General Discussion :D

DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
Good Morning Everyone :D

Well, as you can see i set up the group! I'll pop back over to the thread in a moment and keep posting there until we all migrate over here so will keep this initial post short!

Great workout this morning - I managed to force myself out of bed and i'm mighty glad i did - although my arms are not thanking me right now! Three workouts completed with the 3kg and i can really feel it. I hadn't realised how much i'd just gotten into a routine, as i haven't felt like this in ages! I just keep thinking if it challenges me, it can change me...definitely going to take my allocated rest days though!

Hope you are all having a great start to Wednesday, Di :happy:


  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks for creating the group Di!

    Did L2 of RI30 today and I'm not loving it. I really want to like it, but I just don't. I didn't find it difficult (I was using 7-lb weights), just boring. I might try muting Jillian and turning on my own music, or move up to L3. I completed L1 no problem with my own music so maybe that's what I need to do for L2!
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks for creating this group. I love doing JM workouts. I am currently doing Body Revolution. I have done 30DS twice plus a few of her other DVDs.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Thanks for creating the group!!!
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Another thanks here! :)
  • chmtastic
    chmtastic Posts: 178 Member
    Yes, thanks for creating the group!!!

    Disc 3 was great this morning and I did a run/walk outside today!!! yayyyy for beautiful weather and my ankles seeming to cooperate!! Tomorrow it's Killer Abs WO 2 and maybe a run/walk on the treadmill. Gotta prep for this 5K coming!

    And Sarah you are absolutely right about water!! And I was GUZZZZZZZZLIN today! wow!!

    Hope you all have a nice evening!

    Erin :bigsmile:
  • CealR
    CealR Posts: 33 Member
    I'll chime in with the thank you!

    I posted over in the original thread, but I'll go ahead and reiterate my crazy - I doubled up on the 30DS today because I felt like "a bit of a challenge." (Can't you just hear JM's voice saying it?) Level 3, Day 5 and then I took a couple of minutes for water and re-cuing my iTunes before doing Level 1, switching around my 1kg and 3kg weights, depending on if I felt like I was barely working with the exercise.

    Of course, I think the fact that I have a Costco run today might have something to do with the's a sad, sad truth that in my little corner of Japan, the Costco food court is where I go when I'm feeling homesick.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Good Morning Everyone :D

    Ceal - Great job with the doubling, I am currently living by the mantra 'if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you' as i had gotten too complacent with my weights specifically! I'm sure the results will be awesome for you. Sorry about the homesickness, that is never nice, hope the Costco run gives you some small comfort :D

    Erin - well done with the workout and the run - when is your 5K? Still working on getting more water in here, but i'm definitely better than i used to be!

    SMFRN - How far along are you with BR now? Hope you are still enjoying it :D

    AFM - great to see that the group is working, it should be much easier to post general and more specific topics here :D Good workout this morning - found my YouTube one (a metabolic booster of 4 exercises 4 times with increasing difficulty) quite tough after Jillian and the 3kgs, particularly on my arms. .. just goes to show as i thought my arms were quite strong! Really glad i upped the weights :) I am expecting the scale to remain the same (or even go up) while my muscles get used to the new regime which is fine. It is official weigh/measure/photo for me on Saturday as i do the first Saturday of the month each time. Am just hoping to be down on bodyfat, last month was 31.9% so anything under that would be great :happy:

    Wishing you all a fabulous Thursday, Di :happy:
  • klb0809
    klb0809 Posts: 91 Member
    I am here struggling to finish 30 day shred which is probably going on 45 days lol.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Another thank you!

    I did ESNS level 1 last night..I remembered why I workout in the AM..I was tired from work..and it was hot (90 degrees..I REFUSE to turn on my AC until mid April!!!) But I felt great afterwards.

    Did level 4 ripped this morning..may go for a run with hubby tonight while the kiddo has soccer practice..we will see.

    Looking into protein powders..I currently drink a slimfast in the AM..but looking at the EAS lean 15..I like mine in milk. HAs anyone ever used this shake? My concern is taste.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone, T.G.I.F again :D

    TX - Wow! I wish we had your weather! ... probably not as good for working out in though! Great job for both the workouts, did you get your run in too? Burn baby burn!! I'd be interested to know if you find a good protein shake, i am always looking for ways to up my protein...there's only so much chicken i can eat :wink:

    klb - which level of the shred are you on now? Just think though, 45 days of shredding is doing wonders for your body :happy: What do you plan to do after the shred?

    Hope everyone else is doing well :smile:

    Well...I did my measurements etc a day early as i'm out early tomorrow so wasn't sure i'd get the chance and i'm at 30.3% bodyfat which i'm happy with. Really would have liked to be under 30% but seeing as i was 31.9% last month (and the month before) i will happily take that. Weight down to 132.3lbs which is pretty much my lowest ever adult weight which is also great. Really not sure where to go from here to get the best results...if i understand it right, you can't build muscle (and get that athletic/toned look) whilst eating at a deficit? I currently average 1100-1200cals per week with lower days m-th and higher days f-su. I'm thinking maybe eat at maintenance or tdee for a couple of weeks and see what happens? Any thoughts greatly appreciated :smile:

    Anyway...good workout this morning even after another bad night of not being able to breathe! I can see me flagging significantly by the afternoon though :laugh:

    Hope you all have a great Friday, Di :happy:
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    I will starting week 6 tomorrow. Today is my off day. I have been liking it so far. I like that the workouts switch every 2.weeks and it really tones you. That is what I was looking for since I am maintaining.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Last night, hubby had an errand, so I was by myself to haul the kiddo to practice. My goal was to just go for a good power walk. Stopped at the mailbox on the way out and my new bathing suit (a VS bikini!) had arrived..motivation kicked in and I went for a 20 minute run and felt GREAT!
    swapped to level 2 ripped this knees hurt a PINCH..but not like they used too.

    Our weathr is nice, but we are SO DRY we have major wildfire danger..:(
  • chmtastic
    chmtastic Posts: 178 Member
    I did JMBR disc 4 today. Felt good to work out!! Tomorrow I think I'm gonna do a another 30 min workout and attempt another run!

    Di: The 5K is 5/30! I can't wait! How tall are you? Do you eat back your workout calories?

    Hope everyone had a great day and enjoy the weekend!!

  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :D

    Chmtastic - Great that you are so excited for your 5K, i bet the end of May will come round really quickly! I am 5ft 4" and i generallly don't eat back my exercise cals unless i'm really hungry - although lately i've been trying more of a tdee - 10% kind of thing as i'm trying to build more muscle. Do you eat yours? It is so difficult to know i think, and you just have to find what works for you personally :smile:

    TX - sorry about the wildfire danger, i didn't even think of that - i'd just be happy with something that wasn't grey and drizzly! Saying that our last two Sundays have been quite pleasant! Great job for your run - must be good having the motivation of the VS bikini right in front of you :happy: Hope level 2 of the RIP doesn't hurt even a bit today, great workout :smile:

    SMFRN - Sounds like you have a great plan for maintaining - do you find it harder than losing?

    How is everyone else doing today?

    Good here...I'm taking a rest day today as i'm off for a day out with my mum. It's an early birthday present for her - a day shopping, a meal out and a show. Should be great fun, and hopefully i'll pick up a few holiday clothes :happy:

    Hope you all have a great weekend, Di :happy:
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    Maintaining is a lot harder than losing. I am worried about my macros plus calories instead just calories. You have to find the right amount of calories that wont increase your weight plus not over doing it on exercise. I am getting more relaxed about what. I but still worry over portion control. So its not easy at all.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Afternoon Everyone :D

    Hope you are all having a great weekend :happy:

    SMFRN - Hmm, i thought that might be the case! I was hoping to ease off the logging when i got to maintenance but i think i'll be doing it more than ever! Portion control is my big thing - i eat so much better than i ever have done but i still like to eat alot! Hopefully given time i'll get the hang of it!

    AFM - had a great day yesterday, thoroughly enjoyed the show and had a brilliant NSV when we went for lunch as i ordered exactly what i wanted but kept all the add ons to a minimum so it turned out to be a pretty healthy meal :happy:

    Have done my workout today and feel good, dare i say the 3kg are not quite as heavy as they were last week when i started with them! So i'm starting my two week experiment tomorrow (through the Easter Hols). Going to ignore cals burned and eat to my TDEE which i've taken an average from four sites to get (working on 6 days working out at a moderate level). Oddly enough it came out at almost exactly 2000 which is what i've set it to now. I will be doing some kind of Jillian and two of my 30 day fat burn workouts for a total of about 45 mins, all with advanced moves and at least 3kg weights (not looking forward to the chair flys with that i can tell you!) I'm going to weigh, bodyfat measure (on my electronic scale so never sure how accurate) tape measure and take photos and just see what the difference is in two weeks. I'm hoping for bodyfat reduction and less wobble and expecting the scale to go up a bit (hopefully not too much). Fingers crossed if i've got all this wrong i won't have done too much damage! Going to be quite hard i think i make sure i hit the 2000 of healthy food every day - not worrying too much about macros as i think my head would explode trying to get it all right, but aiming for protein with every meal.

    Phew! Thanks for reading all that! Any thoughts or comments happily received :D I know two weeks isn't very long but i'm hoping for an idea of whether it might work long term :D

    Hoping you are all having a great weekend, raining again here! Di :smile:
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    I'm hoping maintenance will be eating as I do now during week, and eating what ever I like at weekend....though last time I hit maintenance I lost 8lb more!!!

    Good idea 're weights and food Di, that will be a test run for maintenance for you.
    What/how was show?

    I'll be moving onto level 4 of ripped this week, and not sure what to do after it, other than enjoy the Easter weekend...might go back to nmtz and just do the workouts I can, without falling over.
  • chmtastic
    chmtastic Posts: 178 Member
    Di: Yes, I eat back most of my calories. I have it set for 1400, but will eat back what I burn. I don't really plan on losing any more weight. And if I get hungry, I eat something. But I am finding that the more protein I eat, the less hungry I am! woo hoo!!

    I did some yoga this morning with Bob Harper--- Don't tell JM!! hahaha This week I am starting a new program-- the 21 Day Fix. That combined with the 5K training. I'll let you all know how it goes! I'm excited for the short workouts! hehe

    Hope everyone had a nice weekend and a great week coming up!!

  • klb0809
    klb0809 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone hope all is well.

    DLD- I am on level 3 day 6 but I am not sure where to go from here. I was thinking about Body Revolution or T25. I feel like I would be cheating on Jillian though she has brought me a long way. Whatever I do I better figure it out fast.
  • klb0809
    klb0809 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone hope all is well.

    DLD- I am on level 3 day 6 but I am not sure where to go from here. I was thinking about Body Revolution or T25. I feel like I would be cheating on Jillian though she has brought me a long way. Whatever I do I better figure it out fast.