, Potato Chips, Tortilla Chips, French Bread, Fettuccine Alfredo, Mountain Dew,…
Cravings and Binges Be Damned!
Here is a great link on dealing with food addictions and the Lizard Brain (amygdala).