Important stuff will go here one day.
90 Mile Challenge
Size Healthy is going back to basics, WALKING! Yes we had to learn how to walk and it is very essential in your exercise regimen. It is also imprtant for your health. Walking buids confidence and mental well being, boost your immune system, helps relieve stress, improves flexibility of joints and muscles, lowers blood…
What do you eat before your workout and after your workout?
I eat a small piece of fruit before I workout and after my workout I try to eat high protein foods. I am a vegetarian so my meals consist of meatless meat, vegetables, brown rice, and beans. I have tried Tofu and I don't like it.
Is it easier to workout with someone or alone?
In the past, it was better to have an accountability partner so that when I don't feel like working out they can give me that push. I always let friends, family members, and/or coworkers know that you have started a new lifestyle. This prevents them from inviting me to partake in things that I can not indulge in, such as…
Why did you decide to change your lifestyle?
I was sick and tired of being in the state that I was in. I was tired of being out of breath or sweating through my clothes on a hot summery day. I was tired of not liking myself and accussing my husband of doing things that he was not doing. I was tired of dealing with me. There were a couple of times that I thought maybe…
What appears to be harder for you on your healthy journey?
Do you have an accountability partner? Do you have someone that is not going to let you live a sedentary lifestyle no matter what you may be going through? Well if you don't have one and you struggle with self motivation you need an accountability partner. You need someone that is going to hold you to the standard that you…