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General Discussion :D



  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Di-sounds like a plan..way to push the boundries. I admit I have always been scared to eat back my exercise calories..Im even scared some days to go over 1200..my intake is set for about 1500..my husband says I should be eating 2000 a day. while Im sedentary at work, Im active at home..Im petrified to put the weight back on though..:(

    had a busy weekend, still managed a double satruday..rest day sunday as we took my husband's horse to the trainer..ate BBQ..(and it wasnt as good as I remembered it) and then ate 4 brownies for dinner..not a good day..but I logged it and weighed and got thru level 1 ripped this morning. lack of any nutrient rich dinner hit me hard this morning..I pushed thru it, but struggled..

    On a bright note, my kiddo was on the gold medal winning relay team at their district track meet..I sent PB energy balls with him, which he shared..love cooking for the kids..but told him DONT bring them home! I modified a recipe for myself and created my own banana balls..with less PB and honey..added mashed banana and flax seeds..only about 52 calories each and really yummy and filling!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Afternoon Everyone :smile:

    klb - Wow, great job on getting nearly to the end, are you happy with your results? I've not tried either of the others you mentioned but heard good things, i'm sure Jillian would forgive you for 'straying' for a while - for the greater good right :wink: Just got to do what is right for you :happy:

    Erin - yes i love the filling up effect of protein too, i remember how hungry i used to feel less than an hour after my sugary cereal for breakfast and now can easily go to lunch on eggs or greek yoghurt! Sounds like everyone is cheating on Jillian today :wink: Great job with Bob, and do let us know how the 21 day fix goes...I am already thinking to what i need to do AFTER my holiday to keep the motivation and momentum going so think i'll be looking for some sort of new monthly program :happy:

    Lucy - lower in the week and whatever at the weekend was always my maintenance plan too, hoping to do that after i've built some muscle. You are doing brilliantly with the RIP, NMTZ would be a great one to follow it with :happy: The show was the stage version of Dirty Dancing, it was really good - almost exactly the same as the film and the actors were very much based on Jennifer Grey/Patrick Swayze etc. I love a good show and came home and immediately booked Wicked for next year! :happy:

    AFM - thanks for the comments re: my two week plan. I have completed both my workouts today and although Jillian (I did the first four circuits of NMTZ to really hammer the weights) was quite tough i feel great having finished. Also enjoying the lovely extra food :happy: Really hope it works! One thing i'm not sure of though is when to rest - if i'm working my muscles really hard i'm thinking i might do three days on one day off to help them repair and build up. I'll get three rest days in the two weeks then which sounds about right in my head?! Going to do a different two Fat Burn videos in the morning tomorrow and then circuits 4-7 of NMTZ - thought i could repeat circuit 4 as my triceps could really do with the work :laugh:

    Hope you are all having a great start to the week, Di :happy:
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    TX - think we cross posted! Sounds like you had a good weekend, it is funny isn't it when food you haven't had for a while really doesn't float your boat when you have it again after eating well! Totally agree about the fear with eating more calories - my plan since January was always to average at least around my BMR of 1350ish but when i look over my weekly averages it is nearly always below 1200! So very consciously logging these two weeks in the hope i'll be able to give us all good news that it didn't make me put on weight!

    Awesome news about your kiddo :happy: I'd certainly be interested in your recipe for the energy balls if you'd be willing to share - I looked at some in our local health shop but i'd definitely rather make them myself if it is fairly easy - i'm not the best cook :wink:

    Di :happy:
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    about 2 cooked quick oats
    1.5 cups mashed bananas
    2 tablespoons honey
    2 tablespoons PB
    3 tablespoons Flaxseed.

    roll into balls and refirdgerate. yummah..:)

    This morning I was dizzy driving into work..I need to get over this fear of eating in the morning..and add in a mid morning snack...that might help..its just SCARY..eat more to not gain..talk about an oxymoron..

    I had a rough spot in my life coming up on a year ago..its what motivated me to get fit and loose weight..it gave me focus when I felt like I was loosing control of my whole world...I am petrified to go back to "that place" I was at before..weight and mind wise..Youd think getting fit and hot would make a girl's self esteem go thru the roof..but in reality, mine is still very very low...

    feeling awful emotional today..:)
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Afternoon Everyone :D

    TX - thanks so much for the recipe. Shopping day is Saturday so i will pick up the ingredients then - do I use the oats straight from the packet? I'll let you know how i get on! Really sorry to hear you are having difficulty at the moment, I really hope you start to feel stronger emotionally soon, eating more is such a difficult thing when you've worked hard to lose weight! But if you aren't feeling well I think it is good to listen to your body. Hopefully the next few days will be better :flowerforyou:

    How is everyone else doing?

    I am three days in to my experiment now and feeling good, I am looking forward to my rest day tomorrow though as my arms particularly are feeling tired and sore. As i understand it, if i don't allow them time to repair and rebuild a bit stronger i am not getting any benefit from the extra effort! I've changed my TDEE thing though, trying to be as accurate as possible, so now i've done TDEE at sedentary and am logging the cals from the workouts. It actually gives me a few less calories (about 1800 instead of 2000) so might make a difference between gaining weight/fat or not! We'll see - I am nervous about getting it wrong but if i don't try i'll never know right?!

    Hope you are all having a great Wednesday, Di :happy:
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Hey Di
    Yes, from what I understand you want to give your muscles time to rest..repair..thats how they are built.

    Feel good today..got VERY hungry about 11:30, so ate lunch early..think because I ate earlier then normal today..

    Am trying towards more protein rich foods..snack was half a chicken breast today.

    yesterday I got another good run in..loved it. Was espc tired this morning, so not feeling like getting up early..missed my workout. Will try and workout tonight when I get home..even if its just one of my ripped levels..SOMETHING. :)

    Hope everyone's having a good day!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning All :)

    Sarah - that's great that you are feeling a better today :happy: I'm with you on the early lunch - we get up so early in our house that it is lunchtime by 11 and tea time by 4! Sometimes i try to go longer but there's always a danger of snacking then! Plus i'm never as hungry in the evening as i am during the day! Way to go with the protein rich foods, I am starting to wonder if i'll try some whey protein (apparently 103cals and 20g protein for a 27g serving) in skimmed milk as a snack...did you find you were less hungry from the protein? Brilliant that you enjoyed your run, I'm always in awe of runners :smile: Hope you got your evening workout in and enjoyed that too :D

    How is everyone else doing? Hope you are all enjoying your workouts :happy:

    AFM - rest day today and as usual feeling a bit guilty, but i know i need to give my muscles a rest. Looking forward to getting back to it tomorrow :smile:

    Wishing you all a fabulous Thursday, Di :happy:
  • chmtastic
    chmtastic Posts: 178 Member
    about 2 cooked quick oats
    1.5 cups mashed bananas
    2 tablespoons honey
    2 tablespoons PB
    3 tablespoons Flaxseed.
    roll into balls and refirdgerate. yummah..:)

    UMMMMMMMMMMMMM I'm gonna HAVE to make these. I will probably add some protein powder to them though!!! hehehe!!

    I have been doing the 21 Day Fix program since Monday. BOY. Have I been SORE. I really felt like an oldddddd lady last night-- my quads were killing me! LOL Did some pilates this morning (not a great burn, but my core was on FIRE lolol). Going to attempt a 5K run later on after school!

    Hope you're all well!!

    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    Doing good here. Finished week 6 of the body revolution today. Starting week 7 on Saturday. I am a little nervous about but I know I will be just fine. :-)

    I have made those energy balls. I have put in coconut, raisins, chocolate chips, protein powder, etc. The possibilities are endless.I love eating the either pre or post workout.
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Way to go with the protein rich foods, I am starting to wonder if i'll try some whey protein (apparently 103cals and 20g protein for a 27g serving) in skimmed milk as a snack...did you find you were less hungry from the protein?

    I use whey protein almost every day to meet my protein macro, recover from lifting and keep me full longer. I include protein every time I eat, even my snacks have protein. I find that eating more protein makes me less hungry throughout the day.

    Going to try some new JM tomorrow, hating RI30 to the point that I don't even want to finish it and I've actually turned it off before the end, so clearly a new DVD is needed. Thinking 6w6p, ESNS or YM, maybe I'll try each and see which one strikes my fancy.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I modified the banana ball recipe off of a PB energy ball I make..my kiddo loves them and they are healthier for him, being an athlete, then cookies! I love them too..abit to much..PB and chocolate are SOOOO good! and while its dark chocolate..to much of anything isnt good! so I make those babies sparingly. I may add more honey to my 'nanner balls next time..general consensus was they were missing something..tweak and fix!

    I did not get my workout in! but I did unload hay..LOL..so had some strength happening. helped hubby outside for abit, so we didnt eat dinner til 9PM..I HATE that! :(

    I increased my protein yesterday and actually felt AWESOME..I had half a chicken breast as my afternoon snack and was quite content til I got home and had my greek yogurt and flax. I think I am going to hardboil some eggs and use those as my afternoon snack..or a good quality protein bar.

    I may have mentioned..I am going to start using the EAS 15 lean this weekend..its a protein shake. as much as Im working out, I need something more then slimfast, so yes Di, Id wager to say a good quality protein shake is beneficial!

    .I usually work out on an empty stomach too..but this morning I struggled..so am going to try and eat half a banana before my workouts. found a good recipe for breakfast quinoa too, mixed with cinnamon and bananas that I may try. I think I need to eat more for breakfast..

    did level four ripped in 30 this morning..like I said I was tired..during the plyo stuff, my shins actually started to ache. hubby says I may have poor form when running. I usually workout barefoot..I may start wearing shoes..espc with the plyo stuff.

    Interestingly, I was down a pound this morning, even after eating "more" yesterday and no workout..:)
  • snowboardandasuitcase
    snowboardandasuitcase Posts: 222 Member
    Hey guys, just wondering for those that have done BFBM, what did you record it as/what would you recommend from mfp's database? For 30DS and NMTZ I recorded it as cuircuit training, would it be the same? On to day 5 of 30dsd!!

    Thanks in advance! :)
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :D T.G.I.F!

    snowboard - I used my HRM to record most of my Jillian exercises, especially the first few times to be as accurate as i can, but i always burned lots more cals doing BFBM than NMTZ so i think if i was logging from the database i'd use aerobics maybe instead of circuit training? How are you enjoying the 30DS? :smile:

    Sarah - Sorry you didn't get your workout in, but moving hay around sounds like a pretty good substitute to me! I too hate eating late, even if it is light it makes me feel all wrong! Looks like we'll both be starting our protein shakes this weekend - hope we both get great benefit from our shakes :happy: I'm sure breakfast will help with your workouts - I used to workout empty too but have taken to having a bit of fruit before and find it not quite as tough :smile: Great job with the RIP, not really sure about the shoes/barefeet thing, i have never felt able to do a barefoot workout - I think i need the support. Hope it helps if you do try :D Brilliant that you have lost a pound - I am everhopeful that eating more is the way to go - fingers crossed my experiment will also yield such results :happy:

    jmht - thanks for your experience with the protein shakes - I am definitely going to give them a go and will look at adding some powder to the energy balls too :D Sorry you are hating RI30 so much! Hope which ever you choose next is exactly what you want :D

    SMRFN - great job with BR, I'm sure you'll do great when you start week 7 on Saturday :happy: Are you noticing good results?

    Erin - I googled the 21 day fix and it sounds great - are you doing the nutrition with the little boxes too? I will be very interested to hear your thoughts and results :happy: Hope you enjoyed your run.

    Good start to the morning here - got up even though tired (DS awake in the night) and completed my fat burn x 2. Now i'm using the HRM again it is a bit disappointing to see how little the more strength type workouts burn calorie-wise ... but i keep reminding myself that the more muscle i keep/build, the more calories i burn through the day generally right?! Going for circuits 1-4 of NMTZ again later, I'm definitely feeling stronger - hoorah :happy:

    Hope you are all having a great Friday, Di :happy:
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303

    Di, your comment on the low calorie burn for strength is so spot on! While I havent invested in a HRM yet..I know the stregnth type exercises dont burn calories like running does..but I do have to keep reminding myself..more muscles will burn calories in themselves! LOL its such a hard concept to grasp.

    I tried half a banana this morning before my workout and while I still sweated and worked hard..I didnt feel exhausted like yesterday. Ate more too..and still same weight..huh..

    Have my day planned out, will be over 1300 cals..we will see how this goes.
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    Good morning! Started week 7 this morning. OMG! I didn't know your shoulders could cramp. It was brutal but I know I will get stronger. :)

    DLD53: I am not seeing a changes in my numbers but do notice my clothes are fitting better. Definitely looking more toned especially in my arms. If I would eat less, I know I would lose weight. So far I am liking this program.

    TX: how did the 1300 calories day go? I hope it went well.

    Snowboard: I would enter BFBM as circuit training. How do you like that Dvd? I like most of it but some of those circuits like my butt!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi Everyone :D

    SMFRN - Great job with week 7, i'm sure the strength will come on really quickly. Brilliant that your clothes are fitting better, so much emphasis is put on the scale but there are so many ways to measure success i think :D

    Sarah - I second the 'how did the 1300 go'? Hope you felt satisfied and it works well for you :D

    AFM - i've struggled for the first time in a month with food. Really wanted to eat loads this morning but managed not to, and did an extra walk this afternoon so burned a few more calories :D Interesting burn on my HRM today, yesterday's NMTZ circuits 1-4 burned 186 cals, today's NMTZ 4-7 burned 97! I know there's alot more mat work in the second half but i was surprised the burn was quite so low! Good job i did the extra walk :wink: One more day and i will have completed the first week of my experiment - toying with the idea of weighing/measuring on Monday to see - do you think it is worth it for such a short time?

    Hope you are all having a happy and healthy weekend, Di :happy:
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Interesting burn on my HRM today, yesterday's NMTZ circuits 1-4 burned 186 cals, today's NMTZ 4-7 burned 97! I know there's alot more mat work in the second half but i was surprised the burn was quite so low! Good job i did the extra walk :wink: One more day and i will have completed the first week of my experiment - toying with the idea of weighing/measuring on Monday to see - do you think it is worth it for such a short time?

    I wouldn't be able to resist measuring!!

    Isn't there a lot more strength moves in nmtz, which wouldn't show up on the hem anyway...from what I read on the forums.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Lucy - I think you are right that the strength just doesn't show up so well with the hrm - but i don't know how else to quantify it other than TDEE and it worries me that i might over estimate that! I'm going to weigh and measure tomorrow - i can't resist having a look, but will try my hardest not to let it affect my second week! Saying that i've not eaten as much as i should (down by about 300) the last two days ... sigh, getting it right is such a balance!

    How are you doing? Hope you are having a great day :happy: Di
  • CealR
    CealR Posts: 33 Member
    Glad to see everyone having a good time with JM! I've been silent the last week or so as I kept working through Level 3 of the 30 Day Shred, but today I'm proud to say that I completed it! It took me about two months instead of one, with a few setbacks, but I finished it!

    I was debating doing the Slimdown Challenge next, but I've been dying to try Yoga Meltdown for some lower impact strength training, so on Wednesday I'll be starting with a rotation of NMTZ, BFBM and Yoga Meltdown, rest and repeat! I'd like to keep going with this rotation until the end of May, but we'll see how I feel about it after the end of April if it's a rotation I feel like I can keep at.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning All :smile:

    Ceal - Brilliant job finishing the 30DS - such an awesome feeling to complete it, i bet you had great results :happy: Your next rotation sounds great, hope it really works for you :smile:

    How is everyone else doing? Lovely start to the day here, glorious sunshine so definitely hoping to get out for a walk with the children later - I'm on a rest day today so a bit of gentle exercise will go down well :happy:

    Well....I couldn't resist the scale this morning and the one week experiment results are as follows...

    Weight 132.7
    > 132.6
    Bodyfat (from scale) 29.5
    > 28.7
    waist 27
    > 26.75
    Mummy tummy 36.5
    > 34
    Under bust 30
    > 30.5
    Bust 36
    > 35.5
    L upper arm 12
    > 12
    R upper arm 11.2
    > 11.5
    L thigh 21.5
    > 21.5
    R thigh 21.5
    > 22

    Really happy that i didn't put on weight (although the part of me that has been dieting for 25 years was sad not to see it go down!) I averaged 1517 cals (highest day 1824 lowest 1175) MFP sets my maintenance level at 1580 so i guess that is pretty close! Very happy with the bodyfat % - i have never recorded it under 29 and i guess seeing that my weight hasn't really changed i must have less fat than last week! :happy: Not really sure whether to believe the mummy tummy is down 2.5 inches! Maybe i measured at a slightly different place (i just tried to make sure i was round the fattest parts) but i do think my jeans are a little looser so definitely some progress :happy: All in all pretty happy with it and am definitely going to continue for a second week and see where to go from there.

    Sorry that was a bit long, thanks for reading! Wishing you all a great start to your week :happy: Di

    ETA the right side of my body must have been working harder! :wink: