March Restart
Hello ladies!! I’ve wanted to jump back on THM so I’m planning on shopping Friday since I’m low carb right now it’ll be a slight switch. Who wants to join me?
Friend me!
Please friend me. I need encouragement and meal ideas. Thanks!
Could someone give me some basic THM info?
Hi! I've read the THM book, and it's still a bit overwhelming. Could someone give me some basic pointers?
THMom since July 2020
I've been following THM for a while, intially I gained. I think becasue I had come from a modified sparing diet. Then I finally lost some but I have been gaining and losing the same 5lbs for months. I thought tracking macros would help. Are there any mommas who are in their season of life and a petite 4'11" who has…
I have a friend who has been working out and is having a hard time figuring out how many carbs to eat after her workout. She does her workout before lunch and usually does an E smoothie with a banana. If she leaves off the banana it is an FP. Which is better, the E smoothie or the FP smoothie?
Anyone try the Workins?
I bought the Workins yesterday with the website deal. Has anyone tried them? What’s your favorite exercise? Do I need any special equipment?
Favorite Lunch
List your favorite Lunch! Lable E, S, FP, Crossover.
Favorite Dinner!
List your favorite Dinner! Lable E, S, FP, Crossover. I Love Cheeseburger Casserole with jalapenos! -S
Website deal
Anyone signing up for the 3 months for 14$? Is it worth it?
Restarting! Anyone want to join me?
Hi I am restarting TMH anyone else in?
Hello? Anyone in here? :)
Inputting recipes
Maybe we can start a little project. Inputting all of the recipes from THT and THM book, if we all do just 2-3 recipes, we can have all of them done. This would help so much in logging in our foods.