StealthHealth Member


  • <shrugs> I've been fasting for years and I only occasionally fast for 16 hours. I'm not aware that there is club that demands 16hrs + to be "proper faster" but maybe the're keeping it secret from me because I'm not hardcore enough for them? Seriously - There is nothing magical that happens after exactly 16 hours of fasting.
  • Yep, pick a duration and place that eating window wherever it works for you. I eat to a 14:10 pattern most days.
  • You should be eating the same calories as you would if you were eating all day. In other words, if your target (to lose 1lb per week) was 1700 cals then you would eat your full 1700 cals during your feed window. IF is a way or eating that some people find helps with compliance rather than "a diet".
  • I weight daily and use Happy Scale (IOs app) to track a moving average. I often see a 1kg "gain" after high exercise/high salt/higher carbohydrate days.
  • So it looks like if you want lower carb but higher fat dark is the way to go.
  • Dad bod: "I go to the gym occasionally, but I also drink heavily on the weekends and enjoy eating eight slices of pizza at a time." But, to me, those three guys in the picture: * Don't look old enough to be dads * Don't look like they ever go to the gym <shrugs>There are some things I just don't understand and I'm fine…
  • Acupuncture is, in my opinion, pseudoscience and has no clinical benefit over placebo (except for pain management where I think there are studies that show benefit) but is certainly not a diagnostic tool.
  • Hmm yes - I messed up there and I've just researched the MFP database and it seems that the many entries for the 85% cocoa solids bars are all over the place with respect to the carbs and fats (although the cals seem consistent). I'm at work so can't check on the packaging :( but I'd assume that in reality, the dark…
  • Depends what you mean by macro friendly but 85% Chocolate has less fat than milk chocolate: figures below for 25g of Aldi chocolate... Aldi - Moser Roth (Correct) - Finest Dark Chocolate 85% Cocoa, 25 g (1bar) Cals 165 Carbs 8 Protein 3 Fat 13 Moser Roth - Finest Milk Chocolate, 1 bar Cals 141 Carbs 13 Protein 2 Fat 9
  • I use IF - I'm a fan of it for dietary adherence. But, my searches of studies (limited to human, iso-calorific studies only) didn't yield any benefits over other eating patterns.
  • Woo. By the way, what are you seeing your acupuncturist for? Highly unlikely. I would recommend that you follow your GP/ENT specialists advice only.
  • to echo what has been stated above: Pick a decent lifting program and follow it. Aim for about 1 hour in the gym, four times a week for your lifting. (You may wish to add other days to work on other goals such as cardiovascular fitness or agility) Creatine - good idea and generally there seems to be evidence that it is…
  • How hard its it? I'm not going to lie, it's pretty hard. Usually the last area to go for men and there isn't a food you can eat/not eat or an exercise that you can do that will preferentially speed up belly fat loss. :(
  • I sometimes track these sorts of events but really more out of interest than anything else. Like you, I enjoy a curry, so on the relatively rare occasions that we go out for a curry meal (all home made curries are tracked - and significantly lower fat than those bought as take-aways or at a restaurant), I'm most likely to…
  • Take a read of this thread - Pick a program and get to it.
  • It's the same molecule though. It is just that the commercial aspirin that you buy in the pharmacy will have been synthesized. This, means that it would be much, much cheaper than one extracted from a plant source, but also, would probably be more pure (lower impurities profile) since to clean up extracted plant material…
  • @kshama2001 Agree the OPs issue is under eating. re Abstainer or a Moderator article. My opinion from my own perspective (and I am aware that I am probably falling for the "People can be surprisingly judgmental about which approach you take. As an abstainer, I often get disapproving comments like, “It’s not healthy to take…
  • Posting @supaflyrobby1 's excellent reply from over on the thread (which discusses the same study)
  • Eat slightly less of "what you want". The all or nothing mentality of "I must eat clean" and "no candy or junk food" is probably going to mean that you feel deprived. This is likely ot lead to failure in the form of an all out binge. Do the least possible to start a slow weight loss.
  • I'm not that big but I am very picky about my work clothes and I do need to be careful when shopping for shirts. I buy off the peg but pick a higher end brand (I'm UK based so tend to go with Charles Tyrwhitt, Thomas Pink, or T.M Lewin) which sells in collar and sleeve length, then the very talented MrsStealthHealth will…
  • Food is food. It's not clean or dirty, it's not good or bad. Drop these labels, set calorie and macro targets that will move you towards your goals. If there is a food that you crave or enjoy then ensure that you fit this into you diary every now and then.
  • ^^This Use MFP to set a moderate deficit. Hit your calories on a daily basis (but don't get stressed if you mess up) Don't exclude foods that you like - just make them fit your calories Exercise if you want to - it's not a requirement for weight loss (but it great for health)
  • Eating fatty foods doesn't make you fat - eating too many calories makes you fat (you could have a high fat diet and still lose weight, for example). So, the fat in the chocolate your ate didn't become your body fat but the excess calories (of which the chocolate was a contributor did). RCN guidance for Women is age…
  • Wedding in May and you're ordering the dress in November? That is one hell of a lead time - I would suggest that the dress supplier (if made to measure) could easily work to a 3 month window - even allowing for a month for alterations (very, very generous) you'd be looking at March 2018. For pseudo-off the peg (as per most…
  • I over-pronate and choose a neutral shoe. These are often branded as "cushioning" or "supportive". I'm on Nike Lunarglide (2 or 3 I think) Flyknits at the moment.
  • Thanks for this. I'd skim read the study and frankly I was stunned by the findings because (I'm not great at this stuff), I couldn't understand the mechanism that they were proposing. It's a very interesting piece of research and, as always, more research required but all the same. Wow.