crazyDogLady61 Member


  • I forgot to caption the photos. The first is my daughter (my oldest). The second is my granddaughter (my daughter's girl). She was the flower girl for the wedding. Someone asked how long.... Three years in total. Started in January of 12. First 50 came off easy, but then I gained 15 pounds back the next year. I found MFP…
  • I've been AWOL for a while due to the chaos at work, but I wanted to pop in and thank the group for helping reach and then stick to my goals! I went from a size 16 to a 4 and am doing a damn good job holding there. I went from not able to run a mile to cracking out 6 miles three days a week. I love yoga! Anyway, this is a…
  • I can't believe how far behind I am again. Hugely busy weekend but did have time to do a good brush out on both dogs. They look marvelous. Sally W Oregon loo
  • Good afternoon dear ladies! Work is still a hectic mess. I wrapped up one project and jumped on the next one, but now am totally befuddled. They are now calling three different products the same name with “x”, “pro”, and “no name” versions. I can’t find a cheat sheet, my contacts are out today, and no tools are playing…
  • Good afternoon dear ladies! You are one heck of a chatty group! I have a couple of hectic days and you are already 5 pages into the next month! No way I can catch up on the individuals, but I really do wish all of you with real difficulties in your life the strength to get through the dark times. I wish a welcome to the…
  • Good afternoon dear ladies! MA in UK: Howdy from an American Dog Obedience Junkie!! Let’s work on excellent Heelwork together. One of my goals is to get through an Open run and lose not more than ½ point in the heeling. I did it once in Utility but the heeling pattern is shorter. It takes a 1000 miles of repetition to get…
  • Good afternoon dear ladies! Katla: Thanks for the Nordstroms suggestion for the MOB dress. I have three possibilities bookmarked on their site waiting for the thumbs up from my DD and her godmother before I order them. They have a great return policy, so I will just order a few sizes and then return the rejects. Jb in…
  • Good Morning dear ladies! Kim: I’m a little late to snack suggestions, but I’ll add my two cents anyway. When you get back to the car after the hike, I would try to have something “protein-heavy” and/or something to drink before you drive off. It could be cheese sticks, chunks of turkey, chick breast, hard boiled egg.…
  • Ok. There is beautiful rays of light highlighting a lovely dog.
  • What more could anyone ask for in February?
  • Good Morning dear ladies! I hope all are well and staying warm. Sylvia: The beagle who won Westminster is a really nice example of the breed. There used to be a Mixed Breed Dog Club of America. I sat on the board of the Oregon club and was Trial char for the Tracking portion of the National Specialty one year and Chief…
  • A bunch of friends and I are planning a “Naked Lady” party. Everyone cleans out their closet of stuff that is too big, too small, whatever and brings it to the party. You are welcome to anything that anyone else brings. Two of us have lost a ton of weight. A couple have gained weight. Two have been cleaning out their…
  • Good Morning dear ladies! Pip: You and your DH make a cute couple. I took a PiYo class on Saturday morning. The Instructor was a “newbie”. We are not his first group, but we are just his second. This is the first time we met as a group. We are a bunch of older dog trainers. I’m the only one who has already been exercising…
  • Run free dear Mildred. Know that you have truly been loved.
  • Good afternoon dear ladies! Pip: Teaching your own class is a rockin’ idea!! You will have so much fun. The boys are so cute all snuggled up together. I’m pretty sure my two have never, ever done that. They have never particularly cared for each other. Red: So sorry about the spat. Hope things have cooled down and you two…
  • Good evening dear ladies! Pip: Yogi is just adorable in the way that only a Lab can pull off. (A wet collie is NOT cute!!) Cherys: I live “sort of” in the middle of nowhere. I am not completely comfortable running or walking alone on my road. The houses are less than a quarter mile apart, but many of them are set way back…
  • Good afternoon dear ladies! I wrapped up a milestone on a project, so I thought I would steal a minute of time to “visit” with you again. Since I mentioned carting with my dogs, I thought I would send a link to the CCA (Collie Club of America) page on carting with your collie. (It is a pdf file.)…
  • Good day dear ladies! SelenaP63: Welcome! The best way to handle the “nutty, on-the-run” blocks of days is planning. Package up things for meals and snacks tonight. Little snack bags with 1oz of nut or dry cereal or whatever you might want to eat. (One of my favorite emergency foods in peanut butter filled pretzels.) If…
  • Good afternoon dear ladies! Sylvia: So glad to see you home. Take good care of yourself. Pip: You take care of yourself, too. Hope you feel better soon enough to eat your regular food. 600 is not going to do it for someone as active as you are! Heather: Please keep up with the travel posts. It sounds like so much fun.…
  • Lisac195: One more thing you can do, is to check you MFP reports. Compare when you were losing weight to all the possible charts you can. Was your protein higher? Maybe higher fiber? Could be you were eating more fats? Knowledge is power. It might be just the little piece of information you were missing to get yourself…
  • Good day dear ladies! K2boxlady and Lisac195: There is nothing magical about 1200, but for the AVERAGE woman, that is the bottom number where you can get enough calories to maintain with no exercise. It is the number, that when you drop below it, your body will shift into starvation mode. It is also a number where it is…
  • Good Afternoon dear ladies! Kalezme, Yodee, Funnygirl4000, Sweetiepie_again, and any other newbies I missed welcome! You will find this a great supportive group to help you with this lifestyle change. (DIET is a four-letter word!) Sweetiepie_again: My baseline calories is 1200, plus I get to “add back” some for exercise…
  • Good Evening dear ladies! I am yet again stuck at work tonight trying to unravel a mess with one of my classes. The data is doing really flakey things and I will need to get some help. One of our experts in the UK should be into work in a couple of hours and maybe he can point me in a better direction. Janet: to get the…
  • Good Evening dear ladies! I am stuck at work tonight trying to unravel a mess with one of my classes. My virtual machine is running so slow that I have plenty of time to kill between operations, so I have time to chat a bit. The bright side is that I think I have at least the data part of the problem “unknotted” (and found…
  • Good Morning dear ladies! The word for today is GOOOOAAAALLLLLLL!!!!! I hit my goal weight this morning. I hit the goal of 500K steps for January. I hit the goal of running 40 miles in January. I broke through the 5K running barrier (3.22 miles). I sure hope the rest of the day stays on this path. I’ll try to post more…
  • Pip: I’m planning a trip to downtown Portland this weekend, specifically to get some decent running shoes and if I can’t find a good running store in the hometown of Nike and Adidas USA, I will never find one. I was mostly looking for some insight before I made the purchase. The toe shoes are interesting, I know I lot of…
  • If you don't have the calories, dump the pasta and sub with a big pile fresh of spinach or kale. That will fill up your plate and I bet it drops 100 calories from the meal.
  • Good afternoon dear ladies! I knew there was a question I really wanted to pose to the list… To all the runners out there: I bought pretty good running shoes when I started increasing my exercise. The shoe was comfortable when I bought it. Reasonable amount of room in the toe box for both length and width. I’ve been…
  • Good afternoon dear ladies! Red: Welcome! You are one heck of an exercise inspiration. Can I play the 500 miles in 2015 with you? I am still only 4 weeks off the C25K program, but have learned to really enjoy running. 500 miles sounded so huge, then I thought about it for a minute. I am already trying to get at least 40…
  • Good afternoon dear ladies! Katla: How are you clothes fitting? Have your measurements changed? If no change then the weight gain is most likely muscle. You just joined a gym, correct? Normally they will offer a fitness evaluation as part of the package. At least have them check your body fat% and see it that has changed.…