Important stuff will go here one day.
GROUP IS MOVING......................
Please become a member of the new group. I'm not sure what's going on with this one. People are telling me they are having troubles finding the group. If you go to Community.... then to GROUPS...... then search for the Weight Loss Warrios Challenge, you should find us! I have pasted a link below also. You should be able to…
WEEK 1 (4/26 ~05/02): Habit-A-Week & Fitness Challenge
So I'm super stoked about getting this going that I put together the Week 1 Habit-A-Week & Fitness Challenge. It starts tomorrow, Friday, April 26, and ends Thursday, May 2. We are going to start week one on a lighter challenge to get everyone motivated, and moving! I thought we could have one Habit-A-Week that's the…
Weigh In! Let's get this crackin' !
Ok i have no idea what's going on here. Haven't been told of any teams, or anything. So I'm taking charge! Let's start fresh on Friday! Everyone message me your weight on Friday, and on Saturday, I'll post teams. Tell everyone you know so we can get a lot of people involved. Weigh in will be every Friday, with results…
are we ???
Is the group still going?
Weigh in...
Good morning everyone and happy Monday.. Tomorrow 4/16 the games begin. In the morning inbox me your weight and I will come up with the teams keeping it as even as possible. Every Tuesday will be weigh in day and the winner will be announce by the end of the day. Again the amount of weight loss will be part of the points…
Ideas for the challenges
Hey all. My name is Sharon and I want to lose some real weight to the summer. The challenges start on April 16 and Last until May 28. The idea is there will be teams (the amount depends on how many people join) and each team competing with each other to get points. The team with the most points wins each week. The team…
Intoduce yourself
Hi all. My name is Sharon and i'm trying to lose 20lbs. I have a busy schedule as most of you and want to find the motivation to lose the weight. Hopefully with your help and I do it..
Hey Y'all! I am a big fan of games and competition so im very excited to do this. This challenge is coming at a horrible time for me becuase I am taking my first year law exams starting next week. However, maybe if other people are relying on me to do well then I will stay on track. THis may be just what i need to not…
hello i am in a wheelchair
i can not move my lower body at all just my upper body and im over weight due to not being very mobile any advice or help would be greatful please:smile:
it so hard for me to be on this diet, monday and I go to kickboxing please send me some love so that I can go to this classes