Important stuff will go here one day.
New Challenge
They recommend 5 serves fruit/veg every day, i for one don't meet this. literally ever, oopsie lol! I would like to propose the following challenge: a minimum of 3 serves of veg (1/2 cup of cooked veg or 1 cup of salad) and 1 serve of fruit/ raw veg per day til next weigh in day x
weigh ins
I think I may have missed something along the way. Where, when and with you do we post our weights for the week? I like the challenges--they keep things fresh. Clever idea. Thanks.
My Challenge for the week x
Nice easy one this week people... Have noticed alot of us (myself included) do not drink as much water as we should. So my challenge for this week is for us all to try to drink the recommended daily water allowance. Lets see if this has an affect on weight loss at the end of the week! x
Challenge Week of May 7th!
My challenge for you this week: Fitness Workout Thru Exercise & Playing Do a workout that isn't a 'traditional' workout at least once this week, what the heck maybe twice this week: Minimum 30 minutes! In other words: Be a kids and PLAY (preferably outside) Go swimming for fun, dive for dive sticks. Race laps with a friend…
I am eager to know what our CHALLENGE for this week will be! Has everyone weighed in with MarieAutumn?