Important stuff will go here one day.
Top 3 things to jumpstart weightloss
So wondering what everyone’s starting point looks like. I’ve been out of the grind for a minute sooo what would everyone’s top 3 go to steps in torching fat?
Hard getting back
So I had done so well shaving down the body fat and leaning out. Managed to go from 305 to 221 and was doing very well got covid and felt like trash took probably 6 months to even do anything other than go to work so now I am ready to get it going and dial everything back in. I’m open to any strategies anyone might have.
How is your progress!?
I'm currently on a downward slope. I've let the stress and busy-ness of full time college classes and full time work get in the way of my fitness goals. Tried to do home work outs which I pushed through for about 30 days. Then lost motivation. Needed something more. Finally break and the holidays has given me motivation to…
Motivational ideas
Number one. Clean eating. Number two. Exercise. Two of the main ingredients needed to transform your body into what you want it to look like. It takes 21 days to form a habit. If you can get through 21 days your in for the long hall. There will be good days and bad days. Days where you follow your calorie count to the T..…