General Discussion :D



  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Lobster - how is the additional protein working out for you? Hope it's helping!

    Di - Have a great trip! I love the idea of a hotel room workout!

    AFM - I was getting a really low burn from one of my daily workouts for June, so I am changing it out for something else. Looking ahead to a planned 3 week trip later this summer and putting together a small arsenal of workouts to do while away from my home gym set-up.

    Happy Hump Day!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    JMHT345 - It seems that adding protein may be increasing my weight : ( - wasn't just the scale, I am feeling bloated and kind of thick. I am giving it time to even out maybe just a bad day water wise or so. ( today is day 10) Just seems strange and this is what usually happen when I increase calories but I didn't even increase calories. Actually the scaled weighted me above my range for the first time in a year and a half... so I am trying not to freak out. I have a 5 pound range I will wait it out. I don't understand my body at all.....

    But I will figure it out and if I just have to make my calorie intake low but with healthy choice and up them on special occasions then that is what I will do.....

    Di - hope you all ready for your trip...have a great time.

    Erica - great job with Body Revolution-- I loved it. I will probably do a second round close to the end of the year. It kept the holiday weight gain off me LOL....

    Hope everyone else is doing great --- have a great day!!!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Just popping in real quick to wish you all a great, happy and healthy couple of weeks. Hope the workouts continue and everyone trying new things has great success. Really looking forward to starting a new challenge when i get back :happy:

    Thanks so much for all your support and motivation over the last six months - I am exactly where i wanted to be by now, down 14lbs, 3% bodyfat and smaller and healthier than i've ever been :happy: Will try to log in while i'm away, but the wi-fi at the hotel is sketchy at best!

    Looking forward to catching up with you all when i get back, Di :happy:
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    lobster - Have your measurements gone up as well? I can imagine your frustration, I hope it's just some water weight wreaking havoc and not a true gain.

    I am changing up my non-lift exercise again, I really don't like what I picked for this month, so I keep changing it. Going back to my jump rope, I've missed it!
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    Good morning! I hope everyone is doing well with their diets and exercise. Its so frustrating to find a happy medium with calories and/or exercising. For me, I have to increase my calories or back off exercising. I have been slowly increasing my calories but still watching what I eat. My weaknesses as of late has been ICE CREAM! Got to love summer.

    Lobster: I had to increase my protein to 120-150 grams. I wasn't feeling good with low protein levels (tired, crabby, shaky at times, etc). It worked for me and feel better when I do eat protein. Maintaining is so hard to do! Like you, I have a range for my weight. I get concerned when it gets closer to the top end of it. I hope fir its not a true gain.:)

    DLD53: My vacation has been great. We didn't go any where because its my daughters last week of school. I did go on some trips with her class this week. Got a few projects done at the house. The weather has been beautiful. So, I spent a lot of time outside with the kids (walks, gardening, playgrounds, etc). How is your vacation? Hope you are having a wonderful time.

    Eric's: Great job with body revolution. Keep going because its worth it in the end. I felt it was a big accomplishment. :)

    Jmht345: at least its still early in the month to change your rountine. ;) I'm continually changing my rountine. I haven't figured what my next goals are. :(
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    Still in a big debate about my maintenance but....I am waiting it out about the protein. I have a gain I am at the top of my range and I feel a little bloated and thick but I am thinking that will go away. I have been trying and talking to various people and on here with MFP to get more information. I think my range of calorie although low is correct. I think I do have a slow metabolism (menopause, age and hypothyroidism) but it's normal range. My trick may be to not go below the 1400 at all. If I need to lose any added pound then I should only increase my exercise. I need to keep up my protein and see if that helps.
    With some small adjustments it may help but basically my maintenance range is an average of 1400-1600 calories at my current lifestyle.

    A couple of things I realized -
    1.) I don't go hungry, I eat clean healthy foods-this is the biggest one!!
    2.) I exercise a lifestyle
    3.) I have treats or dinner out when I want... I eat dark chocolate every day!!
    4.) I am healthy and don't get sick often
    5.) I am at a good healthy weight - (not under or over )
    6.) I feel good and my clothes fit---I pass my skinny jean test
    7.) So I may not fit into the regular mold and I may be low calorie intake but it's working for me. I know as long as I am eating above my BMR which around 1250 on a average then I should be fine.

    I will be discussing this with my doctor this month - just to make me feel better...

    Hope everyone else is doing good.

    Have a happy healthy day!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Back from the abyss!

    I admit, Ive partially cheated on JM..Since June 1, Ive been taking part in a challenge from The Get In Shape Girl three times a week..its circuits, similar to JM's videos..I like it.

    On my "off" days I am going JM's kickboxing off of youtube. I also did level 1 killer abs yesterday. it was nice, but I think Ill try level 2 tomorrow. taken a break from ripped..getting old (heck been doing it since November!). I did a week or so of 30 day shred level 3.

    Ive been tired and been trying to figure out my maintenance. I upped my calories and went from 117 to 122! now granted, some may be water weight..I just started my time of the month, but Im extremly dissapointed..:(...Ive also been battling what I feel may be hormones or something else..intense mood swings, getting hot/cold..ugh!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning !!! I started the 6 week 6 pack this morning. I think I am going to be sore... But I think I will like it! I did the low impact or beginner so I have some improvement to make in the next three weeks before going on to workout 2. Really enjoy Jillian'ss workouts!!!
    Hopefully I get in a walk this evening, if the weather hold out.

    Starting week three of added protein.... so changes so far.....just some fluctuations..

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    TXranchgirl: I had to split from JM for a bit. After doing 3 months of BR, she was getting on my nerves! I know I will go back to her workouts. I'm loving the website "fitness blender". Getting a lot of great workouts. I wouldn't worry about the weight gain. I have the same weight fluctuations all the time.

    Lobster: great job on starting 6w6p! I gave not done that Dvd yet. Ive heard its tough but so are all her Dvds. :)

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good morning all ! Day three of 6 week 6 pack.... I am doing pretty good so far. I haven't see any scale changes in my added protein but...and this is a big but I think I am seeing changes in my tone and muscles. I am think I am feeling fuller longer and haven't had the need to snack as much. This is week three of added protein so I will continue and see. I am hoping to move to the bottom of my range and stay there but it hasn't happen yet.... I am still all over my weight range ....

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Lobster - So glad to hear the extra protein is giving you some changes in tone and muscles! How would you compare 6w6p to some of her other DVDs? I have it, but have yet to try it because I was so put off by RI30 back in April.

    smfrn - Congrats on BR and enjoy the break from JM, after 3 months, you've certainly earned it!

    AFM - Loving the total body lifting instead of separating out by chest/back, legs/abs and arms across the week. I'm really seeing some strength gains which I love and hoping to move up another 5 pounds (I lift dumbbells, not barbells) before the end of the month!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Lobster, sounds like that video may be next on my "to do" list. Ive disocvered so many of her vids on youtube, so I am going thru them and saving the ones that I like.

    took a rest day today..Im UP again today and I want to throw the scale at someone...I cant talk to DH about it because hes told me hes tired of my obession..:(..hes supportive, but hes tired of the scale.:( mabey I need to put it away for abit too..

    the June Challenge Im doing is very hard..strength wise, for me. I can feel ache in my booty and my arms and even in my abs. I dont know if this "shake up" and upping calories has created this gain, if its temporary or what..
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning all, So today was day 5 of 6week 6pack. I am really liking it and it seems to go by quick. Not sure about doing one workout for three weeks and then the second one for three weeks. I tend to get bored but I am doing it next week and adding the more advance moves and some more weights etc. I may switch it up with another ab dvd but I will try to really do her suggested plan. Still doing well on the added protein and feeling good. Still a little tummy problems but working it out. My weight is still within the range and hasn't gone over again.

    Although it's not really a good thing that you guys have the same problem with the weight fluctuations I am glad I am not alone. I hate it.....sometimes I want to throw that stupid thing away. It can ruin my day. But I guess the problem is the days the scale is up so is my water weight or whatever because I usually feel puffy or bloated. If I wake up feeling skinny and jeans go right on , then I don't care what the scale says...but that never happens!!!!!

    My new motto - hope you have a happy scale day!!! LOL
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I wake up slim and tiny..throughout the day I get puffed!

    instead of strength today, I opted for Cardio kickbox..was fun and I felt good doing it.
    measurements are still the same, down a pound this morning.
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    I wake up slim and tiny..throughout the day I get puffed!

    Nice to know I'm not the only one with that problem (not that I am slim or tiny, but I do feel bigger at the end of the day than at the start)! Hope your measurements continue to stay the same. I only weigh when my HRM tells me to and I love it that way!

    Lobster - how is 6w6p? Did you try the second workout yet?

    AFM - total body lifting three times a week has been good this month. I like the challenge of trying to hit every major muscle in one workout and I definitely notice a change in my strength! Seeing continuous drops in measurements to go with, so no complaints there!

    Happy Wednesday!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    well..I can now say I quit something! I quit the June strength challenge..I didnt feel it was jiving me with and doing it to the drone of the AM news versus JM yelling at me might have caused it to..

    in all seriousness, I feel like a more cardio based program works better for me..

    Ive been doing cardio kickbox, found Charlene's Turbo Kick on youtube too. and I did Killer Abs level 2 last night..OMFG! Now THAT was some core work. hollowmans with a press, fly and headbanger combo? yes please..ouchie!

    Rest day today! hope everyone is having a great day....

    and I had to "puff" in the evening and woke up to lean this morning..but was up 2 pounds! I HATE THE SCALE!
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    Txranchgirl: Its ok to give up on something. You tried it and it wasn't for you. I go back and forth between doing a lot of cardio and weights. It just depends on my mood. :)

    I have been on higher end of my range as of late. Its depressing and frustrating. I have been more lax on what I've been eating but staying within my calories. I also have been lifting more weight so I'm hoping its muscle gain. I hope its a summer thing.

    Have a great day!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    when I indulge in alot of junk..even if its within my calories..I feel puffy, bloated and icky..and the scale shows it..:(..blah!
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    txranchgirl - I quit RI30 a few months back. If its not something you enjoy why force yourself to do it? That's my motto at least.

    smrfn - How are your measurements? If they're the same, I wouldn't give much thought to the scale.

    I'm finally down to within 10 pounds of my goal, but since mfp doesn't have a goal body fat to chase I could be much closer or much farther. Wish there was a cheap but accurate way to measure body fat. Oh well. The measurements go down, the weight I can lift goes up and I am generally happy with how things are going.
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    Talk about depression so early in the morning on a Sunday. I did my measurements. Weight is up 10 lbs in 2 weeks! Calf, thigh, and hips are up 1/2 inch but my waist is up 1.5 inches! OMG!!!!! That is comparing numbers from last month. I guess I have been enjoying summer a bit too much. So, now I am going to nip this in the butt before it gets out of hand. :(

    jmht345: Great job getting within your goal. I also wish there was an easier way to figure out body fat. Darn numbers!

    Hope everyone has a great day!