

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Thank you all for the greetings and salutations for my birthday and anniversary. Your friendship lifts me up all through the year, and this week, you outdid yourselves. :smiley:

    The de-cluttering examples on this thread made an impression on me. I have spent two days tackling cabinets and files in my home office. My poor shredder overheated a few times from overuse. :lol: Liberated my office of two huge hefty bags of old documents and junk. Also assembled one of those closet units which holds the cute cube-shaped bins. So a lot of what I used to keep in tidy piles under my desk, now resides in a bright green bin. I’ve read enough about feng shui to know that the energy flow is much better in that room now. Will be interesting to see if it makes a difference in my creativity, production and earnings.

    Meg: I am so sorry for your knee pain. My left knee was scoped for what the MRI showed was a torn meniscus. However, once inside, what they found was a piece of cartilage known as the plika. They removed it, and with therapy, the knee is 85% restored. I wear an elastic support whenever I exercise and try to baby it whenever I feel any twinges. Lucky you getting a NEW phone!

    Katla: Sounds like you’re having a good experience trying new exercises. So impressed with your riding prowess. Good to hear that DH is improving with PT.

    Kim: Glad you found a shirt for your Super Bowl gig. Can’t beat that price!

    Michele: How great that you got a call from Bryan and got to talk with Diana. I’m sure your pet pill popper will be a welcome gift.

    Toni and Margaret: Spelling someone’s name correctly is high on my list as a show of respect. Margaret, you take the prize for dealing with difficult names with genuine grace. I’d love to hear how you sing kids names.

    Heather: I would be over the moon excited to be traveling to Sri Lanka. I always eat with the locals on my trips. I’ve been many places where I can’t remember what we did, or what business transpired, but I remember an outstanding meal.

    Susan: Hello and welcome. Come back often and tell us more about yourself. Sorry about the loss of your Labrador fur-baby. Many of the ladies on this thread have pups in the family. You’ve found the right community.

    Jeannine: Weight training was a foreign concept to me until about a year and a half ago. It did not sound appealing AT ALL. The only thing that did resonate was hearing that your burn more calories at rest when you have more muscle. So, a year and a half ago I found a personal trainer through our community center, and I am so, so glad to be on a program that is reshaping me as well as making me stronger. I also cut back on carbs, especially anything with wheat, and the scale is moving.

    Diane in Ottawa: LOVE the names of your cats. Where did you take the picture boogie boarding? It’s one of my favorite things to do.

    Vicki: Congratulations on GGC #8! Blessings and hugs to you and Hunter Collin.

    Allison: Good luck at the bird store.

    Patty: Welcome. Keep coming back. We’re all on the path to get and stay healthy. It’s more fun and interesting with friends.

    Beth: Well, that just stinks that you went to the trouble to prepare a lesson and had nobody show up. But at least you have it for another time.

    Yanniejannie: Glad you made it back safely after taking the scenic route back from vet school. I’m notorious for that kind of thing.

    Terri: Glad you’re feeling better. Stay well.

    Pipcd: Happy bday to Yogi.

    Barbie: That was an amazing comeback by the Seahawks. Will we get a picture of you in your knit hat?

    Eileen: Bravo for getting your new printer set up. I just did that over the holidays and still smile whenever I click ‘print’ and it works!

    Robin: Easy to see why love Bodi boy.

    Jill: Where have you been? Wonderful to see you back here.

    Colorado Foothills

    January goals with progress to date:

    1) Keep to under net 100 carbs per day > accomplished all but 2 days
    2) Try a Zumba class at the gym at least twice > Done!
    3) Keep my MFP streak alive through Jan 31st > Still going
    4) Savor more, guzzle less. This aligns with my word for 2015: Mindfulness > grading myself a C.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. I had a nice post written and poof away it went!

    Thanks to everyone who has written about their good surgery results. I was prescribed a knee brace once a few years ago and went to 3 medical supply places and no one could fit me. At the time I was a 2x pant, so you can't tell me I was the biggest person they ever saw, but no luck at any place.

    I am a poop today; having tons of pain, so I won't stay long.

    Welcome newbies!

    JFenner! So glad to see you again. I thought maybe I scared you off when we went to brunch LOL. You have been missed.

    Well take care everyone. Meg from Omaha where the weather was wonderful here; no need for a snow-eating Chinook.....no snow in sight here!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello again. We just got home from Joplin, and I'm pooped. After we dropped off the pedestals we went by the new hospital that they built to replace the one that was destroyed in the tornado 5 years ago. It's set to open in March, and boy, is it big! Hubby was annoyed that they have TWO roundabouts at the entrance to that thing. He hates roundabouts.

    Then went to SAMs club and got some stuff and while we were there had some pictures printed from my smart phone and his flash drive. It was fun deciding what to print. I printed a really funny shot of hubby riding my bicycle and wearing my helmet (both too small). Then to Pet Smart to buy the dogs their night-time treats. At bed time they get yogurt drops, which they will do ANYTHING for, and we had run out. They do not understand, "sorry guys, we are out of those tonight". We were getting some bad stink eye last night. Tonight there will once again be peace in the bedroom.

    Tomorrow I'm going to visit an old pottery friend at her place over in Missouri, then she and I are going to lunch and to the clay store in Springfield. It should be a fun day. I haven't seen this friend in years. She actually got somebody to take her shift at work tomorrow just so she could spend the day with me. That was nice of her.

    I found out through Facebook that my younger brother's daughter just had a baby with Spina Bifida. It's so sad. Poor little thing. My brother moved his family to California years ago and kind of cut off contact with the family - our mother was a cruel and difficult woman - so I hadn't seen or talked to him in many years. I remember his daughter as being very sweet, though, and she has not had an easy life herself. My sister, who has periodic contact with our sister in law, says the baby is paralyzed from the waist down and probably always will be. I had no idea what Spina Bifida was, and was horrified when I looked it up. My brothers picture was on Facebook holding the baby and both my sister and I said that we wouldn't have recognized him.

    Our family is not close. Sometimes I wish it was different. I had to move away too, to survive my mother, so I understand why things are the way they are. My sister is the hub of what's left of the family. She keeps me up on the news by phone once a week, and now by Facebook. My baby brother lives in Texas, and he and I talk occasionally. I have an older brother in Wichita. We speak at funerals and things, but don't go out of the way to get together. A lot of it is me, I know. I should try harder.

    Well, enough of that. I'm going to bed early tonight. Gotta take the kids to school tomorrow.

    Good night!

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    It's been a busy day for me with laundry and yard work. I've gotten all my beds in good shape and ready for the spring flowers. Come on warm weather. Actually it was 73 here today so I stayed outside for 5 hours. Spent 3 hours helping DH pick up pecans so I got lots of unstructured exercise today. Too tired to do any thing else. Since it took me so long to catch up I'm just saying to everyone, Keep on Keeping on.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    *Meg, I really laughed at your patient named Placenta Rose, because I had a friend that used to say, “some of these mothers have a baby and when asked what the name is, they just think of the hospital and say, ‘placenta’ or ‘x-ray’.” It always made me laugh and I thought she made it up. But guess not?

    *pip, that picture of the lab is just “too stinkin’ cute”. And I am picky about my babies’ collars too.

    *Leslie, you are doing such a great job. I know you must be proud of yourself. You will put the rest of us to shame when the pounds start falling off. Way to go!!

    *Michele, I think that is a great thing you did with the icing. I’m trying to learn that putting a few things like that, down the garbage disposal is doing more good than giving it to DH, who could lose a few pounds but doesn’t even try.  Good for you.

    *Susan, I think the baby steps add up to giant steps. I try to do spot exercising while waiting on things around the house. Mine are often just arm exercises but I think I’ll try the counter push-ups. Thanks for the idea and keep it up.

    *yanniejannie, I know those mountain roads can be challenging. Glad you made it safely. Sending good thoughts about the interview. Now for the wait.

    *Heather, are you living in there house or are they living in yours. The only reason I can see to “ask” if your friend could come over, is if it involved them doing something. It’s fine to take the tongue lashing, but I just don’t see where you were wrong. It’s not like they had to cook or anything. Just MHO.

    *Terri / MLK, congrats on your loss. Isn’t it fun to win in a win-win. Way to go but stay healthy.

    *Anne (Toronto), 17 pounds in 7 weeks? That’s terrific! I guess it’s not a blue Monday for you. Congrats!!!

    *jodios, good for you. We are all with you to do this and you can.

    *ok, Leslie, I’ll bite. What is toad-in-the-hole???? Sorry but it doesn’t even sound good. Lol

    *Sally w, I am tired just reading about your walks and runs. Way to go. I can’t imagine having the energy after moving the 50 pound bags. I’m impressed.

    *carolsmoo, *pbgd,*laurieg, *Catherine, and any newbies that I missed. Welcome to the group. I’m sure you will find it very supportive and pick up lots of good information as well. We are happy to have you with us. To help us remember you, please put your name and location at the bottom of each post.

    *My coffee maker is on my kitchen counter. I really have no other place to put it and it is used every day. I give myself the excuse that it makes it look “homey”. Lol
    The 3 pair of new (smaller) pants that I bought for the cruise all had to be hemmed. I have finished two of them. The third pair will be a challenge because they are peg legged. I may have to do a really small hem in them and I hesitant to cut them off until I am absolutely sure it's right. But I’ll figure it out because I don’t want to pay $10 to hem a pair of pants that I only paid that much for on sale.

    I love this group and all you wonderful ladies. Wishing you all good health and lots of happiness.

    My word for the of the month is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Not that the thread isn't long enough, but I just had to share this from a long time friend of mine in Milwaukee:

    When I was ready to check out and pay for my groceries the cashier said, "Strip down, facing me."

    Making a mental note so I could complain to my Congressman about this security crap, I did just as she had instructed.

    After the shrieking and hysterical remarks finally subsided, I found out that she was referring to how I should position my credit card.

    Nonetheless, I've been asked to shop elsewhere in the future.

    They need to make their instructions a little clearer for seniors.

    I hate this getting older stuff .

    Have a great day, my friends.
    Janet in Myrtle Beach

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Jfenner and MA– welcome back!!!

    Laurieg933, Catherine, carolsmoo – welcome

    Cynthia – yeah crazy hun, but true! And I knew she had spent more than she really could afford… it was so sad..

    Jodios – just comment when you connect with something, and tell us about you!

    Lesley – what is toad in the hole??????????????????

    Sylvia – you did what you did to be able to survive – families are sometimes toxic.

    Ok Gals I need some help - I have a cast iron dutch oven that I use to make candy, and last time I used it, it left little black pieces in the toffee… I had loaned it out between uses… so I don’t know if it is burned on something, or they did something to the surface… grrrrrrrrr So what can I do to make it all better??? It is the only cast iron pot I have so I am not up on exactly the way to handle it… steel wool?

    January goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Sally, congrats on the 30,000 steps

    smiley-sport033.gif]Anamika, loved your blog about your run....you amaze me.

    smiley-happy110.gifRori, I don't know about a picture of me in my knit hat, but it turned out bigger than the last hats I knit for myself so it fits over my new blue tooth headphones (not ear buds) that I now have for walking.

    smiley-happy020.gif I got up extra early to take my friend to the hospital for a procedure. I was able to take a 40 minute walk outdoors while she had the procedure...the nurse phoned me to tell me to come back when it was time for the doctor to talk to my friend about the result of her procedure and discharge directions because she was so doped up from the meds.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif19,000 steps today

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    My quote for 2015 (and the last five years)---The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Janet in Myrtle Beach, He He. Toad in the hole is "sausages in Yourkshire pudding batter, baked in the oven:. Was NOT good lol
    Thanks for telling me Martin Luther King Day. Knew had to be a holiday somewhere. English pension will be in bank tomorrow.
    All grocery shopping done.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Where has the day gone to??

    Well, I did 2 segments of "Fit in a Flash" DVD (about 15 minutes), held my plank for 2 min 40 sec and then took the extremepump class. Then took the donations from the church to the soup kitchen and I was shocked to find that they were closed! People are hungry, regardless of the fact that it's Martin Luther King day. Came home and then went to bowling, came home and prepared dinner. Mahjongg tonight but one gal asked me to come early. I'd taken her to Charlotte for her post-op eye appt, and Vince took her for her appt, another friend took her for her surgery. She gave us each a bottle of wine and a box of cereal.

    Tomorrow's plan is to do Gin Miller's Simply Interval DVD. This is another new one for me so I'm not sure if it's all step or what.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to take the food to the soup kitchen, then go to the post office to mail some packages, then go to ceramics and put at least one coat of the clear coat on my ladybug, then the nominating committee has a meeting. I suspect we might meet for lunch at Panera. Better check their menu just in case.

    - good for you getting that printer set up but sorry it doesn't fit in the cabinet.

    Took some of the cake made with avocado to mahjongg tonight. No one could tell there was avocado in it.

    - making good use of your time doing those push up while the water is microwaving. that's the way to go

    - have you ever tried holding onto weights while doing a pushup or a plank? that would probably take pressure off your wrists. Swankytomato had a good suggestion -- do your plank on your forearms. that's the way I prefer to do mine.

    Vince packed up a box to send to Denise tonight. Had I known that he was going to do that, I would have made something for her.

    - I tell people (jokingly) that I married Vince for two reasons. To get someone to warm my feet at night and to get an easier last name!

    Diana - congrats on improving your time

    Welcome everyone new!

    Jfenner - welcome back! Come back often

    Terri - congrats on the loss

    MA - welcome back!

    - I agree, cry if you must with your friend, that'll mean so much to her

    katla - I'm sure the lady who taught that core training class also worked your back. You need to work the opposing muscles, too, and I'm sure she did

    Sorry this is so short, but not much time tonight.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yannie, I am not used to a small choir. I'm not used to huge choirs either but our little choir has quality! In my old church we had about 30 but the men didn't know how to read music at all and few of the women did either. They were mostly the support voices that any good choir needs. One time our city had an evangelistic crusade here and we had a joint choir of all the interested churches here. I imagine there were around 300 of us and it was marvelous.

    Sally, last night when I was putting fresh litter in the cat litter box, I was thinking about how heavy it is for me to move across the floor. I know when the time comes that my husband dies that my habits will have to change. Even though he has heart disease and Parkinson's it doesn't hold him back from doing the really heavy lifting around here. But there is no way I would get the 40 pound box of cat litter in the house. There is no way I would be able to take it from the store shelf to the cart. He always said with his family history of the age of death of the male members that he will die at about 70. And he doesn't take care of himself except walk every day. I admire you for carrying all those heavy things. You are like my daughter Michelle. She hauls around her dogs 50 pound bags of dog food all the time. And with 3 big dogs in the house she goes through them quite frequently.

    Allison, how did your appointment go at the bird store today?????

    Sylvia, there are many degrees of spina bifida. My brother has adopted a man with it and he is fully functional. He does wear diapers and I have no idea whether he can have sex or not but he sure is a nice guy.

    My only encounter with 'locals' in a different country is when we went on our Carribean cruise. My husband had taken some R&R in Puerto Rico so he thought he was an expert and so we took our own tour. We really enjoyed sitting in the taverns and getting to know the locals there. But that is nothing like Sri Lanka. Puerto Rico is part of the US.

    Charlie has his physical tomorrow. I go to every single appointment with him. But I am trying to let go and give him his independence so he is going by himself. He was nervous about it tonight.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Carol- Fantastic fun exploring a new park and so convenient for you. Strolling with someone you love is therapeutic.

    Terri - Sounds like you are on track to get the money from your work contest. It is doable. Keep at it.

    Lesley - I haven't used a Jamie Oliver book but my grandson ( 12 yrs. old) is a big fan. He got a recipe book for Christmas and I have volunteered to be a trusted tester.

    Thank you all for telling me to just get through the tears and call.
    Our snow is gone here now. (for a little while at least)
    Tomorrow I am going for eye brow reconstruction. I am excited and a little nervous. I haven't had eye brows in so very long. DH gave me the gift certificate for Christmas.
    Thank you all for being here
    -Sharon in Lethbridge
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited January 2015
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    My friend who taught sheltered social studies to non-English speaking students did home visits as part of her job. One family served tongue to her (she is also vegetarian). She said it was the hardest thing she had ever done in her life to eat that tongue, but they considered it a delicacy and spent money they probably couldn't afford to serve if to her. it would have been a huge insult to refuse it.
    I do understand this. My guy and I once had lunch at an Amish family's house, which is pretty unusual, and I did eat what was put in front of me that time.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,809 Member
    morning ladies~
    Guess what? got the job at the bird store.. it is only on sundays and only for 5 hours at 10.00 an hour.. DH told me to take the money that I make and put it my savings account..
    so that is what I will do.. hours are 11-4 so not horrible.. can still go feed DFIL and get some food in the oven for the DH..
    I havent been exercising and getting between 7-8,000 steps in.. I have to step it up ,but have not really figured out what to do.. maybe I will take Marys offer of an exercise bike and put it here in the family room so I can watch the news in the morning
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hey Allison, congratulations, and extra congratulations that you "get" to keep the money! I'm proud of you and happy for you! :flowerforyou:
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    Good morning on this Tuesday Jan 20th!!! :D

    Today is a menu plan day for me. I have not been very good with "healthy meals". I have been watching the calories however the nutrition is lacking. I just hate the shopping because of the grocery bill.

    Enjoy your day everyone.


  • BJRDmom
    BJRDmom Posts: 21 Member

    Diane in Ottawa: LOVE the names of your cats. Where did you take the picture boogie boarding? It’s one of my favorite things to do.

    Poerava 14 - Rori Thanks, the name of my cats betrays my fondness for ice cream and anything sweet:-) The picture was taken in Barbados. I love to get away from the snow and cold for a week every winter. Where was your beach picture taken?
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Good morning!

    Today's Agenda: clean up the kitchen, mop up from Sunday's birthday dinner for DIL, go to dentist (which I detest), buy chicken for the POM, and maybe a trip to Costco to pick up a few items.

    Was very tired yesterday as I had to take DH to an outpatient procedure. He got me up at 2:30 AM to help him get ready. He then slept all afternoon but I can't sleep during the day.

    I will try the plank on my elbows. My core is the most awful thing about my figure. Carry most of my weight in the middle.

    Everyone have a great day.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,095 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good Morning,

    Janet loved the story of the strip and face me.

    Alison congratulations on the new job. Sounds like a perfect fit.

    2015 word: Strength

    Quote: Just because you see the hook does not mean you have to bite.

  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Good morning,

    Janet loved the joke, I can related to the understanding instructions.

    Beautiful day in TN, I hope to get out and walk while it's nice.

    Have nice day.