Walk 30 Miles Challenge
With this challenge, you simply log how many miles you walk in a day for an entire month, and then tally it up to equal 30 miles, or more. Happy walking!!
30 Day Squat Challenge
Day 1 - 50 Day 2 - 60 Day 3 - 70 Day 4 - 80 Day 5 - rest Day 6 - 70 Day 7 - 80 Day 8 - 90 Day 9 - 100 Day 10 - rest Day 11 - 80 Day 12 - 90 Day 13 - 100 Day 14 - 110 Day 15 - rest Day 16 - 90 Day 17 - 100 Day 18 - 110 Day 19 - 120 Day 20 - rest Day 21 - 100 Day 22 - 110 Day 23 - 120 Day 24 - 130 Day 25 - rest Day 26 - 120…
30 Day Crunch Challenge
Day 1 - 20 Day 2 - 25 Day 3 - 30 Day 4 - 35 Day 5 - rest Day 6 - 35 Day 7 - 40 Day 8 - 45 Day 9 - 50 Day 10 - rest Day 11 - 50 Day 12 - 55 Day 13 - 60 Day 14 - 65 Day 15 - rest Day 16 - 65 Day 17 - 70 Day 18 - 75 Day 19 - 80 Day 20 - rest Day 21 - 80 Day 22 - 85 Day 23 - 90 Day 24 - 95 Day 25 - rest Day 26 - 95 Day 27 -…
90 Day Weight loss Challenge
Set a goal for yourself as to how much weight you would like to lose in 90 days. Enter your starting weight at the beginning of this challenge, check in periodically so others may see your progress, and then let us know if you reached your goal.
30 Day Weight loss Challenge
Enter your starting weight and how much you would like to lose in 30 days. Check in weekly so others may see your progress and then at the end of the 30 days, let us know if you achieved your goal.
Burn 3500 Calories in a Week challenge
By special request, here ya go. Burn that pound of fat away!!!
30 Day Arm Challenge
Here is the link to this challenge:
30 Day Ab Challenge
Here is the link for this challenge, but I have typed it all out for you below: The exercises to do are, in this order, situps/crunches/leg raises/planks (seconds) How to videos: Sit ups: Crunches:…
30 day Kickback Challenge
Here is a video to give you an idea (they only do one leg): 1. Kneel on the floor or an exercise mat and bend at the waist with your arms extended in front of you (perpendicular to the torso) in order to get into a kneeling push-up position but with the arms spaced at shoulder…
1000 Push Ups Challenge
How many can you do in a day? See if you can do 1000 in 10 days.
Awfully quiet in here, isn’t it?