Important stuff will go here one day.
Sugar goal of 56 grams
MFP is feels like a nanny app. It thinks my minimum daily sugar should be 56 grams and won't allow me to customize to a lower value. I really like every other feature but am going to start looking for a new app that doesn't try to dictate my personal diatary choices.
Personal victory. Ultimate goals in sight.
A personal health goal achieved! My Doctor gave me the green light for my request to lower my blood pressure meds(cutting in half). My BP has been going down consistently along with my weight(48lbs so far) after starting #NSNG and eliminating seed oils. I also chose to do a 8/16 fasting regimen. My overall goals are to…
Recipes you would like to share?
Hi All, I'm new to the group but have been on a LCHF diet for a while and find that it really agrees with me. I thought it would be great if others have recipes they have tried and thought were good enough to recommend. I just made these today and was really happy with how easy they were and they taste pretty darn good.…
Thanks for joining!
I know...just what we needed! Another group to keep track of! Not really. I just wanted my NSNG buddies all in one place :) Basically I want NSNG food diaries to stalk. I am in many groups across the interwebs, but the NSNG FB group is my favorite! If you are interested in the no sugar, no grains lifestyle be sure to…