Important stuff will go here one day.
No a lot of action. Do we want to make a June challenge?
I don't see a lot going on in here. Is anyone intrested in doing a June challenge?
mini challenges anyone?
Is anyone up for daily mini challaenges. We can each be in charge of thinking them up for a week. Or If it's easier I can post them and you guys can make suggestions. Let me know what you think.
weekend baby!!!
i struggle the most with food over the weekend, i get board and got nothing to do but eat, what do u do too keep from not over eating
what do u do to avoid stress or pressure?!? i eat hahaha, but going to stop it by drinking water
what do u think is the best, i always boil it with abit of water and grill it in a non stick pan!!
lose more weight in winter than summer
i know its weird but i seem to stick to things more in winter than summer i dont know why but still it comes off
weigh in days?!?! ooh scary
what would be your ideal weigh in day, mine is mondays! so i can keep the weekend in step!!
i am tired the way my mirror looks like
yip i tired of how my mirror looks like, i have now avoided it and using my bathroom morror!! eish realy today going to start with eating right except my mother-inlaw sending me to most devine cookies had only 3 normaly i finish them in a day then i going to step out on my new bike!!