Don't be a douche. Debating is cool. Sometimes name calling is cool. You can argue if you want, but don't be douchey about it. Post pics of stuff, but remember that the group is not private. Don't break any laws, though. I reserve the right to delete *kitten*, kick you out, or make out with your mom. If you don't like it,…
What the forums look like today
Sorry for the crosspost but the Digesting the forums group is now private so it doesn't' update the news feed
My Boa Constrictor wrapped herself around my toddler...HELP!
So, I have a boa constrictor and I've had it for going on ten years now. Sinderella, my boa, has never liked my son Jake. She's ALWAYS been jealous of him, but Jake has also never really tried to warm up to her. So I have to say that they're really both at fault here. Well, long story short, Sinderella seems to have…
_skittybang raped my eyeballs with THIS
The real live **** your fake ****ing posts thread!
This trend is about as entertaining as anal fisures and friending yourself. Please. Carry on.
I didn't f*cking realize *kitten* would be censored out thread
I'll try again. You annoying c*nts.
Friday night! What are you up to?
Sean and I have started doing a little something we like to call "Frucked Up Fridays" -- we partake in various mind-and-body-altering substances while we cook together and listen to political TV. (party animals, I tell ya!) But anyway, I can't decide what to cook tonight, and my diary is already wrecked, so it's pretty…
Bring God Back to School
I have seen this sentiment a lot lately and I have to say that I am against it. The movie Back to School was and is a classic. C'mon. Sam Kinison? Rodney Dangerfield? Robert Downey Jr.? Kurt f*cking Vonnegut? I just don't see waht including God would do for a re-make particularly since most of the principals are dead.…
The H. Jon Benjamin Fan Club Thread:
Because I just tried to read the comments on my status and they disappeared... Bob's Burgers - awesome shiz, right!? Archer - well, that pretty much says it all. His voice is frucking jizz-worthy, and his rough exterior is kind of hot to me. I'm basically in love with him Did you guys see the season premier? That started…
All of this talk about birthdays makes me want to have a giant slice of cake - every single time.