Important stuff will go here one day.
Are Eggs Really As Bad For Your Arteries As Cigarettes?
This week a good friend of mine forwarded me a link to a story from the LA Times that reported on a study that apparently showed eating whole eggs could contribute to clogging your arteries almost as much as cigarette smoking. Say what? Yeah, exactly my thoughts as well. That’s a pretty bold claim to say the least so I was…
How To Avoid Derailing On Changes With Your Diet
This is a piece I’ve wanted to write on for some time as it’s one of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned over the years while consulting personal training clients. There’s not a lot of talk about the mental side of sticking with dietary changes, but this is equally if not more important than the “how to” with what to…
The Ultimate Tool To Help Stick With Your Diet?
No this isn’t some new miracle breakthrough pill, supplement or anything like that. And no it’s not a shock collar to give you a little zap every time you pick up a piece of chocolate (although this could be effective…hmm?). But seriously, what I’m about to reveal to you could literally increase your likelihood for…
Advantages Of Burst Training Over Workouts For Fat Loss
What is the traditional health club workout like? Typically, you’ll find people doing aerobic exercise like the treadmill, elliptical, etc, or they’ll be doing isolated muscle specific, anaerobic exercise using free weights or machines. Some people may do both, but they’re typically not getting cardio and resistance work…
Mediocrity and Mal-ware are Everywhere…
written by John C. Ashworth I can’t be held responsible for your inability to act. I can do my best to inspire you, and to ask good questions that stimulate thoughts and actions. If you’re going to hold that tightly to your current behaviors and limitations, though, then I won’t be able to help you. As a fitness coach who…
Discipline Determines Your Destiny
Are there really any secrets to shedding unwanted body fat, getting fit, and improving your health? Some fitness gurus may not like to hear me say this but the answer is no. This isn’t to say there aren’t strategies that a knowledgeable and experienced coach can provide you, but real bona-fide secrets, nah not really. It…
Is Running Better Than Walking For Weight Loss?
I received this question from my “Ask Shane†page and the more I thought about it, the more I realized this is a really good question. There’s not a straight up and down yes or no answer so I’ll do my best to explain the factors you’ll want to consider. In reality both running and walking are effective means of…
New Artificial Sweetener Neotame Just A Spin Off Of Aspartam
I wanted to give you a heads up on a new artificial sweetener called “Neotame” that is making its way into processed food products. Food manufacturers have been pushing for alternatives since the public has gotten wise to the health risks of Aspartame. Well they’ve gotten their wish as NutraSweet, the original manufacturer…
Simple Metabolic Trick To Avoid Overeating
I received a question from a client recently that I thought would be a good subject to expand on as a coaching tip for everyone. Basically my client had a good understanding of what to eat and what not to eat and was staying pretty much inside the white lines. The problem is she was not losing weight despite being on diet…
How The Body Burns Carbs And Fat For Fuel?
This is a great question and one that I’ll try to answer without getting overly technical. Bear with me on some of the details but hopefully by the end of the article I’ll have simplified things for you. We’ll get into how your body uses both carbs and fat in energy production along with how this pertains to exercise. I…