New To The Group
New to the group and the MFP community, been clean and sober since June 2018. Is this group still active? Does not look like it.
New Member and Newly Sober
Hi, all! I'm Kat, 38, from Long Beach, CA. I'm currently 9 days sober and in an outpatient program five evenings a week. I'm sort of struggling with the AA program, which is what my outpatient program is based on, so I'm reading a lot of books about how to handle AA as an atheist (I'm not atheist, more strongly agnostic)…
looks like this thread has windled away.....Its Dec 2016. Lets get thru December SOBER
I was in a small group for getting thru November was a challenge type.....I'm here 95 days sober....I have my struggles like many do..Support ...understand is so important...Hope others see this and begin to post again!!!!!
Frustrated,Pissed, Tired...
I'm now 22 days sober but I'm always tired, frustrated and pissed off. I feel like calling in sick for the next 30 days. I just want to leave and find a quiet spot to be alone. Is this feeling going to get any better? Or should I follow my instincts and take a vacation from everything???
Sunday Reflections 09/14
Sunday afternoon/evenings are my favorite time to think about the past week and what I am grateful for, and the week ahead. The biggest thing I did this week was create this group, I truly hope it helps as much as I think it will. Hopefully you all had a great week! Bring on Monday!!
In The Rooms I can't say enough for this website. You create an account, then you can be as anonymous as you want, or as public as you want. There is chat, message boards, and LIVE CHAT AA/NA Meetings. For someone lazy like me, this site is great.
Privacy Questions
There have been some messages sent to me about the privacy of this group. Currently, it is public, and I will leave it that way until this group gets it's feet on the ground. Then, I will make it private. I know that a lot of you haven't "came out of the closet" so to speak when it comes to your sobriety, so if you're…