BlueFlameLotus Member


  • Hey everyone, after a few years of trying to figure this out, this has been the most insightful information yet. For women bio hackers, you may want to understand the infradian rhythm, and why intermittent fasting and HIT may have the opposite effect on the body. If done consistently and at the wrong times in the month.…
  • What is the most reliable method in your opinion? The reason I chose the polar chest strap was because of the comparative research on accuracy that was done within a sports science lab. Because everyone is different I just don’t think the standard data bases are a reliable number either. In regards to people eating back…
  • Just curious if any of you above use any HRV monitors to track your exercise? It sounds like some of you type in how many minutes you work out into a standard database. When I do that it’s often off by many calories sometimes more sometimes less. I don’t find the database accurate enough to rely on. I have found in…
  • Thank you all. It seems to be a consensus on your replies. Eating less. A scale will be helpful albeit not as convenient as measuring cups and spoons. Almond butter is a sneaky culprit for sure. For me it seems patience is the name of the game because all of a sudden it’s working. I think I hit a plateau that I needed to…
  • The type of yoga I do is a rigorous ashtanga flow. It feels balls to the wall. As does my barre class. My instructor was a drill sergeant.
  • IF schedule is something I mostly follow as well. I don’t sleep more than 5 or 6 hrs a night, and it’s often interrupted. So perhaps sleep has something to do with this conundrum??
  • Thank you all. I use measuring cups but not scales. Tracking ‘mostly’ diligently on MFP. I also use a polar chest strap and wrist band to track my day and burn rate. I’ve heard tweaking macros can help and I wonder if my carb protein ration needs refining. I hear increasing carbs and also increasing protein decreasing…