General Discussion :D



  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi Everyone :)

    jmht - I see my post now too! Weird! Awesome that you are closer to your bf% goal than you thought :happy: and well done you for getting extra cardio in after the lifting. How was your weekend? :smile:

    How is everyone doing? Hope you all had a great weekend and the workouts are going well :happy:

    Good here, I didn't really enjoy my shopping (i hate trying things on!) but did manage to get a nice top for the wedding evening do we went to on Saturday :D Tried the tabata workouts from fitness blender this weekend, lots of rounds (total nearly an hour) 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off lifting and found it really good :D completed an abs one this morning already and hoping to squeeze a cardio in this afternoon after work.

    Been a lovely sunny weekend here and promising start to today too :D Wishing you all a great start to the week :happy: Di
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Di - Sounds like you had a great weekend! Excellent job on the Tabata workouts!

    I had a good weekend. Up a pound but down 2.5 inches, so I'll take that. I'd rather be physically smaller than lighter. Still frustratingly far from my "goal weight" but as the inches and body fat continue to creep down, I keep telling myself it doesn't matter what number is on the scale.

    Jumped on the treadmill while watching a movie on Saturday, which in addition to the morning's lifting and HIIT meant I burned almost 900 calories, so I did not feel bad indulging at a party on Saturday night and brunch on Sunday.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hi gang, I am still here - just having not been posting. I am currently still doing a mix of Ripped in 30 and 30 day Shred. I am on week three. I am also still keeping up with my walking and gym days. I am kind of taking it easy, if I miss a day or something comes up, I just try to do more the next time/day. I have been spending more time working on my clean eating. Really getting down to the nitty gritty of organic and natural foods eating. Changed up a few things - trying to up my calories to a maintenance level - which always freaks me out. My weight is staying within my range so that is great. I need to learn a happy medium -- where I workout daily and eat healthy all the time---a true lifestyle. I feel that I have been on a diet too long.....and that is not what I want.

    I am hope to start 6 week 6 pack in June. oh I got a HRM for Mothers day so I have been working with that. Pretty cool that I work within my range doing JM DVD's. It matches pretty close to other readings. Just good to know that I am on the right track.

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!!
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Welcome back lobster! Congrats on upping to maintenance calories and the HRM! What kind did you get?

    AFM - Horrible migraine on Monday evening, but it didn't affect my workout too badly. I slept in yesterday and lifted in the evening instead of the morning which reinforced that, for me, the best time to exercise is the early morning! Didn't do my usual post-lifting cardio, so today will be a double day to get in some make-up cardio and my usual Wednesday workout.

    How's everyone else?
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning All :smile:

    jmht - sorry about the migraine, i'm amazed you managed to do anything with one so well done to you! I have to retire to a darkened room with a wet washcloth over my eyes and then can't bend over for days after! Know what you mean about workout in the morning being best, if i can manage to get myself up then i always seem to workout better in the AM. Hope you get your double in today and feel great :happy:

    lobster - Hi :smile: great that you are doing such a good job on your lifestyle rather than diet - it is so much harder i think to maintain than lose and definite kudos to you doing it in a relaxed way. Love the HRMs and knowing you are on track and great job with your Jillian mix up. I've not tried 6w6p, but heard only good things about it :happy:

    How is everyone else doing?

    Tough couple of days here, DS is ill AGAIN! Poor boy, honestly he's had just about everything going this year so far! Last night and night before it was violent sickness, so i was up with him most of the night and managed a good few rounds of washing in the small hours of the morning! Two weeks today to our holiday though so i can't give in to tiredness and have managed to push through with my workouts - one more to squeeze in today and then a full rest day tomorrow. Half term here next week so hoping to get double workouts + an afternoon walk with the children for a good burn - phew! I'll definitely need my holiday! And some serious willpower to get back to it right after we get home! :laugh:

    Hope you all have a great Thursday :happy: Di
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Di - Hope your son is feeling better! Sick kids are never fun!

    AFM - The migraine passed after I laid down in a cool dark room and slept for about 10 hours. It sapped a bit of my motivation, so I kept sliding my double-day, so today I just did an extra long workout to get in all that I missed in addition to the usual. I felt good to get it all done at once! Going to change my lifting routine in June. I tried a new one for May, and I like it, but want a bit more of a challenge. Right now I divide up my lifting into a back/chest, legs/abs, and arms day, but in June I'll do a total body lifting routine 3 times a week instead. Should be a nice change!
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    Good morning! I hope everyone is doing well.

    Di: I hope your son is feeling better. Both of my kids have runny noses, which I'm hoping its only allergies. Got to love spring (even though its really late here).

    Lobster: Way to go on the lifestyle change. I think its harder to maintain than it is too lose. I think I finally found my maintenance calorie range. Its all about checks and balances. I love my HRM! I am lost without it now. :)

    Jmht: way to change things around for your lifting routine. I like doing total body vs singling out an area. It makes me feel I accomplished something that day.

    I finished JM: Body Revolution yesterday. I am glad its done but at the same time not really. You have this program lined out for you for 3 months, I got use to it. Now, I have figure out my new challenges. I definitely feel stronger, more toned, but exhausted. She really kicks your butt.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and holiday!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning all, I am having a little trouble finding my balance on calories for's seems that it is not that much higher than to lose : ( I am trying to add protein and see what happens. Does any one else have this problem? I have a good clean diet, and I exercise regularly. But....I am 50 and I am also at my goal weight. Maybe this is just where I need to be.

    If anyone has an ideas I will be glad to chat about it. : )

    I have done all the searches and I "should" be able to take in about 1650 -1750 with an active lifestyle. I am finding it is more like 1450 -1500 without gaining....
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Evening Everyone :happy: How are you all doing?

    Lobster - Sorry that maintenance is so hard - i too am struggling to find the right balance. I agree that i am not able to eat as many cals as i thought i would ( I tend to lose on 1300ish and i'm maintaining on an average of 1500 when allegedly my TDEE is closer to 1900!) I find i exercise (and choose workouts that burn more calories) so that i can eat more food! I am hoping the weight training will up my maintenance calories with the increased muscle but as yet still need to be pretty careful! Are you lifting at all?

    SMFRN - Great job with BR - how did you find the results? I totally know what you mean with having the program mapped out for you, I am loving the Fitness Blender workouts, but definitely going to invest in their 8 week program when we get back from holiday so i don't have to work out which workout i'm doing all the time! Do you have any ideas about what you'd like to do next? Thanks for the kind thoughts for DS, he's fully recovered now - just keeping fingers crossed he stays that way! Quick Q for you with your HRM, do you subtract the cals you'd be burning just by sitting still (ie the RMR cals?) I read some people find it more accurate for the whole cals in and cals out thing?

    jmht - Glad to hear the migraine passed, they really are tough! The change in your routine sounds good, do let me know how it goes as i currently do the split training and have been thinking about mixing it up to total body instead so i'd be interested to hear if you think you are still working as hard :smile: Thanks for the kind thoughts for DS :happy:

    AFM - sorry i've been a bit lax with my posting - holiday is next week! :noway: So i am trying to fit all the washing, tidying, collecting in along with not giving up my workouts and the children are off school this week for half term so it's busy, busy here! Definitely not giving up my workouts though - we can all go on holiday with dirty clothes before that happens :wink: As i mentioned to lobster, i'm struggling with my calorie intake while doing weights - soooo much hungrier but not burning as many cals according to my HRM and not losing weight. Next official weigh in (on the fancy new scale) is Saturday so i guess i'll see if i've been putting on muscle and losing bodyfat %. Fingers crossed!

    Hope you are all having a great week so far, Di :happy:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    DLD53 - Thanks for the response... I am only "lifting: with the JM DVD's but I am using 5, 8 and even 10 pound weights. I could use the machines at the gym. I may have to try that, but just trying to find a good happy medium with exercise and diet. The JM DVD's (4 to 5 times a week) walking/running,(3 to 4 x a week) yoga (1x week) and step/bootcamp (1x a week) seem manageable for me. I may have to swap yoga for weight lifting at the gym once a week. Do you think I need to lift heavy, with machines at a gym? Is it possible to lift with home weights? I have a bar bell and heavy weights...
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Lobster - To me personally i think 'lifting' with those weights should be enough to build muscle. As I understand it (and i am definitely no expert) the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest and therefore the more calories you can eat at maintenance. I have been 'llifting' like you, at home with dumbells ( between 2kg and 8kg) and Jillian or Youtube videos. I can definitely see more definition in my arms and abs particularly so i know it is doing something! The problem i find is, that unless you have access to a lab and tons of money nobody is ever going to be able to tell you exactly how many calories to eat :sad: So i work on a weekly average of calorie intake and my workouts and hope each week that i don't gain!

    If you are enjoying your at home workouts, and the strength/lifting portion is enough that you are exhausted after 8-10 reps with good form then i don't see a need to go to the gym unless you want to. Again, i am only re-iterating what i've found online so definitely no expert, but free weights are supposed to be much better than machines.

    Gosh, it is so hard isn't it?! If only there was a way for us all to know exactly how many calories we've eaten versus how much we've expended! Also i wish i was one of those people who didn't care about food at all - sadly i *love* it :wink:

    Hope this has been vaguely helpful, or at least you know i am right there with you :smile:

    How is everyone else doing this morning? Miserable and rainy here, which is annoying as i was hoping to do a long walk with the children :sad: Got my strength in this morning, a kettlebell (with dumbells as i don't have a kettlebell!) workout which was good and definitely used some different muscles, but the suggested burn from the website was 400 on the low end - i burned 144 according to my HRM! Just hope i continue to burn higher through the day! With no walk, i'll do another cardio workout this afternoon - just a few more days til Saturday's big weigh/measure :noway: I'll try and post a picture on Saturday if i can work out how to do it!

    Hope you all have a great day, Di :happy:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I tend to agree DLD. I thought I was on track with weight training just from Jillian's DVD's . I have gotten stronger after the body revolution and I am keeping it up with continues dvds. I also thought muscle burned more calories at rest, so increasing my muscle should help. I think that my metabolism is off... I am older, past menopause and I have hypothyroidism. I am on a natural thyroid medicine and I try all the natural things to help with my issues. I just am not burn my calories like I should. I got the heart monitor for that reason and I am working with in my zone.... I just may have to get use to the fact that I have to do what I am doing and keep my calories under 1500 to maintain. I have to make those 1500 calories with good clean healthy choices so that I can spurge once in a while and not have any affects. I can live with that..... Its just that I read so much about under eating and starvation mode and eating back your exercise calorie.... I would just like to be sure I am doing this right!!!!

    Hope everyone else is doing great!!
    Have a happy healthy day!!
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Would kettlebell workouts not be like lifting weights, where the hrm can't give you an accurate burn???
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I think the kettle bell workouts and the weight workouts in the jm dvd are good and I consider it weight training. But I was just making sure that when someone ask me if I am "lifting" that is the same thing. My hrm is actually telling pretty close to mfp calculations for circuit training. I am getting a good burn and I usually burn between 300 - 500 calories 6 days a week. I am having trouble maintaining with increasing my calories. I seem to gain .... it doesn't even out either....I think my metabolism is very slow...age, health issues and possible prolong periods of 1200 calories a day!! I am stuck...but the good think is I am in a healthy weight range, I feel good, and I not hungry...I just want to be able to add a little to my diet!
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    DLD: I only wear my HRM when I workout. So I don't know what my calories are when I'm at rest. I should try it some time. Im having issues with it now. It seems not to pick up my heart rate at times. I replaced the battery earlier this year in the watch and sensor. I have been doing fitness blenders 5 day challenge exercises this week. I'm on vacation starting tomorrow so who knows what next will be like. I want to start C25K this weekend and see how I like it.

    I have been maintaining 1600-1800 calories with working out everyday (burn about 200-300 calories per workout) I don't eat my calories back (never have). There are some days could eat more (and I probably should) but I don't. I have learner maintaining is a lot harder than losing.
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    I think on MFP, "lifting" usually means barbells or heavy dumbbells in which you progressively increase the weight lifted and/or reps completed. Take measurements and you should see a decrease even if the scale goes up (muscle is denser than fat, so you may weigh a bit more but be physically smaller).

    I refer back to the this link all the time.
  • erical78
    erical78 Posts: 11
    Hi everyone! I am still plugging away at the Body Revolution. Now in Phase 2. Still liking it and have been trying to increase my weights. I barely use my 5 lb weights anymore, except for the Supermans in Workout 6. I tried doing those with 8s and couldn't even lift them off the floor.

    I just started IIFYM (if it fits your macros) on Tuesday. I am part of the IIFYM womens group on Facebook, and the results people have are amazing! I've always had problems getting protein (not a big meat eater), so this is interesting. I have discovered the world of protein shakes and bars. Quest bars are my new addiction!

    Hope everyone else is doing well and has a great weekend!
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    erical78 - I love IIFYM! I've been following it since January and it really helped me get and stay on track. I was very low on protein when I started and I think it has really helped me maintain my lean mass as I lose fat.

    AFM - Today was my first day of total body lifting and I moved up in weights from 15 lbs to 20 lbs. OMG, I was sore at the end! Thankfully that didn't translate to an entire day in pain, I got in a very good stretch afterwards, but I really had to work to get through the whole thing. I think this will be a good change for my muscles which did not seem to get the same level of work with concentrated lifting routines. Can't wait for my next lift day!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi Everyone :)

    Sorry i've been absent - so much packing and sorting to do before our trip on Thursday :noway: can't believe it is almost finally here! I'm working right up to Wednesday too, so very little time to get anything done!

    jmht - Awesome job with moving up in your weights - love the weights :D I love that Staci link - i also look back at it frequently for motiviation when I slip back into old habits and start upping the cardio!

    Erica - great job with BR, glad you are still enjoying it. Excellent that you are happy with IIFYM - I really must find some Quest bars to try while we are on holiday (they don't have them here!) Everyone raves about them, cookies and cream seems to be the favourite! :happy:

    SMFRN - how was your vacation? Where did you go? I hope you had a great time :happy: How did you find the FB 5 day plan? I am definitely going to do their 8 week fat loss when we get back from our holiday in a few weeks. I've been voting for them on the Ryan Seacrest thing for best YouTube fitness people/person. Love D&K :smile:

    Lobster - did you find any answers to your metabolism thoughts? Hopefully you can add some things to your diet and keep maintaining, but it is so tough isn't it?!

    So...getting really excited about our trip now. I keep thinking 'this time next week...' and right at this time next week we'll be wandering round Universal Studios Hollywood :happy: :happy: :happy: Keeping right up with the healthy eating and exercise until we go so completed my butt and thigh workout this morning then a cardio fatloss one this afternoon. I've found a 'hotel room workout' from NerdFitness too, so if i get a chance over the 2 weeks i'm going to try and keep doing something :smile: but also try to enjoy the holiday. Speaking of which, better get back to packing!

    Hope you are all having a great start to the week, Di :happy:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    DLD53 hope you get everything for your trip and then have a great relaxing time!!!

    I am currently staying at the 1400 calories and up my protein (a lot). trying between 90 and 120grams a day. I am still maintaining within my range at this point, but it's only been a week and I fluctuate normally. I am at the higher end of my range (that was the cause of concern in the first place) so I am seeing if adding the protein helps. I will give it a month with everything else remaining the same. I am finishing up the ripped in 30 and 30 day shred this week. I will start 6 week 6 pack next week. I really wasn't getting enough protein so the big shift should do something. I did have a big dinner out with friends on Friday - topped at 2,000 calories. But that is the kind of thing I would like to be able to do once in a while (once a month and not have to worry) Usually I plan for those big dinners with lighter meals during the day but it was a last minute thing. I still chose healthy but.....

    I want to be fit and healthy .... that is my goal!

    Hope everyone else is doing good!!

    Have a happy healthy day!!!