Important stuff will go here one day.
Free 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge Group on August 4
{Calling All Unhealthy, Crappy, Binge Eaters Out There!} And if your nutrition is O.K. but just needs a little boost and inspiration, this is for You as well!! ~ Please join us on August 4th, for a FREE 5 Day Clean Eating group, where you will be provided with a grocery list, 5 days of meal plans and daily nutrition tips.…
Working Out Is Cheaper Than Therapy!
I always said it and always will, WORKING OUT IS MY THERAPY!!! No matter how cranky, sad, upset or negative I may feel, I know for a FACT that I will feel much better after a workout. The serotonin gets released plus that feeling of getting off your butt and doing something good for You, makes such a big difference! After…
Do you workout at home or at the gym?
So until fairly recently I used to work out only at the gym. Few years ago I realized that basing my whole Fitness Routine on my ability to get to the gym, will Not be Realistic! I had 3 kids under age 3 and I needed to start looking for a program that will allow me to work out in my house. I know A Lot of people buy…
So you're not at your ideal weight by June, so now what?
So I moved to Ohio from the Sunny Miami almost 6 years ago and I thought I was O.K. with it. That is until I experienced our lovely Winter of 2013/2014. It lasted for soo long that I forgot what my legs looked like outside of my sweat pants! Yes I'm a stay at home mom so as cliché as it sounds I do live in sweat pants!! I…
Kids and Wasted Food!
I swear the amount of food that my kids waste can sustain a village or Ten! I know you're not supposed to make your kids clean their plates but I hate wasting food!!! So very often instead of throwing it away, I end up eating it myself which is not a good solution either. I've been trying to give them smaller portions but…
Nutrition Tips!
Feel free to share your favorite Nutrition Tips so all of us can learn something new!
What is Your biggest obstacle when it comes to Fitness?
I know many people struggle with creating a Fitness Plan that will fit into their lifestyle! However, I believe that if you make it a habit to work out, it will become Your lifestyle! What's your biggest challenge? Is it time, money or just lack of motivation? At times it can be a combination of many but if you had to pick…