Good Morning Everyone :D Well, as you can see i set up the group! I'll pop back over to the thread in a moment and keep posting there until we all migrate over here so will keep this initial post short! Great workout this morning - I managed to force myself out of bed and i'm mighty glad i did - although my arms are not…
Hey guys! Today I did day 1 of JM's 30 day Slim Down! I haven't really been able to find any success stories/pics from it, so I'm sort of guinea-pigging myself for the masses! (stay tuned for the review & B/A pics in a month!) I've previously done 30DS lvls 1 & part of 2, but I found myself getting a bit bored of the…
Hello Thought I'd start a topic for the workout in doing at the moment.... Really enjoyed level one of ri 30, not so much two though. Starting level three in the morning, seen a few posts where people say this is easier/better than 2, hope so, it's hard enough getting up at 5.15 am without disliking the workout!
Anyone tried this yet? Any reviews? Interested to hear more about it.