Important stuff will go here one day.
Want to try again?
On ok...I ate and drank...shoot me
I enjoyed my vacay, I ate at the Jewish Mother (deserts to die for) and drank one night...mojitos. They were good, I admit. I worked out twice, ran in Va Beach and did cross trainer. But I watched what I ate yesterday and today. I am back and ready to continue. I say let's keep this up...a month is not enough.
2 a days
Okay, yesterday I did Boot Camp in the morning and then Hot Hula in the evening. I'm gonna try to do this as much as I can throughout the week. Tonight will be Hot Hula and then Cardio Kick. Who's with me on some 2 a days!!!???
OK let's do THIS
Those of us that have been doing Cardio kick consistently come back for more of the same every week. Ladies we CAN DO THIS. I have seen the improvement we have all made, and I am so proud of our accomplishments--as in coming back three times a week. We are MACHINES (to quote Wendy). I promise you, you come to this class,…
Cardio Kick calories burned calculator
Hey guys, when I first started kick boxing I noticed My Fitness Pal didn't have the calorie input for kick boxing. So I went online and found a calculator by Self Magazine. It seems to be pretty consistent with other sites I checked, however I generally reduce the amount burned by 50-100 just to be safe. Here's the link:…
What exactly does this challenge entail?