

  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Oooh! Such a talkative bunch! I LOVE it! Just got back from the gym... which means I've actually worked out 4 out of the last 5 days. When I log it in it puts it all on a calendar and synchs MFP and my Fitbit with it-- it inspires me to continue! Now, I need to get brave enough to try a class... I hate to be the newby - the one who doesn't get it! I think I'd get a lot out of it though.

    Jeannine, I have the 30day shred and I like it, but I have a hard time making myself do it! Also, I hate how she says there's no modification for jumping jacks. They absolutely kill my knees...

    Katia, I had the same problem with Zumba! All that twisting kills my knees! It is so sweet of you though to figure out a way to continue so your friend will! Plus, it's great to go to the gym with a friend. My DH goes with me (or maybe I should say I go with him!) Saturday morning, but all my other friends work full time! Trying to make the satisfaction come from within and not from others.

    It's cold and sunny here. Our inch of snow has melted.
    Have a happy day!

    Tammy in Va Beach
  • Red94568
    Red94568 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Ladies! New to this discussion group, not new to MFP. Last year in mid March, I decided it was time to get serious about my health. Sure, I've always been serious, but my attention was easily swayed to the finer things in life. A close friend was diagnosed with breast cancer, and being supportive, and seeing what a positive attitude she had, I started stepping 10k a day, up to 15k a day after a few months and even let my friends convince me to sign up for a half marathon to walk it on Oct 5th.

    March 2014 started walking 10k steps a day, turned into brisk walks 4-5 days a week, paced at 18-19 minute miles. On days I couldn't get my walk on, I rebounded to get my steps in.

    June 2014, I decided to try jogging so I could work up to be with my friends. Did I mention that I turned 50 this year and have NEVER been a jogger? Or that I'm a size 14/16 at 5'5" with about 60 lbs I'd like to drop? So, I downloaded mapmywalk, from couch potato to 5k, and hit the streets! I also started logging faithfully in MFP. By end of June, my pace was down to 16 min miles!

    In July, the real training began for me and I pretty much gave up sugar and wine and put my heart and soul into my training. Keep in mind that I was working out and logging food all along and was at or near my food goals through now, I just ramped it up! My pace was at 14/15 mins a mile and I was feeling good!

    August through Sept I con't to work my butt off and was down to 13/14 mins for a 5k and 14/15 for 10 miles. I was ready! My friends are 10-12 min babes, so all of my training was done solo too.

    Day of Marathon I survived..... barely at 15:02/mile, and even after we cried, showered and praised each other for our success, walked a 40k step day! Whew! I accomplished the hardest physical thing I've ever done in my life! I've danced, lifted weights, skied, jazzercised and walked for years, but NEVER was so physically challenged! Then.... I weighed myself.

    6 lbs lost in 3 months of faithful logging, and 6 months of solid exercise! I was never so disappointed in a number in my life! The numbers don't usually bother me because I've always weighed more than others my size due to the muscles from dance and weight lifting, but geesh!!!! My doc is also 50 and says its normal for us 50s babes. Ugh!!!!

    Oct 2014 was a month of crazy work schedule and not having any of my own time, so I fell behind in both my eating and exercise. Then the holidays came and on Christmas I got off my butt and got serious again. Sure I ran or rather slogged once or twice a week, but my will was lost. Guess I was more disappointed than I thought!

    Ran (or slogged) a 15k in mid-January at 14:44 mile, so not all was lost! I decided at that point to focus on 2015 being MY year. I've dedicated myself with my Team Sloth to doing 500 miles in 2015, and privately to lose a reasonable weight of 20-25 lbs. I'm back to slogging/elliptical 3x or more a week, with an avg of 10-15k steps a day.

    And, so, here I am! Since I slog alone and it's gotten tougher to do alone, I figured I could get involved in a support group of like minded babes who understand the 50 thing!

    Happy Hump Day!

    Dublin, CA, USA

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Red - welcome to this site you will love it. I have gotten a lot of support and helpful information since I have been here from the first of the year. I had the same issue with thinking that I was doing all the right stuff but no weight was coming off. Then I started MFP and counted every calorie an exercise and the weight has been coming off at about 1 -2 pounds per week. Then I hit a plateau during the holidays and had a few binges here and there. The good news is I lost over 25 pounds in 100 days. The people on this site consider this a journey and lifestyle change and not a diet. Good luck to you. It sounds like you are determined to make a difference in your life. You will get all the help and support you need from the lovely ladies on this site.

    Mary from Minnesota

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi, all, sunny and chilly here, 33 degrees with a little breeze.........not going to get much warmer but the sun makes it all better. Made it to the gym this am after a talk to myself about how much better I would feel.........and I do.

    Krieter and others........."Hunger is not an emergency" came from Heather, I just adopted it as I was so enamored with the truth of it and it just "spoke" to me.

    Cynthia.........Thanks for the book suggestions!!! I think my fav will always be "The Art of Racing in the Rain" for dog books.

    Karen.........."Aisle rage"...........yup, been there!!!! Never had a name for it before.

    Joyce.........I love places off the beaten path.......there's a lovely place out that way named Goshen Pass Natural Area Preserve which led me to those areas. I was thrilled to recognize them in the articles I read.
    On the deviled eggs and the large amt. of calories from Miracle Whip........I add some sweet pickle juice and about a half tsp. of Frenchs mustard when I mush up the yellows........cuts down on the Miracle Whip, then when finished I sprinkle with paprika.

    meg......Quite a victory!!! I was soooooooo happy when we were done with mortgage payments.

    Heather.......Love that adorable pic!!!

    Red........Congratulations!!! Amazing!!! Good for you. I am one of the people doing the timing at your finish line (albeit on the other side of the country!!!) and saying "Good Job!!!". My daughter has run since she was 6 so early on I ended up getting drafted as a volunteer with our local running club.

    I confess I'm having trouble keeping up with all the new posters........plenty more words but out of time!!!

    Hello and best to everyone I didn't mention!!!!

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    I got "Hunger is not an Emergency" from a book called The Beck Diet Solution. On my Kindle. Very good for those who have trouble keeping their commitments to themselves. :flowerforyou: Deals with all the excuses we make! :laugh:
    Mind you, I would slightly change that to "Craving is not an Emergency" . Cravings do tend to pass. Hunger not so much. I suffer from hypoglycaemia so it certainly can feel like an emergency, though it really isn't. I must say I can tolerste hunger better these days, but take care to have strategies to deal with it ( v low calorie food) if I am starving.

    Heather x x x
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Red94568 wrote: »
    Ran (or slogged) a 15k in mid-January at 14:44 mile, so not all was lost! I decided at that point to focus on 2015 being MY year. I've dedicated myself with my Team Sloth to doing 500 miles in 2015, and privately to lose a reasonable weight of 20-25 lbs. I'm back to slogging/elliptical 3x or more a week, with an avg of 10-15k steps a day.

    Hi Red. I slog along at 20 minute miles and only go about 2 miles! And that is some walk and some slog. I'm in week 3 of couch to 5k. I'd love to be where you are. So thanks for the hope that I can get there! Wish we were closer so we could "Slog" together. :)

    Diana in Northeast Indiana
  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    Quick tip I heard: keep a travel size bottle of mouth wash handy, like in the kitchen/ powder room.
    When done with meal or snack, swish mouth wash before getting into leftovers or more snacking.
    I liked this idea and so far it has worked. I take a drink of water first, though.
  • k2boxlady
    Hope this works.

  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Good afternoon dear ladies!

    Red: Welcome! You are one heck of an exercise inspiration. Can I play the 500 miles in 2015 with you? I am still only 4 weeks off the C25K program, but have learned to really enjoy running. 500 miles sounded so huge, then I thought about it for a minute. I am already trying to get at least 40 miles a month, so 500 is just 20 more miles over the year. Wow, that is an achievable goal. I’ll add it to my tickers! (Actually I just replaced the January ticker.) I started at the same place you are (5’5”. 14/16 pants, and at least 70 pounds more than I wanted to be). I’m just 2 lbs away from my goal and wearing 4/6 pants! I did the weight loss and now trying to re-build muscle or at least increase strength. That wasn’t intentional, just the way it happened. Hang with us and we will try to help you with the eating part.

    Katla: I hear you about Zumba. I watched a bit of the class a couple of weeks ago and rejected it out of hand. No way would I do that to my knees. Heck I am super careful during yoga not to torque the knees funny or hyperextend them.

    Mary from MN: I love data. I use MFP as my cockpit. It tracks all the food. I do lots of “what if” experiments with my food to make smart trade offs. Sometimes it’s volume. Sometimes it’s trying to get more protein or fiber. I have found some extremely low calorie meals that satisfy. Found some other meals that I thought were “friendly”, but they were more calorie dense than they appeared. The digital food scale is a must! I’m pretty good at eyeballing 100 grams of most things now, but still sanity check with the scale. I love my up24 and its app. I think that the extra calories that it gives me for steps and yoga are pretty accurate. I find it highly motivating to hit my 15K steps. I also have it set to buzz every 20 or 30 minutes of inactivity. When it buzzes I will either do 10 or 20 chair squats or go take a quick walk through the halls. Finally, I use the MapMyFitness app (runkeeper) to track/log my runs and give me calorie credits. I don’t think it does a good job for other exercise (a little generous on the number of calories it gives back). The cool thing about MapMyfitness is the challenges it offers. I find them highly motivating.

    Pip: 3 hours worth of spin classes!! You are amazing!!

    Drkatiebug: That was so funny!!! Love the picture!!

    CP: The little voice in your head should start to be a little more persistent about the exercise. Then you will be ready to hear what it is saying --- just don’t jump in too hard or too fast so you don’t get either sore or frustrated.

    Gosh used up most of my lunch time replying! Nothing too exciting here. Got my run and walk in this morning. I need to find some different running tights. I got the winter ones and they are wonderful, but it is already getting to warm to wear them.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.

    My Ticker Factory tickers went belly up. I’ll try these for the month of February.





  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good afternoon dear ladies!

    I knew there was a question I really wanted to pose to the list…

    To all the runners out there: I bought pretty good running shoes when I started increasing my exercise. The shoe was comfortable when I bought it. Reasonable amount of room in the toe box for both length and width. I’ve been running consistently for 12 weeks, logging about 100 miles of running and at least that much walking in these shoes. They still have enough cushioning, but I think the sole only has another month or so on it. After all that, here is the question. The shoes suddenly felt “short” my toes hitting the front while I was running this morning. When I get my next pair of shoes, should I be looking for a little more length? Do feet “spread” after running a while?

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts or insights.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.

    My Ticker Factory tickers went belly up. I’ll try these for the month of February.






  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,817 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. It is another beautiful day here. Upper 60's. Sounds like that is to change and we could get some snow this weekend. After today I am off for 5 days and we are planning to go to Cedar Rapids, Iowa to see DSS and family. Our DGD is having her 1st birthday and going to celebrate that and have Christmas with them. DSS text his dad at lunch today and told him they are planning to have DGS#2 baptized at church on Sunday. Glad to be able to be there for that, but not crazy about the church. We went when DGS#1 was baptized. Minster sent us a letter after we got home saying they were praying for us and would be willing to help us get right with God. What???

    Auggie--Welcome and I have a fitbit and love it. I have a DGD that checks it out everytime she sees me and tells me how much more I need to walk for the day.

    Sylvia--love the colored fingers. Can't say I like beets, but sounds like a healthly snack. I got the joke. Good one.

    Katla--lyour plans for your knee sound like very good ideas to keep it safe.

    Meg--Happy Dance!!!! What a great feeling that must be to be mortgage free. Are you enjoying this beautiful weather? Going to be almost 70 here today. I am working alday, but thats ok. Have Bible study this evening so thinking we should walk. I am not surprised about snow this weekend. We have been very lucky so far this year. We are leaving Friday morning to go to Cedar Rapids, Iowa for the weekend. Going out to DS's and have Christmas with them and celebrate DGD's first birthday.

    Judy from PA--The important thing is not to give up and keep coming back here.

    Michelle--you are such a great friend, fixing all that food and helping to take her to the doctor. Wish I lived closer so when I am sick you could cook for me. LOL

    Toni in Tenn--Congrates on the loss. Keep it up!


    Heather--Love the picture.

    Jan--Welcome, you have come to a great group for freindship and support. Come often.

    Terri in Texas--I know one thing that really helps me is to admit this is a lifestyle change and for the rest of my life. So find myself making better choices.
    Well ladies stay safe and remember One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    Sorry I got cut off again. Even though I tried to cut and paste from a Word document. I just wanted to put this out there for some of you ladies that have been here an accomplished your goals. Us new people have given you insight to our struggles . But, I was wondering if some of you would mind sharing how you were successful in accomplishing your goals. And maybe some of the tools that you used.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

    wow mary, I could write a book on this. I don't know where to even start.
    - didn't do ANY fad/crash diets, that's including weight watchers, jenny craig, etc...
    - cut out fast food, soda of ANY kind (even diet, never liked the taste of it anyway) and junk food. did it cold turkey.
    - started taking the stairs everywhere, NO elevators
    - unfortunately, I didn't have any girlfriends to workout with or to talk to. my then man friend supported me and helped me out by not "tempting" me into eating stuff that he knew I shouldn't have
    - even when I DID NOT WANT TO go workout, (tired, long day, just not in the mood, sick) I went anyway. once I put my headphones on and the music got me going, I ended up forgetting on how much I didn't want to be there to begin with
    - i'm a runner and a bicycle rider - VERY IMPORTANT*** when I run, I listen to music that is to the current pace that I am running, this way I HAVE to stay on the beat of the music,
    i do the same with walking or skipping when i started.
    - drink water - obviously...
    - i didn't beat myself up if i fell off the wagon.
    - when i joined mfp i had already lost a lot of weight, i started at 198 and had gone to 150 something and i had plateau'd even while working out 2 times a day and all. i made a bet with myself to try this site an WEIGH and COUNT calories and log EVERYTHING (i hated weighing and counting calories with a passion) and wouldn't you know it... i dropped the rest of the 35lbs that i was trying to. sooooo.... counting cal. does work, weighing stuff does work.
    - i weighed myself at the same time of day, wearing the same thing (nothing). i got a heart rate monitor to see my TRUE calorie burn so not to guess at what i was truly burning.
    - when i was down, i didn't obsess on the scale, i found that when i started i was loosing inches first b4 i started loosing weight.
    - **IMPORTANT** the reason i never did "diets" is because they don't work. whatever it is that you do, as far as eating, etc.. it's got to be something that you will be happy doing for the rest of your life. that has always worked for me.

    that is just SOME stuff. hope that helps

    that is just some stuff off the top of my head.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    Good afternoon dear ladies!

    I knew there was a question I really wanted to pose to the list…

    To all the runners out there: I bought pretty good running shoes when I started increasing my exercise. The shoe was comfortable when I bought it. Reasonable amount of room in the toe box for both length and width. I’ve been running consistently for 12 weeks, logging about 100 miles of running and at least that much walking in these shoes. They still have enough cushioning, but I think the sole only has another month or so on it. After all that, here is the question. The shoes suddenly felt “short” my toes hitting the front while I was running this morning. When I get my next pair of shoes, should I be looking for a little more length? Do feet “spread” after running a while?

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts or insights.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.

    you need to go to a store that is for running... i don't know if you have sound running stores over there but they check your gate and ask you questions to determine what running shoe would work for you. i haven't worn tennis shoes for about 3 or so years now, i run in vibrams.. did my half and full marathon in them

    , c2tg9sy89the.jpg
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Good afternoon,

    welcome.gif Newcomers. Glad to see others are finding us. We missed you.


    Heather great picture.what a doll!

    Dr.katiebug what a hoot! rofl.gif

    Northeasterners hope digging out is not too painful. Careful with the shoveling and take lots of breaks. The hardest part for me when that happens here is where do you put all the snow. Intersections need more care too because it is hard to see. Here they put rods on the fire plugs and ask residents to make sure they are clear. I have also gone out and cleared snow from the storm sewers because when it melts there needs to be a place for the water to go. You have my sympathy.

    Taking it easy after the busy day I had yesterday.

    2015 word: Strength
    Just because you see the hook does not mean you need to bite.


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    The joke of the day was stupid, so I picked an even stupider one off the readers digest site. This is supposed to be real questions that real lawyers have asked in court:


    “How many times have you 
committed suicide?”
    “Were you alone or by yourself?”
    “Was it you or your brother who was killed?”
    “Without saying anything, tell the jury what you did next.”
    “Was that the same nose you broke as a child?”
    “Now, doctor, isn’t it true that when a person dies in his sleep, 
he doesn’t know about it until the next morning?”


    Have a great day everyone!


    Sylvia, I have seen this joke before and I believe it could have happened. I laughed then and again now. Thanks for sharing. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday here and done my 2 mile walk for 287 cals and 6860 steps. Next week I have to take it up a notch and do walk/race-walk intervals. ( used to do race-walking in Veteran Athletes). Later is jeannettes Circuit B (back, Bis and thighs) = 468 cals total
    Food = 1601

    My pension Advance is in bank so treating myself to upgrade of FitBit Charge HRM. I deserve it

    Next month I am treating myself to NEW shoes, Mine are Jillian's K-Swiss and getting a little worn. Going to a Sports shop for advice for a walking shoe, I like

    One thing Brian said was my Centrum vitamins were TEN times too low and to switch to Ethical Nutrients Super Multivitamin. To take EN vitamin with breakfast and Centrum with dinner until used and then EN at breakfast and dinner. I AM noticing I have far more energy now.

    Mildred beagle had a broken night's sleep last night. I am NOT looking forward to her dying in the least. NO more dogs after her

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Pip: I’m planning a trip to downtown Portland this weekend, specifically to get some decent running shoes and if I can’t find a good running store in the hometown of Nike and Adidas USA, I will never find one. I was mostly looking for some insight before I made the purchase. The toe shoes are interesting, I know I lot of people swear by them but I’ll stick with the “puffy clouds” for the time being.

    Lesley: So sorry to hear that Mildred is fairly poorly. Beagles have their own special charm. Also sorry that you are not planning on having another dog in your life. They bring so much joy even though their lives are short.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.






  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Auggie214 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm Joan from Salt Lake. I just joined MFP yesterday and am still trying to get the hang of it. I love that we have a place to talk to others in the same (fat) boat as us! My husband and I started going to the gym and working out about 22 months ago. Up until September I had lost 95 lbs and still had 20-30 more to go. We were eating good and I felt very strong that I could continue on and finish losing the weight. We took a road trip in September and one thing led to another and I've gained back 20 lbs. since then. Threw my clothes away as they got too big because I didn't want to go back there. We're just now getting back to the gym but I no longer feel strong about my diet. I want to get back that "I can do this attitude" and continue my weight loss journey. I'll be watching for any good ideas you come up with and sharing any info I come across along the way.

    Is anyone impressed with a Fitbit? Been thinking about getting one.

    Joan, I didn't see where anyone answered your question about the fitbit, so here goes. I resisted for quite a while, because I could never get into wearing a plain pedometer. I finally got the fitbit flex and love, love, love it. It gives me trouble with charging occasionally, but not if I clean it with alcohol like the directions say. It really does motivate me to get my butt out of the chair and move some more. They did not have the one with a heart rate monitor when I got mine or I would have gotten that one. I'm not upgrading unless someone I love dearly wants the one I have, because it was too expensive. My sister has the one that clips to your bra, and she likes it better. I don't think I would. I like the convenience of the wristband. The only time mine comes off is to shower and to charge it.

    Oh, and welcome to the 50+ forum. It's a great motivator.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    dog lady - yeah i understand about the tennis shoe thing, that's why i couldn't really give you good insight because i don't use tennis shoes... i have heard if you run a lot, they are at their optimum for 1 year. when i used to use them, i learned a lot from the sound running store that i had gone to.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    someone was talking about running 500 miles i think in 2015.... i never added up the miles that i ran last year, (never was trying to attain a certain distance or goal) and it looked like i did 340.18 miles... i guess i ride ALOT more than i run... lololol