Just checked in! No loss...but no gain either! I guess I need to ramp up the workouts. Better than nothing! have a good day :smile:
Hi Everyone, I think I have it right. Here is the link to the weigh-in spreadsheet. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApjOvMXNrSmRdGM4Q2h5ZS1jajJPeVVhY2luaE5yWkE#gid=0 If you see errors let me know. Thanks. ALSO: If you were in the Winter Weigh in, I just put your last weigh in as your starting weight, but feel…
Hi All! I just checked in and I am down! So excited. I was unable to post last week, I was out of town for business and didn't have access to a scale at all as I was in a hotel for the whole week. I was doing my best to not gain weight while eating out for every meal, and I'm proud to say I didn't gain! It was hard because…
First off, a huge congrats to those making healthy choices daily and to those who've made the progress they want to make. That's awesome! For those who haven't been doing as well as they'd intended, you're not alone. I've really been struggling with portion sizes and getting enough exercise lately (however, I've found that…
So, two weeks done and staring week 3! How are we doing? How are we feeling? I am still maintaining pretty much, so seems to be going well. Keeping on track while dealing with Dh's chemo has been a challenge, but I am learning. He has food cravings when he can eat, and .i just have to either portion it out for myself or…
Week 1. If this is a new plan, you may be starting off really strong! If this is a continuation, or coming back to logging and being healthy, it may be more solid resolve. Where are you? What is your goal? What do you hope to get from a group challenge? I am about 15 lbs from my goal weight. Right now, my goal is to…
Hi there. I am a mom to 4. I need to stay accountable to myself, but it helps to have friends! I also love seeing my number change over time on a spreadsheet!