Relatively light people trying to get leaner
One of the threads on the main forum that really brought me to a lot of people's attention was titled 'relatively light people trying to get leaner.' I started it in response to a slew of questions I was receiving in my inbox from light people who were at wits end and looking for some guidance. This thread is going to…
Nutrition Fundamentals
A while back I started writing a manual. My intention was to cover everything I had in my head at the time regarding things such as nutrition for fat loss, muscle gain, performance, exercise programming for various goals, the mindset of success and expectation management, etc. Needless to say... I stopped short of…
An objective look at low carb dieting
Here is the crux of things in my opinion. Anyone saying that building a better body and better health is solely about calories is very misguided. Obviously a calorie deficit comprising nothing but gum drops and jujubes isn't going to promote leanness and health as well as a diet comprising lean meats, abundant veggies and…
Resistance Training Tidbits
Please note that this is directed at the beginner. Resistance training programming can be a very complex subject. The intent here is to arm novices with the 'need to know' information so that they can get started on the right foot. I will be breaking various topics up by post... this way we don't have one monster long post…
Who is Steve Troutman
Here's the bio from my website: Steve Troutman has dedicated his career as a personal trainer and strength coach to doing what’s in his client’s best interest. Placing a premium on simplicity, evidence-based guidance, and personalization, he has spent the last decade helping his clients reach their goals safely and…
so many choices which is the right one
Ok I don't know if anyone else has asked this one yet but I am going to go ahead and ask anyway. First of all I have not done any kind of "legitimate exercise" in a while now. so I guess my question is multi process... I am getting back on track again after a long hiatus from seriously healthy eating (ie: counting calories…
Opening a new community
Hey everyone. I wanted a fresh face and fresh mission... so I started a new group. If you want to check it out, please head over here:
Lean women with a post meno pot
Question for you Stroutman: This relates to your thread about lean people trying to get leaner. As a trainer, you've obviously had a lot of experience in helping people get towards the fitness level and body shape that they desire. I'm curious about what your experience tells you about how it all works out for the *older*…
Anyone still around these parts?
If so... maybe we can try to revitalize this community. Let me know.
What values do you have that are at the core of your fitness pursuit? Put differently... why are you here?
Hi Steve, Just kind of curious as to how you personally define "fitness" Is it a number on a scale or what a persons body fat percentage is? Is it how fast someone can run a mile or how many push-ups they can do? Can a person be obese, but fit? Just wondering what I should be focusing on other than weight loss. Not exactly…
BI is on Facebook
Hi everyone, I just wanted to extend an invitation to the BI facebook group (or page or whatever the FB lingo is) I'm going to start ramping up activity on the page since I never really did anything with it. I plan on discussing everything from training and nutrition to psychology and motivation. I'll also do my best to…
The Now
If you say you’re going to do something in your life – DO IT! Follow through. Commit. Things worth having in life require time, patience, diligence, and consistency. Only applying yourself when it’s convenient isn’t going to cut it. The difference between those who thrive and those who don’t is simple – those who thrive…
Being present & managing expectations
New post up on the website:
Can I get some clarification??? Please...
I am getting ready to start a Weight Lifting program, The one that I choose is the "New Rules of Lifting for Women" I have a bit of confusion... The charts show the exercise next the workouts 1,2 2 sets 15 reps 60 sec rest: Workout 3,4 2 sets 12 reps 60 sec rest : Workout 5,6 3 sets, 10 reps 60 sec rest : and finally…