Daisy253 Member


  • Low on weight training days, like level 1 up to 3. Much much higher on non weight training days.
  • Surplus, just using it to increase steps on weight training days really and wondering if I just shouldn't. I go for more resistance/ incline/ intensity on other days.
  • Weight training 1hr in the am and elliptical 1 hr in the pm. Yay or nay?? Will the cardio impact muscle growth and recovery??
  • Still the same as before with strong curves 4 days a week, but i split the exercises into upper and lower days because it helps my recovery. I walk between 85 and 100k steps per week in general life and do a boot camp class once a week. I usually take 4 days consecutive rest once every 3-4 months just to recharge.
  • Yes it still looks like I am maintaining at this stage so I am still upping cals to see how far I can really go and i am actually finding it really nice that I will find my proper tdee and bulk numbers finally!! I didn't take a planned deload, my body just seemed to decide now is the time. I suppose I just don't know how…
  • Hi everyone, so my next issue seems to be that as I raise my calories my strength is suffering???? Have had to drop my weight on most lifts this week ( by quite a bit) as I just can't handle the same loads I was lifting 3'wks ago?? Any wise words for me lifting peoples :)
  • I hav I have bumped up again to 1900 this week, still no gain in weight but my appetite has gone through the roof and I am hungry all day, in fact I think my body fat level has dropped and I am see more definition in my top abs so will confirm this at next pt session.
  • I drink rum with coke zero 30mls of rum is 70 calories. I am pretty sure most spirits are the way to go but someone correct me if I'm wrong!!
  • Perth, Western Australia. I am a vet nurse, run my own dog grooming business, plus I also instruct horseriding and pole dancing lessons on the weekends! (Not together lol)
  • Ummm, looking hot for my husband = more bedroom action :) all the motivation I need!!!
  • Not beer but RUM.... Love it!!!
  • Thank you :) Seems I am on the right path then. Our stories are similar, I can only workout from home but have a pt once a month to keep on top of my form. Been lifting since jan 2014 so a yr less than You, hoping one yr gets me to where you are today. I do add different lifts to keep it interesting and change the rep…
  • Hi barbell girl :) amazing progress, your my inspiration. Seeing your original post made me really try to knuckle down and get to where you are now. I started off looking much like you did in your first starting post and have the same body type. Unfortunately for me I am not doing something right :( I haven't made anywhere…
  • Not as such, it's leg day with emphasis on the glutes. I do make sure I lower the hip thrusts slowly and it burns at the time under tension. I know DOMS is not an indicator of progress really but It does feel good when it happens!!! Thanks for everyone's replies. Will keep on going and see what happens over the next few…
  • Thanks everyone :) I have bumped my calories again to 1850, will sit with it a few weeks and see what happens. Mmmmmm more food yum!!!
  • I'm from the perth hills!! Love it here!,
  • I burn out and lose weight very quickly at 1600 cals, that is definitely not maintenance for me. Thanks Nancy, I have put my details into scoobys, for lean bulk it says 2134 or something close. I suppose I just wanted some insight into what the range in cals can be amongst similar height woman, over 2000 cals seems scary…
  • There is some great advise in this thread. I have just gone through the same thing, I was too scared to eat more and had been weight training for a yr with no results. I was 110 pounds and skinny fat. The minute I bit the bullet, upped cals and really focused on my weight training I started seeing the results I wanted. See…
  • Another update. Calories up to 1750 and BAM I have progress!!!!! Body fat has dropped and muscle definition is starting to show through, I don't think I look skinny fat anymore and I have a butt!!! Woohoo. Eating more rocks..... I say that as I eat yummy cookies and cream icecream :) I have more energy, feel stronger,…
  • My replacement for ice cream is not calorie friendly but delicious and good for you. I could eat this 5 times a day. Steel cut oats 45g 175g vanilla low fat yoghurt 1/2 tsp cinnamon 10g goji berries 1/4 cup blueberries. 310cals Mix together and put in freezer for 15 minutes. Oats soak up the yoghurt and get soft and icey.…
  • So, quick update!! I upped my calories to 1650 and feel so much better for it. Lifts have gone up in small increments this week and I have been able to add more reps to some exercises!! Also, not sure if it's just my perception but I feel like I have dropped some fat all of a sudden. Not sure if it was the lower cals…
  • Thank you soooooo much for that!!!! This group is awesome. Funnily enough today I wrote out my plan for the week and did distribute the ab stuff over my other workouts, will stick with that. Ok, taking photos today for yr comparison. Will bring cals to about 1650 and monitor from there. I can see that I was looking for…
  • Thanks for all the response!! My lifts have gone up by about 13kg over about 3 months, except for bench as for reasons stated above. I am adding another 5kg tomorrow see how that goes. I am weighing and measuring all foods or go by labels and divide into portions so I am pretty sure I am tracking as closely to correctly as…
  • Hi all, I am following strong curves but have split the exercises into lower one day and upper the next sort of thing, still same exercises but I find recovery better if I work this way, And I added an ab day myself. I can only work out in my home gym and on my own so unfortunately no spotter for me to improve my bench at…
  • Great job everyone!!!! Traciemc, love the doggie, I have a male, he is awesome :)
  • I usually mix it up a bit but mostly in the 6 to 12 rep range with 3 to 5 sets of each lift. Once I can easily do 12x5 that's when I add more weight.
  • Ok!! Not as many reps but not far off. Will do another session at 37 then up to 40 after the pt session. Thanks for asking :)
  • Thanks everyone, I have booked a session with a personal trainer who is also a bikini competitor just to check my form and give me a better plan to work with. Depending how the first session goes I will probably continue once a month or when else I can afford it. Have taken some more photos so will update with pics and…