Another fine day in the neighbourhood.
I’d like to say my weight has leveled off but I can only say that if a 5lb swing is acceptable in the ‘leveled off’ category.
I have been on Ozempic for 16 months with growing uncomfortable side effects. I didn’t realize it at the time, but the bowel cramps I was feeling, almost daily, intensified month over month until critical. I met with nutritionists and have begun some serious food intolerance plans of action. It was a month into this process when I realized that food intolerance plans were not going to be helpful in discovering why I was having intense cramps if I didn’t hit pause on Ozempic at the same time.
So I stopped Ozempic with my last sit being Feb 15th 2025. By Feb 20th I had become pain free. Interesting, I thought. Another week went by and still no cramping. Ok then, I thought. Back to food intolerance plans.
I had eliminated beef, egg, cows milk and went gluten free. Not too tough a row to hoe but not my usual for sure. I didn’t mind alternative dairy but I miss my eggs and beef.
Over the last 4 days I have sampled all of the food eliminates and no pain emerged. I had steak, butter, eggs and ice cream. No problem. Was Ozempic the only culprit? Well, ask me in a months time.
Happy eating!