General Discussion :D



  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Di-Ohhh, jumping lunges..KILLER!

    I woke up late this workout..kiddo and hubs are going out hunting tonight, so I may try and double up..mabey level 4 and level 1 RI30. still down..Im amazed..eating abit more and increasing my protein..its freaky!

    ready for the weekend!

    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    Today was rest day, but no rest for the wicked. :) The sun was shinning but windy. My kiddos were at daycare this morning so I went to a run/walk before work. It was wonderful but I think I pulled my hamstring. Oh well, it was wonderful to get outside.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and Easter holiday.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning :happy:

    SMFRN - Sorry about the hamstring, hope it heals quickly and painlessly for you :D

    Sarah - Hooray for upping the calories/protein and losing the weight, it really is such a weird concept to embrace isn't it! Glad it isn't just me with the jumping lunges - after nearly 5 straight months of Jillian and i still struggle to get through them all at 'advanced' pace! Hope you get your workout in tonight - how's the last ewe to lamb?

    How's everyone else doing? Hope you are all enjoying the Easter weekend :D

    I jumped on the scale this morning and am back up ... i'm wondering if it is because i slipped back to not eating enough? I'm definitely getting enough protein (averaging 125g a day and if i've calculated right my LBM is 90llbs so anything over 90g is good) but still netting 1250 cals - hmm. Interestingly i checked my BF% before and after my workouts this morning (managed both at once RI30L2 and Shred L1) before workouts was 30.2% and after was 25.9%! So wish it said 25.9% all the time! :happy: Won't get a chance to post tomorrow as DH and I are out all day at the World Endurance Championship at Silverstone - a bit nervous about what i'll find to eat all day (it will just be burger vans etc) but i guess one day won't kill me! Thought about packing some bits and pieces but really don't want to carry anything round as the day will involve a lot of standing - should be good fun though :smile:

    Hope you are all having a great weekend, whatever you are doing :happy: Di
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I was up 2 pounds this weekend..ick! I ate alittle different then my normal week..but not way Im thinking it may be water weight..we'll see. I made PEanut butter energy balls for the kiddo..just a half batch..and I did partake in them..:)

    Had a yummy ham last sodium may be up today..I did not weigh this morning! opps!

    Lots of GLORIOUS rain yesterday (we need it so bady) and my last ewe lambed so I am DONE til the fall!

    Got a double workout in saturday and level 4 ripped on Sunday and this morning. Also did some of the PiYo moves Chalean posted on her FB page..intense core..its not "hard" but I can feel my tummy muscles working!

    I am feeling really good about myself going into swimsuit season..:) Hope everyone is having an AWESOME day!!!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Evening Everyone :)

    Just a very quick one from me as i have now managed to get conjunctivitis in both eyes and am struggling to see the screen! Good job i learned to touch type years ago! :laugh:

    Just wanted to say Hi, hope everyone is doing well - was an odd weekend for me but fully back on track today. Just hope eyes don't get any worse!

    Fingers crossed i'll be firing on all posting cylinders tomorrow again! Have a great day :happy: Di
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Good Morning Everyone :smile:

    Sarah - Wonderful that your last ewe lambed, must be a great feeling to have brought all the lambs into the world safely :D Great job with your workouts, i'm sure the extra 2lbs will be gone in no time. Do you usually weigh every day? I am certain you will totally ROCK your swimsuit :happy:

    How is everyone else doing? Hope you all had a great holiday weekend and are having a happy, healthy start to this week :happy:

    AFM - eyes still a bit gunky today but not as blurry as yesterday! Thankfully gunky eyes do not preclude workouts so i still got RI30 L4 in this morning and am hoping to get L3 done this afternoon. In 'silly me' news i had the sudden thought to check the settings on my HRM and it was still set to 143lbs, so 10lbs over my current weight! Best guess i have been overestimating my burn by about 50-100 cals per workout which isn't great, but at least i've changed it now!

    My weekend was quite difficult in terms of healthy eating and exercise - we were out early and back late Sunday and Monday so even though there was a bit of walking i didn't get to do any strength work, and the only choice for food was junk (proper awful junk!) Too scared to weigh yesterday but i'm still up 2lbs today - bah! I'm really wanting to eat loads too since the weekend, not necessarily hungry, just really craving the carbs! Here's hoping i can get back into my happy place again real soon!

    Hope you all have a great Wednesday, Di :happy:
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Di - Keeping drinking water to flush your system of the extra sodium, it's been working for me this post-holiday week!

    Still managed all my workouts last weekend and this week, so that's a good thing. Averaging over 5 km on my exercise bike each morning, not a huge distance, but when combined with treadmill, jump rope, and strength training is getting me a decent burn each morning to start the day. Managed to fit in some extra cardio last night, which felt good. Going to try a new Jillian rotation next month, we'll see how I like it. Right now I'm really enjoying my made-up circuits each morning and my regular lifting and am hesitant to change it until I start to get bored with it. I guess that is something I can ponder over the next week.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Yes, happy we are done..going up for a sale and show this weekend..always a fun time there.

    I took a rest day yesterday..had a knarly fight with DH Tuesday evening..I got so sick and stressed I couldnt eat dinner..:(..woke up Wednesday with a headache and figured Id take a break. Still ate really well, even when we went to the BBQ place for dinner (smoked turkey salad..minus the croutons, no dressing). Had a great night with my family..that makes me happy.

    Felt really rejuvinated for ripped this morning..did level 4 with added russian twists and side plank crunches. May try for a run tonight. Planning on a rest day again Saturday.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Good Morning everyone :smile:

    jmht - Thanks for the water advice, i am soooo bad with fluid generally :sad: On a general day i drink maybe 4 large cups of decaf coffee/redbush tea, and maybe one glass of water - usually straight after my workout :ohwell: I think i'll make that a challenge for May - do you guys just sip water through the day, or do you down a whole glass every time you think you should? Glad the sodium is getting out of your system :happy: Great job with your circuits, which new rotation of JM are you going to try?

    Sarah - Hoorah for sales and shows, sounds so much fun :D Glad things are happier for you now, great job choosing your meal out with family. Awesome job adding the extra ab work to your RI30, hope the run goes well :smile:

    Good here, I found an old DVD i used to use which is a HIIT format (30 seconds of a power move then 30 seconds active rest (some of which i find harder than the power moves!)) I did two levels and found it suitably challenging and was pleased with the burn so i'm going to add it to my rotation. After four months i am getting a little bored with just the rip and shred although i do love them. I'm thinking i'll get ESNS and maybe make that my core workout for May (last full month before my holiday!) Any thoughts on ESNS?

    Rest day today, we're changing our car so i'm off to town to sign paperwork - exciting :D Hope you all have a brilliant Friday, Di :happy:
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Di - I have a bit of a water problem, I drink tons of it, I average more than 5 liters a day!

    I was thinking about trying a rotation of ESNS and YM. But I'm still debating whether to do that or keep up with the made-up circuits. I switched to the circuits because I was hating RI30, but now I really like the circuits and going at my own pace with the exercises and cardio intervals. I am so torn between going back to Jillian or keeping up with what's worked for me this month!

    Hope someone responds about ESNS, I've never done it before and would love to know if it is more like RI30 or NMTZ!
  • CealR
    CealR Posts: 33 Member
    *crawls in* Hey everyone!

    Note to self - BFBM might not have been the best video to jump back into training with, especially since I'd mostly been walking while sick. I had to stop halfway through the fourth circuit because I was starting to feel lightheaded, which hasn't happened since I was younger - and if I didn't stop, I'd pass out. So, I hit stop, heated up some leftover tofu scramble with edamame (note, this was not one of my better recipes, but I had to eat the leftovers) and started over again, doing the warmup and then starting from circuit three to the end. I had to take some breathers or sub out running in place for a couple of exercises today (I'm looking at you, standing mountain climbers!) but I finished!

    My Fitbit also arrived yesterday, so between having the device automatically track my walking so I don't overestimate the calorie burn and getting back to Jillian, here's to a good May. Tomorrow, NMTZ - for the first time! Methinks that I'll be using my 1kg weights as I learn the routine...
  • erical78
    erical78 Posts: 11
    Hello everyone!

    I completed Ripped in 30 on Friday, then had a fun weekend. I went out with coworkers Friday evening to a restaurant overlooking the bay. Had a few drinks. Then I went to Disney World on Saturday and attended the Epcot Flower & Garden Festival. Had a few more drinks there, walked around the entire park, met my favorite HGTV designer David Bromstad. Sunday was a rest day.

    I started Jillian's Body Revolution today. Workout 1 seemed relatively easy after 30DS and RI30. Not looking forward to the cardio workout on Wednesday.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Evening Everyone :)

    erica - great job on completing RI30 - how were your results? Hope Body Revolution works just as well for you :D Your weekend sounds awesome :D

    Ceal - well done getting back to exercising after being sick - it is so hard when your body is still recovering from being ill. I really hope it gets easier for you again really soon :D Do let me know what you think of your fitbit - i have been thinking about getting one for a couple of weeks now, just not sure it will be any more beneficial than a pedometer?

    How is everyone else doing?

    Sorry i was absent over the weekend, to be honest i had my fist 'wobble' in a few months! Realised i was totally obsessed with counting/logging/weighing/getting the HRM burn etc and decided to have a whole weekend off. Sadly i didn't manage to eat well and went a bit crazy, putting on 3lbs over the three days :sad: Right back on it this morning though, just over 5 weeks to my holiday so i had some serious words with myself and my totally committed to full focus again for the next 5 weeks. Started a new workout routine based round the Fitness Blender workouts and concentrating on strength alternating upper and lower body. Just felt like a needed a new routine - I'm sure i'll be back to Jillian soon enough! Just got to really try to eat well, and *enough* I think that's why I lost it over the weekend, tons of exercise and netting 1100 cals...still very much a work in progress but i'm trying my best!

    Wishing you all a great start to the week, Di :happy:
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Di - I have a bit of a water problem, I drink tons of it, I average more than 5 liters a day!

    I was thinking about trying a rotation of ESNS and YM. But I'm still debating whether to do that or keep up with the made-up circuits. I switched to the circuits because I was hating RI30, but now I really like the circuits and going at my own pace with the exercises and cardio intervals. I am so torn between going back to Jillian or keeping up with what's worked for me this month!

    Hope someone responds about ESNS, I've never done it before and would love to know if it is more like RI30 or NMTZ!

    I have not done NMTZ..but did RI30 and ESNS

    ESNS doesnt have the "3,2,1" system Jillian does in Ripped and does have circuits that combine strength with cardio..but its not "strength,cardio,abs"..I really enjoyed level 1 held my interest longer..level 2 is good..abit more strength focused IMO then level 1..level 1 has a good mix of both strength and cardio.
    I feel like I get more of a burn from Ripped..mabey because its faster paced, to an extent? I enjoy the kickboxing and ju jit su in ESNS though.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    My weekend update..busy busy weekend..ate Chicken Express Saturday, but got right back to working out and eating good yesterday. Been doing some level 1 Ripped with my own modifiers to make some of the moves more difficult..I was getting bored with level 4...I really remember not liking level 3, but mabey I need to swap to that next week.

    I was down .6 pounds this morning..I dont know if its "false loss" or if itll stay, but I was happy.

    I need to get a new video..starting to get bored with Ripped..
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Good Morning Everyone :D

    Sarah - Great job with the modifiers - such a good feeling to be confident enough to add/switch up the official workouts :D Totally agree about L3 of the RI30, also my least favourite. Really well done with your loss, I am so happy your new regime is working well for you :D
    Thanks for the review of ESNS - it is definitely on my list when i get back to Jillian :D

    How is everyone else doing? Hope all is going well :D

    Good here, really enjoying the Fitness Blender workouts although the slower pace is taking some getting used to after Jillian! Am actually sore last couple of days though, so it must be working me in a different way. Sticking to one day per muscle group and really trying to push the heavier weights in the morning and stick to a more total body/cardio routine in the afternoon. Just not sure when/how often to take rest days? Still struggling with getting the calories up (in a good way) there's only so much greek yoghurt/meat/eggs/PB I can eat in a day! Just focusing on making sure i get at least 100g protein (my LBM if i worked it out right is 93lbs) to help the muscle repair/growth.

    Hope you are all having a great week so far, Di :happy:
  • erical78
    erical78 Posts: 11
    Di - I lost about 4 pounds doing RI30. I measured myself at the beginning, but I can't find where I wrote down the measurements. I know I lost several inches, since I went from a size 12 to a size 10.

    Update on Body Revolution. I am liking it so far. I had to get heavier weights, since my 5 lbs are not cutting it anymore. I did Cardio for Phase 1 today. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. During suicides, one of my dogs thought I was playing a game and decided to chase me back and forth. :)

    Hope everyone is having a good week.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Di - I lost about 4 pounds doing RI30. I measured myself at the beginning, but I can't find where I wrote down the measurements. I know I lost several inches, since I went from a size 12 to a size 10.

    Update on Body Revolution. I am liking it so far. I had to get heavier weights, since my 5 lbs are not cutting it anymore. I did Cardio for Phase 1 today. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. During suicides, one of my dogs thought I was playing a game and decided to chase me back and forth. :)

    Hope everyone is having a good week. dogs do the same..the one gets all reved up on anything Plyo..starts trying to bite my feet.
    the other, more passive, will lay right in front of me while I plank..then roll on her back, wack me with her feet..they are such goofy critters.

    I made cake batter choc chip cookies last night for my son's last soccer game thursday..I ate about 3..and downed some tums about 20 minutes later, my stomach was NOT happy..but they were good..unfortunantly, good enough my hubby and son have been in them and I may need to make ANOTHER batch to have enough for the team!

    my son and I did a plank challenge togwether last night..two ws rough..but my core burned and I like that! Did my level 1 with advanced mod's yesterday evening and this morning...feeling real good. hope everyone has a stellar day!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :D Phew! Don't know where the last two days have gone! How are you all doing?

    Sarah - cake batter choc chip cookies sound *so* delicious! Did you have to make more in the end? Great job with the plank challenge with DS, I love the ab moves :D How are the workouts going so far this week?

    Erica - Great job with the 4lbs and dress size down - excellent results :D Great that you are liking body revolution and brilliant that you are strengthening and upping the weights...I'm sure more excellent results will come from that :D

    All good, but very busy here...honestly don't know where the days go sometimes! Thankfully i am making sure whatever time i do have is used for fitness! Loving the Fitness Blender workouts, thought i might try the 1000 calorie one today (although if my HRM is to be believed i wouldn't burn anywhere near that much!) but i am still sore from the earlier workouts so might do it over the weekend instead.

    In other news i've ordered a new scale, it is an Omron BF511 and is supposed to tell you weight/body fat, visceral fat, RMR and has the hand held monitors which are supposed to be more accurate. My current one i've had for about 15 years and is a WW one, but i refuse to believe i haven't lost any bodyfat so i'm thinking it might just be old! It does fluctuate but only by about 3% and unless i weigh right after a workout i am nearly always 30% :( So we'll see, if the new scale says that too then i've got some serious weight training to do!! What scales do you all use?

    Wishing you all a great Friday, its another Bank Holiday weekend here so we get Monday off too - wahoo! :happy: Di

    Edited for spelling!
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Doing a rotation of Neila Rey HIIT and other workouts this month in addition to my usual lifting. I'm sure I'll go back to Jillian at some point, I have YM, ESNS and 6w6p that I have yet to try, but for May, I'm excited to try the HIIT and see if I like it.

    Took a rest day today, starting to come down with something so I'm hoping I can fight it off fast because I have a fun weekend I don't want to miss out on!