General Discussion :D



  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    woke up late yesterday and busy busy after no workout for me. Got up though this morning and got it done!

    Ive been feeling super tired come mid afternoon..I dont know if Im just running around to much or what.

    I did bake another batch of those cookies and took them, along with peanut butter brownies, to my friends out at the Animal Control building. those cookies are REALLY good! I think I will make them for our potluck 4-h club banquet in two weeks.

    On a sidenote..I did a body fat calculator told me I was on the upper side of "acceptable" and another told me on the upper side of "fitness"..acceptable was 31% and fitness was 24%..WTH? are these things that sqrewy? it really was a down as I thought Id be more in the 20% range..:(
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    jmht - Hope you feel better soon and that you get to enjoy your weekend. Never heard of Neila Ray, but hope the rotation works for you :D

    Sarah - sometimes i wonder if busy burns more calories than workouts! Guess it depends on the busy! :wink: are you still having a snack in the afternoon as a pick me up? Hope the tiredness eases soon :smile: Peanut butter brownies too - *salivating* here :happy:

    Totally feel your pain with the bodyfat measurements - everything i read seems to suggest that nothing except one of those underwater tests is particularly accurate, and they are way too expensive for my wallet! I'm hoping my new scale will be better, but if you find an online one that works do let me know :D

    I did another mini experiment of my own this arvo - DS came home from school ill so we cuddled up to watch a DVD - i put my HRM on for an hour while i did nothing but sit (and managed to hardly move at all) and i burned 55 cals, multiplying that by 24 (i know i'd burn less while sleeping but probably more in the 16 awake hours so hoping it leveled out) and decided to take that number 1360, as my BMR. All the numbers drive me mad as i know there is no way except under lab conditions to truly measure cals in and out, but i'm just trying to get as accurate as i can! Debating wearing it for 24 hours on a normal rest day to see what comes back....

    Hope you all have an awesome weekend :happy: Di
  • erical78
    erical78 Posts: 11
    Still plugging away with Body Revolution. I will be glad to move on to some harder workouts. After RI30, BR seems easy so far.

    What I discovered is NOT easy is 6 Weeks 6 Pack. I decided to add that in today. First time doing it and wow! I definitely cannot do the side planks. Something felt like it was about to pop in my left wrist. I decided to do twisting planks instead.

    Cardio section of BR tomorrow and rest on Sunday. Have a good weekend everyone!
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    Just checking in with everyone. It seems everyone is doing really well with their workouts. Great job!

    Today, I started with week 10 of BR. I must say, I kind of like workouts 9 and 10. Its challenging but better than weeks 7&8. The cardio portion is growing on me. There is so many different workouts in a short amount of time, I don't know what to think.:)

    I do have a question about BR: have people done just the 12 weeks or added the 13th week? I'm not sure what I want to do yet. I need to think about what to do after BR. I do know I need a break from Jillian.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Evening Everyone :)

    SMFRN - sorry, i've not done BR so can't help, but glad you are enjoying it. Totally get needing a break from JM, love her workouts, but sometimes you need something new :D Hope you get an answer.

    Erica - maybe up the weights on BR if it is too easy? I've never done it so not sure that's even possible! Hope your wrist feels better soon and great job with 6w6p :D

    Just a quickie to say i did wear my HRM for 24 hours! And of a totally sedentary day (spent a lot of the day in the car, just moved about to visit the ladies, make the meals etc and it came out as 1591 cals. From my hour test yesterday 55 cals x 24 hours x1.2 (the tdee for sedentary) I got 1584 so i'd say that's pretty accurate! So i'm really happy with that, I'm going to make sure i net 1500 on rest days and between 1500-1800 on exercise days and hopefully that will put me at a very slight caloric deficit so i can maintain as much muscle as possible while still losing a bit more weight :D

    Definitely worth a try if you have an HRM and an hour to sit still!

    Sounds like everyone is doing brilliantly with their programs, hope you all have a great weekend :happy: Di
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    That's really interesting about the HRM. I only use mine for exercise, but I'm really tempted to try the hour sitting down to see what I get! Thanks for the great idea!

    AFM - my new rotation combined with new lifting routine and a head cold that will not go away is kicking my tail so far this month! I think I picked a good rotation that will get progressively difficult, so I'm glad it's not starting out too easy, I really like the challenge this is giving me!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :D

    jmht - Great job with your new challenge, especially with a head cold! Hope that passes soon and the rotation keeps on challenging you :D Let me know if you do try the HRM idea, it would be good to know if it worked for you :smile:

    How is everyone else doing? Hope you all had a great weekend and a good start to the week.

    Good here, although DS and DD have had a virus of some sort over the long weekend so we didn't get out much. Made a few poor food choices, mostly through tiredness/stir crazy inside-ness i think, but back on track today. Completed my arm strength this morning and plan to do a recovery type low impact cardio routine later. Only 30 days to my holiday from today - eeek!

    Wishing you all a happy, healthy Tuesday :happy: Di
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    After a few weeks of mia, I've thrown myself back at it...main priority was to start running again, so am aiming for two twenty minute runs most week days (have cleared my calender for two weeks for other reasons,so this works well).
    Then am throwing in two circuits of nmtz on my return from running and skipping the warm up, as trust me, am warm enough.
    I'd forgotten how hideous those surrenders are, but am nicely sore today, so doing it right!!
    Well done everyone else, sounds like it's going good.

    Di..I LOVE fitness blender....bought their right week plan, but have yet to summon the courage to commit the time to it.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :D

    Lucy - great that you are 'throwing' yourself back in :wink: sounds like a great plan with the running and NMTZ - surrenders are tough, my arms most definitely start to collapse near the end! Nicely sore is good, hope that it keeps working for you.

    Do let me know what you think about the 8 week plan from Fitness Blender - I am totally *loving* the workouts but i worried that food plan might be a bit too geared to the USA in terms of ingredients (and be a bit 'bean' heavy - i'm not a fan of beans!) The sample one i looked at also had cup measurements and whilst i do have cups i really prefer to weigh things on my digi scale! At the moment i am following their suggested make your own plan of Upper Body, Lower Body, Abs + cardio, repeat then rest on Day 7.

    How is everyone else doing?

    Not too bad here, managed to strain my serratus anterior muscle (under the armpit - i had to look it up!) which isn't too bad in terms of daily/cardio movement, but i found i couldn't do oblique plank raises on that side yesterday :( Will just have to try to avoid it until it has recovered i guess! Luckily lower body today and then rest day tomorrow so hopefully by Saturday it'll be better :D

    Miserable weather here, so no chance of getting out for a walk with DS - paints and playdough it is then :wink:

    Wishing you all a happy, healthy Thursday, Di :happy:
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    I tried the HRM thing and using the sedentary TDEE multiplier I got 1785 calories a day! I've got my daily goal set to 1600, which I am usually very good at hitting, or going slightly over, but I've been losing about a pound a week on that goal, so it seems like a pretty good estimate!

    New workout is going well, I really like the mix I found for myself this month and am already thinking about doing something similar for June! Did a purge of the closet this weekend, wow that felt good! Only keeping the clothes that I think a good tailor could take in for me, like my work suits, but there are a lot of them that no longer fit! Not going to get them taken in until I reach my goal, and with more than 10 pounds and 8%bf to go, I'm starting to worry that they will be beyond tailoring at my goal!
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Sorry, didn't even look at food thing,I'm quite fussy about what I eat, can never follow a looks a great workout plan,but just time consuming, especially going from jm' s 20 mins.
    How are you finding the hrm matches up to what they say?
    I've never got round to getting one again after sending three back.

    Hope you recover soon.

    Jmht 345, what's the new routine???
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Lucy - I'm doing a rotation of 4 Neila Rey routines I found online. It's a mix of HIIT and other body weight exercises. I lift three times a week, so I wanted something to compliment that. I'm building up the sets as the month goes on, so I started with 3 sets of each workout, and I'll work my way up to between 7 and 10 sets of each workout by the end of the month.
  • erical78
    erical78 Posts: 11
    I finished Week 2 of Body Revolution today. I start new workouts on Monday with BR, with the same cardio thrown in 2 days a week. Workouts 3 & 4 look a little more difficult than 1 & 2, so I am actually a little excited to do that.

    I also did 6W6P again today. Still no luck on those side planks. My wrists have always been weak, and using one arm to support my body is just not happening. I can do all the regular plank moves no problem.

    Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend! I am planning on hitting the beach tomorrow.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Good Morning All, Monday again already!

    Erica - great job with BR, really hope the next round and workouts are awesome for you :D

    jmht - Excellent that you found the HRM and TDEE useful, and that it worked for you too - it really has helped me to know that if i am struggling and hungry i can eat up to my now personally accurate TDEE and not gain weight :D Brilliant that you are enjoying your workout rotation, do you plan on changing much for June? Love the cupboard purge - i must do one myself soon. Hope you can tailor your favourite outfits when you reach your goal, but if not sounds like a wonderful reason to shop for new ones! :happy:

    Lucy - thanks for the info on the Fitness Blender plan, I think i might give it a go when we get back from holiday - I'll need something specific to follow then and compared to a lot of other things their plans are very nicely priced, so if i don't like it i haven't lost tons of money! How is everything going with your 5:2? Hope you are feeling better soon :smile:

    How is everyone else doing?

    Good weekend here, too much food (again! must do better at the weekend) so with less than 4 weeks to my holiday i am really focused...concentrating on dropping a few more lbs before we go just to give me a bit more wiggle room while we're away! Workouts going really well, i'm loving Fitness Blender, still doing the same rotation of upper body, lower body and abs, but trying to do recovery cardio every day too. My armpit muscle is mostly better too - hoorah :D Abs and cardio done this morning and i've got my fat burning cardio tee-ed up for after work :happy:

    Wishing you all a great start to the week, Di :happy:
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    For June I'm going to do something similar, just different HIIT routines, there are about 50-something choices on the site I found, so I've got a lot of choices to maintain variety.

    The clothing purge felt great and my skinny jeans fit again. But the scale was not kind this week and has yet to go back down. I'm debating hiding it away until I reach my goal body fat% and then transitioning to maintenance. But I'm concerned that not knowing my current weight will mess with my HRM readings. Oh well. My skinny jeans fit so I really don't care what the scale says anymore!
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    That's exactly the right attitude, it's not about a number, it's about being comfortable with yourself.
    You could do a different routine every day with that many to choose from...I wrote like repetative stuff though, so I know when it's coming to an end.

    Di-last week was great on the 5:2, no problems,I ate a lot of spinach and beetroot on the fast days,I do love them.
    I dropped a ridiculous amount of weight since last week, but this is water(haven eaten rubbish steadily since Christmas) and last two days haven't hit 500 calories due to having tonsilitis and just having soup.
    Really annoyed to be derailed from running plan just as was getting back into it...onwards and upwards though.

    Happy Monday all!!!
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    Lucy- hope you get better. Its no fun getting derailed when you have a goal in place.

    Jmht345- That's a great feeling being able to fit into clothes that were a bit snug. It has taken me a while to not worry about the number on the scale but on how I feel. I would love to lose more but I don't think I can without looking sick.

    DLD53- I am having the same problem with eating a lot. I have been feeling so hungry that nothing is satisfying me. :( So my body must be telling I need the calories.

    I'm in my final 2 weeks of BR. I cant believe I have made it. Workouts 11 & 12 are tough but feel they are a bit easier than last few workouts. Now I am trying to figure out what to do after BR. I have been looking at fitness blender for workout ideas. If anyone has ideas, I'm all for it. :-)
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Ladies :D Thursday already - where has this week gone?!

    SMFRN - thanks for the empathy with eating alot, it is really hard sometimes, but i think you are right that our bodies are sometimes telling us when we restrict it is too much and it wants more! I *love* Fitness Blender :smile: If you search you can find a free 5 day fat loss plan which is where i started...or on the extras tab they have a video about how to put their workouts together yourself. I am currently doing upper body, lower body, abs twice through with one rest day, although I am also doing an extra cardio recovery workout on those six days too (my holiday very soon!) The newer workouts have estimated calorie burn on them and i find the lower end pretty much matches my HRM as i don't use tremendously heavy weights. Hope you find something that suits you :happy:

    Lucy - how are you feeling today? Hope the tonsilitis is well on the way out and you are able to get back to the routine you wanted :D Great job with the 5:2, brilliant that you are not feeling deprived/hungry :D Feel better soon :smile:

    jmht - Yay again for the skinny jeans, If there's one thing i've learned on this long journey to fitness it is that the scale really isn't the definitive answer to health! Quite the opposite sometimes i think. Understand what you mean about the HRM though - maybe you could weigh monthly just to make sure you are in the right ball park?

    Lovely start to the day here, sunny and bright and supposed to reach 18C! Already completed my strength training this morning, with heavier weights all through so chuffed with that. Going to take DS for a walk this morning (he'll be in the buggy as he's got a nasty cough again) so i should be able to march along and really get my HR up for the extra cardio :D THen complete rest day tomorrow but i'm off shopping for holiday (3 weeks today i'll be in the airport - wahoo!) so i should still be fairly active for the most part.

    Wishing you all a wonderful Thursday, Di :happy:
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Aaargh! just wrote a long post and it disappeared when i hit post reply :sad: Don't have time to write it all again now, so will just say hi! Hope everyone is doing well and Lucy you are feeling better :D

    Will try and write more later, happy Thursday :happy: Di
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Di - I see your long post, I think. Enjoy your shopping and rest day tomorrow!

    SMRFN - Great job on BR! I've heard good things about Fitness Blender and have done a few of their workouts and liked them.

    AFM - Morning lifting done with extra cardio at the end. Made a decision to only weigh when prompted by the HRM, it usually asks every few weeks. Realized this week that I was mis-reading my calipers, so I'm actually 6% away from my goal bf% and not the 8% that I thought. That felt great!