Important stuff will go here one day.
Anyone playing through Tabletop Simulator?
Hi everyone, so, I just joined this group and as many of groups I had any interest in, is seeming kinda quiet. But maybe it's still possible to find new friends? Let's see. Does anyone else play Tabletop Simulator on Steam? It could be kinda fun to play something with someone here - and it could be fun to practice my…
New Games?
Merry Christmas to all of you! As we're all board gamers, the question is inevitable ;) Did you get any new board or card games from Santa Clause? Which ones? So far I didn't get one, but a new Wii game and a new PC game. But as thats not what this group is about I wont discuss those ;)
Geekway to the West 2015
Hey everyone, Just dropping a note that if you play board games and are near St. Louis, you should check out Geekway to the West. It's 4 days devoted to just tabletop board games! Hope to see you there!
A friend and I just got back from a nice little convention called WinterCon in Champaign, IL. There were only a few hundred people, but it was well-run and had some fun events. There were plenty of miniatures games out there - I played a session of Wings of War, a WWI dogfighting game which was fun! I also played: Agricola…
Hey! Please invite some friends, firstly. Also introduce yourself! What kinda games do you own? What would you like to own? Favorite game? Game that started you playing? "Basic sold at Target" game you still play? Any kind of games youd like to get into?
game of thrones
any one played this game? one of my gamer group has purchased it i am excited since these guys only ever wanted to play risk. any tips? tonight we battle ;-}
Looking for a specific kind of deck building game
So me and one of my best friends used to play Magic:The Gatheting back in middle school and high school. We stopped playing a good 10 years ago. This weekend we were in a store at the checkout line and somehow he convinced me we should buy $60 worth of cards and build some decks to play later on. I really think that was a…
The man with 1500 board games o.0 DAMN.
Boardgame Podcasts
Ok, since it's well established I'm a total nerd, I figure I've got nothing to lose. ;) Do you listen to boardgame podcasts? I browsed a few before landing on this one. I love these guys! They managed to attend the big boardgame fest in Essen in October (I saw them there), and they've launched a bunch…