Would eating more help?

I’m 45 5’8” 167lbs. Trying to lose 10lbs which was easy to maintain for years when I was free form dancing a couple times a week. Then 2 years ago after getting married I started eating refined carbs like my husband and I gained almost 15lbs!! I’ve quit all of that now. I work out with yoga, barre, and high rep low weights 4-5x week burning 300-500 a session. I regularly burn 2500 day even on my no work out days. I eat around 1300-1800 day. Sometimes I splurge on refined carbs but mostly veggies, berries, healthy fats, big salad, almond butter, and fish with some rice here and there. Been doing this for months I haven’t seen much progress. Anyone have insight?


  • JesseDP00
    JesseDP00 Posts: 367 Member
    Agree, you should check your calorie burn, I can't burn 500 calories an hour unless I am balls to the wall running the whole time. Also check your calories consumed - unless you are weighing and measuring everything you eat, you are likely eating more than you think.

    I agree, and plus when you go ALL OUT on a huge cardio session, you tend to overeat afterwards to a degree. I'm able to curb that using a good IF schedule, I eat no earlier than 9:30am and NLT 7:00pm, helps tremendously!
  • BlueFlameLotus
    BlueFlameLotus Posts: 9 Member
    The type of yoga I do is a rigorous ashtanga flow. It feels balls to the wall. As does my barre class. My instructor was a drill sergeant.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,011 Member
    The type of yoga I do is a rigorous ashtanga flow. It feels balls to the wall. As does my barre class. My instructor was a drill sergeant.

    I do have experience with Ashtanga. It's not in the cardio database, but when I put in your stats and "Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort" I get 606 for an hour, so don't have an issue with your 300-500 per session. How long is the jumping around part, and how long is it total?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    its really easy to eat more than you think. like today my protein bar which is supposed to be 60g a bar was actually 69g. I gained weight back after I lost it not weighing my food. Iwas using measuring cups and spoons. I did a google search and it brought me here where everyone told me to get a food scale and weight EVERYTHING. I started doing that and I was shocked at how much things can be off weight wise,that means extra calories in most cases. once I started weighing everything the weight started coming off again.

    almond butter if not weighed can be more calories than you think. a teaspoon/tablespoon can actually be twice the amount if weighed compared to using a spoon. what you perceive to be a teaspoon/tablespoon is really a lot less than you think. a half cup of oatmeal is 40g, if you use a measuring cup even the half cup size it will be more than 40g its over 50 if memory serves me correctly. everything adds up over time. at first it worked for me but then the pounds came creeping back on.